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Kartik's pov:

"So gentlemens is the deal final"the dealers asked.

"From my side it's done"samuels said and look at all of us

"Done"adraino said

"Done"Natasha said and smirked at me ..making me roll my eyes...I don't know why am I not liking it anymore...what the hell is happening with me?Oh god this girl is driving me crazy I have to do my work and get rid of her.

"Done"Domenico too agreed and all looked at me...I rubbed y face in frustration

"Done"a triumph smile flashed on the dealers face

"But if I came to know you guys create any mess...or the order reach late to us...then trust me I will do that you guys what uh never imagined....their smile fell and a scared expression covered theor face making me smirk.

"We won't give you a chance to complain"he said I nodded leaning back on the chair taking out Marlboro from my pocket I lit it...when my eyes fell on one of the dealer who I remember is named mm Joe yeah Joe...who was looking behind me with dark and lusty eyes

"What a piece man"he whispered lost at that direction...I turned to the direction he was looking....And my jaw clenched seeing her...who was roaming around in the garden freely.

Who asked her to came down....i turned back towards him eyes spitting fire...He looked down immediately in fear.

"SHE IS MINE"I gritted ...shooting glares at him..who was shivering in fear....i stood up from the place immediately and walked towards her crushing the half smoked Marlboro under my shoes ..she is needed to be taught a lesson.How dare she came out of the room without my permission.

She was looking into the mini pond when I pulled her holding her hand making her startled she looked into my eyes....making me froze at my place...'her eyes is so...mmm beautiful' my subconscious said...but there is some pain her eyes..which was not there when I saw her for the first time...what is this pain for...and why is this pain effecting me so much. 'You are the only reason for her pain'my subconscious snapped ...I glared at him who rolled his eyes ...Yes it is true I m the only fucking reason for her pain...for everyone's pain...And this is what I exactly want and love to give pain to others and this pain will increase more and more.

I pulled her with me making her wince in pain....but I don't care ...I am a monster , a devil who loves to see others in pain and fear. This is what I wanted to make her life miserable.


Nia's pov:

After he left...I sat on the corner of the room life is such a hell ,I can't fight back with him after all the torture he is doing to me...why only me ,who not someone else...why me...why?

I wiped my tears no I can't fall weak this is what he wanted ...I can't!!!....i need some fresh air.


I walked in the garden all lost...Mumma always used to tell the story of prince ...that one day your prince will come and take you away....and I always used to believe that one day my prince will too come for me...After my parents death when I was alone and fighting the only thing that always give me hope and strength that one day my prince will also come in my life and take away all my pain...but if prince exists then demons too...and I was destined to spend my rest of my life with a demon...a ruthless heartless devil nothing else...Which will broke me day by day by his tortures disrespect.

I looked my reflection in the pond this is me...all me from now who is not princess of his prince but the slave of a devil....I felt a hand on my arm who pulled me back so that I m facing the is him fate...who is broking me second by second...his eyes are spitting fire...but what is the reason now..?something is coming up.

He pulled me with him making me stumbled on path and wince in pain but he didn't cared without any word he kept on pulling me.

He pushed me on the floor ... I looked at him who closed the door....and turned towards me ...his eyes were spitting fire.


He kneeled beside me "Tell me ...with whose permission you stepped out of room"he said holding my cheeks harshly digging his nails in my skin....and left it with a jerk.

"You know what........ I know how to teach you a lesson"he said removing his coat and opening his shirt buttons....and removing his belt making me crawl back in fear.

"This is for making you remind that YOU ARE MINE AND HAVE TO FOLLOW MY ORDERS"he gritted ..i looked away with fear thinking that he is going to whip me.

I looked back towards him who was kneeling beside me ...tying y hands with his belt ....i looked at him bewildered who smirked and put my hands across his neck pulling me ...he smashed his lips on mine.




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