Chapter 58: The Underhand

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Artemis tried to breathe as she watched her cousin's retreating back. This was so, so wrong. On so many levels. It wasn't right, sending one person to be the bait. Artemis much preferred a good battle over all of this subterfuge any day. 

But this is what had to be done. This is what she'd signed up for, all those years ago, when her mother had taken her into the mountains and begun her training as a Valkyrie. Being part of a unit meant sacrificing for others, even when you didn't agree with it. If it meant you saved innocents, if it meant you saved the world and all those you loved... so be it. Sacrifices had to be made. 

But she still wanted nothing more than to run after where Nyx's form had disappeared and drag them both to safety. 

Rowan laid a hand on her shoulder, drawing her attention. He nudged her slightly, and she nodded, following his gaze. Track the footsteps. See where they lead. 

Artemis inhaled deeply and stepped forward, crouched low to the ground, to follow the path her cousin's feet had left. She couldn't help thinking that the real battle was about to begin. 


Amandla was finding it hard to breathe. 

Not only was that horrendous circle still buzzing around her feet, sending little zings of pain up her legs anytime she tried to cross it, but once again, the son of the High Lord and Lady had decided to be all noble. 

Damn Archeron blood. Why did they all have to be so fucking heroic? 

At least Artemis isn't here. She told herself, keeping silent as Nyx stepped forward, hands spread. 

"You wanted me. Now you've got me," He said, his voice low. His eyes darted around the clearing, alighting on Estelle briefly, then Amandla, then returning to Aelin's face. "Let them go. Let them all go." 

Marzanna raised a scarred, ember-kissed hand. With a snap of her fingers, the circles around Amandla and Estelle's feet vanished. Amandla lurched forward, the force of the broken spell pulsing an ache through her head. Estelle groaned, her hand shooting to her temple as the same pain ricocheted through her. 

"I only need one Galathynius. And the Valkyrie has served her purpose now that I have you. They're free to go." Marzanna was polite, pleasant even. But Nyx shook his head. 

"No. Let Aelin go, too." 

Marzanna's smile froze dangerously. "You know I cannot do that. I need a Galathynius, and a host." 

"Aelin hasn't done anything to you," Nyx said. "None of them have. Let her go." 

"And who do you suggest I take instead, young Lord?" Marzanna demanded, eyes flashing. Nyx's shoulders straightened. 

"Me. Take me instead. Take my body, and return to Prythian. Leave Erilea out of this." 

"No," Amandla glanced at Estelle, who was still on the ground, blinking blearily. "Don't."

Marzanna cocked her head. "That doesn't solve my Galathynius problem." 

Nyx raised a finger and pointed to the bloody bandage around Marzanna's arm. "There's your blood there. You don't need her. You don't need to kill her, or any of them." 

"You would sacrifice your own life for the sake of this world?" Marzanna sounded genuinely confused. "Why?" 

Nyx lifted his chin. "Let's just say I owe the Queen a debt." 

It was at that moment that Amandla first noticed something was wrong. She'd been so shocked to see Nyx she hadn't paid any attention to what he was doing. But as he stepped forward, she noticed two things:

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