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"Every guy is a player until he meets his true one"

The story is entirely based upon the following concept please if u r not comfortable with kartik making out with someone i will request u to not to read..and if u r reading then please don't bash at me ...coz i do feel effected by the comments...i read all the comments if they are good i feel happy but if they are bad i literally feel very hurt.

I m saying again the story is a dark story will have such acts which maybe u don't like...and if u can't read such things then don't read but don't bash or report the story.

So without any further bak-bak of mine let's get into the story


Author 's pov:

The corridor in the basement was fully rooms nothing...with darkness all around the walls were dark grey... At the last of the corridor there was only one room with black door..from where some sounds of screaming howling..and beating were coming.
Such sounds which can scare the shit out of anyone.But what were these sounds who was shouting what the hell is going on???

I know u all are curious let's see what's on the other side of the door!!

On the other side of the door there was nothing else than darkness...only one medium of light was there i.e. a small bulb that too of red colour...the red light rays fell on the men revealing his handsome face with deep black orbs ..perfect jawline...with a light stubble on it.He was sitting on his luxurious king chair with one leg in other and was puffing cigar ...he took a puff and blow out the smoke and looked at his left and smirked.

A man was tied with ropes on his either sides at his left with his upper body naked...cut marks were all over his face and body...the blood was continuously oozing his wounds making him weak...his body was almost covered with his blood and he was in half conscious state...his chest has burn marks like someone placed a hot rod over there looks like the man was tortured too badly without any mercy.And they were still not stopping continuously beating him with rod

"Enough" the man said in calm yet in stern voice ...everyone stood at their places without any movement

He leaned forward towards the table and stub out the cigerate in the ash tray and stood up and removed his coat off his shoulders and hand it over to one of the men standing there.

"So Anthony "He said rolling his sleeves and looked at the man who raised his head hearing his name

" I am asking you for the last time...TO WHOM YOU SOLD YOURSELF?"he asked in calm yet dangerous voice which can send shivers down anyone's spine.His eyes has some fire ...some rage ...His one glare and the person can die there of heart attack... He looks so scary when he is in anger...but Anthony being a tough guy didn't answered and stood unaffected which raised his anger more...he closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath...and opened it after few seconds with an evil smirk on his face

"So you will not tell?" He asked picking up the knife from the table kept beside him.

"Now" he asked tracing the sharpness of the knife... He shook his head in disbelief getting no answer

"As you say"he said and gave a deep cut ...very deep cut at his chest...Anthony closed his eyes tightly due to immense pain he sighed and picked up a bottle from the same table...he took the red colour powder in his hands and applied it over his wound

" Aaaaaahhhhhh"Anthony screamed in pain his voice was shaky and was depicting lots and lots of pain that anyone could pity on him but the Mafia Boss Kartik Malhotra he don't even give a damn ...he was listening his screams as if it is some music .

After sometime he did the same at the other side ...he kept on repeating the process which that poor soul was bearing but how much he could bear ...everything has a before he could make another cut he shouted

"STOP" Making him stop

"Please Stop" he cried

"I will for sure but after u tell me the name of the dick ....whose ass
you have been licking" he gritted

"It's Martin....Martin Toricelli"he panted

" Martin ....i should have guessed that before... That mother fucker can never mind his own business "he muttered angrily

" Anyways thanks for your help"he smiled at him and stabbed the knife in his abdomen...blood flow down his mouth and the place where he was stabbed

"What was that for ....we could have added him in our gang by paying him double that he can spy on Martin" A guy who was present in the room standing at the corner asked

"Domenico.... Firstly he wasted my so much of time ....which you know i hate...and secondly once a betrayer always a betrayer " he said wiping blood off his hand .

"By the way is the jet ready? " he asked domenico nodded..

"Ok " he said taking his coat from the person

And he walked out of the room with his full ruthless swag.

This is Kartik Malhotra the most ruthless member of the Silician mafia...The devil with no mercy in his heart...A monster who cares for no one ...No one means no one..

He has only girls....aa aa don't think he cares for them or respects them ...he just want one think from girls that is pleasure.He loves how girls screams his name while he fuck them it gives him a different type if kick...He thinks every girl as a slut who throws themselves on him for his charm or money....what will happen when he will meet a girl for whom her respect is more important than money or any other thing.

Stay tuned to find that....

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