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Oh fuck! She is so beautiful and hot my inner conscious exclaimed looking at her disappearing figure which was going towards the kitchen I guess...oh my god she is so beautiful hot fully my type...I want her .i want her right now....i turned again who returned with white wine .

One by one she served everyone ....and during this she bit her lip for about 10 times ...oh god she is driving me crazy...I want to bite that soft and plumpy lips making it bleed....I WANT HER....I AM FREAKING HUNGRY FOR HER .....ONLY HER!!!

"Sir?"she asked ...I nodded she smiled at me a genuine a professional smile and poured the wine in my glass...that's strange all girls throw themselves on me ...and here I m gawking at her and she......

I can't move my eyes from her who is standing behind Samuel....And what I m imagining is her moaning my name...jeez that's so satisfying....One by one everyone finished their breakfast and walked to the poolside....At last I stood up wiping my mouth ....and walked towards her

"Hope you enjoyed your meal sir"she bowed infront of me.

This .....I just love it....

I walked closer to her making her look at me in shock...her eyes her deep black orbs ssss she is so beautiful.! Truly an angel ....

"May I help you sir"she asked in low voice

"Your place or mine?"I whispered in her ear and her breathing et heavier...oh so I have an effect on her.

She took a deep breath

"Sir you are taking me wrong..I am not an escort"she said politely yet her voice was stern making me irritated.

"Oh stop acting and tell me your price"I said walking loser and more closer to her making her step back...till she hit the table beside her.

"Tell me"I gritted nuzzling in her hairs...oh god her rose buds ....I inhaled more!!!!

"Tell me baby "I whispered moving towards her lips and sucked it and it took a moment to me to realised that I m pushed back before I can react I felt a stinging pain on my left cheek ...She slapped me !!!...SHE FUCKING SLAPPED ME!!!!!!....HOW DARE SHE!!!!!!

I looked at her and anger in my eyes......and she is having the same fire same anger as me in her eyes...

"I AM A WAITRESS NOT A WHORE"She shouted at top of her voice

"Other girls may throw themselves on you ...for you charm or money...but I m not like them...I AM NOT LIKE THEM MR MALHOTRA.......who will warm your bed... or open their legs for you......for me my self respect matters the most"she shouted

"So stay away from me!!!"she warned me

Author's pov:

Same fire in her eyes as if both will eat each other alive.....the people around staring at them some shock ....some scared.!!!!

But they don't care both are looking at each other in anger glaring each other....

"Stay away!!!"she warned and stormed out of the dining room angrily

"YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS MISS WHATEVER"Kartik muttered angrily and walked out of there angrily.


Girl's pov:

How dare he!!!what he thinks of himself....if he has money and is rich he can do anything get whatever....i walked in the kitchen area angrily ...muttering curses to him.

Bloody pervert ...I poured the water in the glass....i need to be calm...I took a sip...

"nia .....nia...."and here comes another irritating creature....Kate why can't all of them go and die somewhere

"What!!!"I snapped at her

"You slapped him..."she asked fear in his voice for whom...him?

" what do you expect from me ...."I scoffed she gulped

"But he is...."she said in high voice and looked around everyone staring at us.

"But he is KARTIK MALHOTRA"she whispered


"THE MAFIA BOSS!!!"she gritted with fear


"He could shoot uh for this...or kidnap you and torture you till death"don't you think she watch too much movies I mentally rolled my eyes

"Kate....firstly he can't do all this ....and secondly I don't even care...if he wants he can kill know I have no one except my just chill"I gulped the leftover water in the glass

"But what if the new owner fires you....he is his friend"she said worried

"He can...I have no problem...I will found another job"I shrugged

"You will leave me?"she pouted making me smile

"Ofcourse not"I side hugged

"How can I leave my Kate....we will leave together ...what say"I asked raising my brows

She grinned and nodded

"Love you Nia"she hugged one and one friend well wisher....

"Love you too kate"I hugged her back


Author's pov:

Kartik is punching the punching bag angrily and mercilessly in the gym room...

(A/N :-Poor punching bag🤧)

"Kartik baby"he hold the punching bag panting heavily with closed eyes when sofia walked in ...her heels clicking is irritating him ...he dig his nails in the poor bag angrily

"I heard a bitch slapped you"she asked angrily

(A/N:Mujhe aisa kyu lag raha hai iss sofia ki waat lagne wali hai🤔)

"I mean how could she dare she....i will kill her for hurting my baby....i will not leave her ha baby....she has to di............"

"COULD YOU PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP"Kartik shouted at her making her flinch

"Baby?"she asked

"FOR GOD SAKE I M NOT YOUR BABY DAMMIT"He pushed the bag angrily

"What do you want huh ?....why can't you just leave me alone"he gritted walking dangerously towards her who gulped in fear...he closed his eyes trying to control his anger and turned..

"I know all this is because of that bitch ...but don't worry kartik I will kill he......."

"DARE YOU!!!"He shouted making her flinch


Who gulped in fear

"STAY AWAY FROM HER..."he gritted and left from there angrily

"I will not leave that bitch...she has to pay for it"she gritted.


Kartik came out of the rest room after having a hot shower which calmed his mind and muscles...He picked up his phone.

"DOMENICO"he said




"RIGHT NOW"he said


"Good"he cut the call and a smirk formed on his handsome face.


So guys this was the update....hope u guys liked it😙

What do you guys think will happen next🤔

Stay tuned to find that😉


Kaira:Devil's choice(18+)✅Where stories live. Discover now