Chapter 27: The Nobility

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Estelle grunted and stabbed her sword straight through the training dummy's heart, wrenching it out again in hardly a breath. Straw flew through the air, and she huffed some stray hair out of her face as she whirled, slamming Solatanzta's razor-sharp blade into the dummy's shoulder. She pulled back, slicing through the straw and spinning again, aiming for the neck. 

Another sword met hers before she had the chance. She looked up, annoyance already on her face, when she saw her mother standing in front of her, a practice sword in her hands. Estelle instantly straightened, lowering her sword. 

"Mother!" She said, nervously brushing her loose hair behind her pointed ears. "I didn't hear you come in." 

Aelin raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. A feat in itself with the blade still in her hand. "What are you doing, darling? Shouldn't you be preparing for Odette's party?"

Estelle stabbed her sword into the ground and crossed her arms. "Odette won't care if I show up sweaty and dirty. She just wants presents." 

Aelin rolled her eyes. "Odette may not care, but I will." She leaned forward and looped her hand around Estelle's wrist, her other hand pulling Solatanzta out of the dirt. "Come on. You were excited about this a few weeks ago!"

Estelle grumbled. "That was before I had more important things to worry about, Mother." 

Aelin handed Estelle her sword, and she sheathed it without complaint as her mother led her back towards the castle. "You can spare one day for your friend." 

Estelle groaned, but it was half-hearted. "Must I?" 

Aelin squeezed her arm gently, smirking. "Yes. You must. We spent an arm and a leg on your dress." 

Estelle couldn't stop her smile this time. It had hardly made a dent in their royal funds, and they'd done the dressmaker a favor. Once news got out that the royal family had bought from her, she'd been so drowning in work Estelle hadn't had the chance to request another. 

Which was a shame, because her work was simply divine. Although her mother was notorious for her lavish tastes, Estelle sometimes wondered if she was worse. Though it didn't seem like it at first glance, Estelle had a very refined style, and she loved things that were unique and beautiful. Aside from her mother's love of music, it was one of Estelle's favorite things they had in common. 

Estelle squeezed her mother's hand in return as they walked arm in arm into the castle. "Fine, but I'm only coming to make you and Father dance with me."

Aelin laughed. "I'll gladly save you a dance, darling. Just make sure you force your brother to save one, as well." 


Estelle smoothed the folds of her sage-green dress as she entered the ballroom. There were so many people. She'd thought Odette had requested a smaller party, but apparently, she'd changed her mind. 

Estelle glanced down at the box in her hands. She wondered if it was too late to go to her room and wrap one of her many necklaces instead. Or just go back to training. 

"Estelle!" Estelle looked up at her name and saw Odette walking towards her, Daniel on her arm. Odette let go of him to throw her arms around Estelle's neck, and Estelle laughed as she returned the embrace. 

"You look absolutely beautiful, Odette," Estelle said, pulling back to admire her friend's shimmering grey gown and matching white opal combs. "Happy birthday." 

Odette beamed at her, brushing her silky onyx hair behind an ear. "Thank you. Have you seen this place?" She glanced around, blushing slightly. "There are more people than I thought there'd be. I don't even know most of them." 

Estelle smirked. "I bet Lysandra invited them." 

A court favorite, Lady Lysandra certainly knew her way around the nobles. Estelle supposed it didn't hurt that she was a war hero, either. She was notorious for knowing everyone, even people she sometimes claimed she'd met only once. 

Odette rolled her eyes. "I bet you're right." She turned and took Daniel's arm again, smiling up at him. "Shall we go greet my other guests, dear?" 

"We shall, Milady." Daniel saluted to Estelle, then turned and led Odette off with as much noble pomp and circumstance as she'd ever seen. Estelle waved after them, a slight smile on her lips. 

Although Daniel was the son of a Terrasen noble, she'd never in a million years have guessed how infatuated he and Odette would be with each other when she introduced them. Odette liked to claim it was love at first sight. Estelle didn't believe that was a real thing, but looking at the two lovers, sometimes it seemed as if it might be. 

"I still don't like him." Estelle turned at Lord Lorcan's voice, finding him standing beside her, arms crossed and glare trained on Daniel's back. She grinned up at him. Lorcan had always been her favorite among her father's friends, or cadre, as her mother called them. If only because his grumbly disposition matched her own most days. 

"I don't see why. He's kind, fair, and has a sharp wit. And most importantly--" She turned away to look at her friend again. Odette was standing in front of a middle-aged woman, laughing. Daniel was grinning down at her, admiration written all over his face. "Anyone can see how much he loves her." 

Lorcan grunted. "I still think he's playing some game." Estelle managed to refrain from rolling her eyes. 

"You think everyone is hiding something," She muttered, shoving Odette's present into his hands. "Here, you take this. I'm going to go find Danica." 

Lorcan grumbled, shifting the box in his hands so he wouldn't drop it. "You should probably find the Prythian boy as well. I think Elide invited him." 

Slight surprise flashed through her. "Why?"

 Lorcan shrugged, but a quiet light awoke in his eyes. "You know Elide. She's not one to leave anyone on the sidelines." 

That sounded like Elide. It also sounded like her mother. Or maybe her father, trying to make Nyx feel comfortable here in Erilea. 

Estelle turned and walked away. She'd find Danica first, and see how the Princess of Adarlan was faring. Then she'd find Nyx and tell him what she'd come to accept last night.

She... may have been wrong. But maybe she wouldn't say it in those exact words. 

Here's Estelle's party dress!!

Here's Estelle's party dress!!

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Also... any Barbie movie fans out there? One of my favorites has always been Swan Lake, which is why I named Elide and Lorcan's daughter Odette. Daniel, however, was a complete fluke. In the movie, Odette's prince is named Daniel, and I stg I didn't even realize what I'd done until like 3 weeks after I'd written this chapter 😆😆 I guess that's why I thought their names looked good together lol. 

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