Chapter 55: The Captives

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Estelle hadn't even lasted two minutes. 

The second Nyx and Delilah vanished, Marzanna had lunged forward and wrapped her hands around Estelle's neck. 

Estelle had been so shocked by everything, what Marzanna had done to her mother and Nyx's sudden departure that she hadn't had time to stop her, or use the fire she'd been summoning from her well of power. Marzanna slammed her to the ground, cracking her head against a rock buried in the hard dirt. Her fingers pressed into Estelle's windpipe, crushing it and stopping all airflow, her own fire burning into Estelle's skin.

Estelle gagged, reaching up to claw at Marzanna's fingers, gasping for breath. Gods, it hurt. Not only could she not breathe, but the pressure applied to the front of her neck made it feel like a rock had been jammed inside her throat and was slowly making its way to her mouth, blocking all oxygen. Estelle wheezed around the smoke rising to her nose, the fire at her fingertips dying to embers as she began to use up all her air. She bucked her hips, kicking out uselessly with her legs, trying to dislodge Marzanna from where she was now seated across her waist. Her nails dragged across the skin of her mother's bare arms, leaving trails of blood in their wake. It did nothing to deter Marzanna. 

"Peace, Princess," Marzanna whispered, leaning forward so her breath brushed Estelle's cheek. "This will all be over soon." 

 Estelle's vision began to go blurry, the pressure in her throat moving to her head. She wrapped her hands around Marzanna's wrists as a garbled plea escaped from her mouth. I am not going to die. I AM NOT GOING TO DIE. I AM NOT--

Her vision tunneled, the pressure increased, and all she knew was darkness.


The next thing she knew, she was lying on her side, great, hacking coughs escaping her mouth. Estelle groaned, shakily raising herself up on one elbow and spitting bile on the ground. Ugh. She felt like shit. Her head hurt, her body hurt, her throat hurt, and her fingers hurt from clawing at--

Oh, shit.

Licking her lips, Estelle glanced up. She was in a dark stone cave, lying in the center. She glanced down and cursed. Her sword was gone, as were her knives. The curse cost her already hoarse throat. She began coughing again, so violently that her eyes watered. 

As Estelle turned over, gagging, a hand circled her arm. Instinctively, Estelle jerked away, her heart leaping into her throat. Fire erupted in her palm without a thought. The woman who'd grabbed her raised her hands quickly, her bright green eyes wide with alarm. 

"Relax. I am not a threat," The woman said, her voice low and clear. Estelle blinked blearily at her, swallowing heavily. In the light of her fire, Estelle realized she knew her. 

"You're-- you--" Estelle rasped. The woman pursed her full lips and stood, her large, membranous wings curling behind her. 

"Amandla. I believe we already met, sort of." She said, offering Estelle a hand. Estelle extinguished one ball of fire and accepted Amandla's hand, letting her drag her to her feet. Estelle groaned when her head began to throb painfully. 

"Where--?" She managed to croak, bringing a hand to her forehead and screwing her eyes shut against the pain. It felt like a hangover might if it weren't for her equally aching body. "Where are we?" 

"Who knows?" Amandla took Estelle's other hand, keeping a steadying grip at her elbow as well. "Marzanna-- Aelin-- ugh, the parasite dumped you here a few minutes ago."  Amandla wrapped her arm around Estelle's shoulders, and Estelle was too tired to protest as she led her to a rock near the side of the cave and lowered her onto it, with her back leaning against the wall. "Estelle, right?" 

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