Chapter 13: The Reign

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Above is the outfit I picture Estelle in for her journey. No real purpose to it, I just like making outfits for her XD Enjoy!

"Reave!" Estelle banged on her brother's door with her fist. "Open up, bookworm!" 

She jumped at the loud crash that came from behind the door. After a moment, she heard stifled cursing, and she felt the corners of her lips rise. She hadn't known her brother had such a filthy mouth. Hopefully, he never talked that way around their parents or siblings. 

Finally, the door swung open, and Estelle backed up a step to take in her brother. While only fifteen, Reave was already almost her height, and it annoyed her to no end. 

"How did you know I was leaving?" Estelle demanded. "I hadn't even told Father yet!" 

Reave grunted. "You're a bit late. Mother already told him. I just happened to be in the room." Then, to Estelle's great shock, he leaned behind the door and picked up his own bag. "I want to come, too." 

"Absolutely not," Estelle immediately said, her shock wearing off quickly. "No. No way in hell. No." 

Reave's eyes narrowed. "Why not?" 

"You are fifteen, little Prince," Danica reminded him. "And your only weapon is words." 

"It is not," Reave said, scowling. "I know how to handle a blade just as well as Estelle. And I know more magic than she ever will. Not to mention-" He reached into his bag and pulled out a very clearly old book. "I'm more fluent in Wyrdmarks than she could ever hope to be." 

"We took the same lessons, Reave!" Estelle protested. 

"Yes, but-" Reave snatched the book back when Estelle made a grab for it. "I wasn't the one who slept through half of those lessons." 

"I know them well enough," Estelle snapped, holding her hands out for the book. "If that's about Wyrdmarks, let me see it." 


"Why the hell not?" 

Reave stuffed the book back into his bag. "If I give it to you, you won't need me. And I want to come." 

"Mother would kill me!" Estelle groaned. "You're not coming, Reave!" 

"Actually," Danica mused. "I think he should come." Estelle turned to her, annoyed. 

"You just said-" 

"I know what I said, Stelly. But sadly, your brother is right," Danica smiled wryly. "He knows more about the magic language than both of us put together." 

Estelle threw her hands into the air. "He is fifteen!" 

"I'm not a baby," Reave retorted. "You're only a few years older than me, Estelle. Don't act like you're so much more important than me." 

Estelle turned back to her brother, annoyance a living thing itching at her skin. "I'm not doing that. I'm trying to protect you, Reave. This could be dangerous." 

"I know that. Which is why I want to come." Reave stated calmly. Danica and Estelle exchanged a look, and Danica shrugged. 

"We might need him," She muttered. "He'll only slow us down a bit. Zephyr can take three riders." 

Estelle huffed out a breath through her nose and rubbed her temple. "Fine. You can come. If-" She met her brother's eyes, and his grin fell quickly. "You can get permission from Mother." 

Reave scoffed and pushed by her. "Easy. We all know I'm her favorite." 

Estelle snorted. "You wish!" She yelled at his retreating back. She turned back to Danica. "Are you sure Zephyr can take all of us?" 

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