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Warning(mature content)🌝

"I love you" She breathed against his lips....a blissful smile flashed on his face hearing her confession...he never imagined in his whole life that one day these three words will give him such happiness which can't be expressed......

"Come again" he whispered she smiled and whispered in his ear "I love you my devil"

He chuckled hearing my devil from her mouth....he fused his lips with her but before she could respond he broke the kiss "I love you too" he breathed ...

"I love you" she said and smashed her lips on his grabbing his face between her hands...standing on her toes coz of his height....making him shock took a second for him to realise and respond his hnd travelled to her waist holding it tightly.. Helping her to stand on her toes....both were kissing each other violently and passionately ....their teeth clashing... Then his tongue in her mouth....

Desire explodes in both of their body....forcefully he broke the kiss...making her groan in frustation

"I want you...." He breathed against her lips

"Now" he added cupping her face with one hand

"Me too" she breathed and sucked his lips

"Come" he took out his hand for her ...which she grabbed immediately and they both walked inside the hotel lobby.

He pressed the elevator button and looked towards Naira who was looking down blushing a mischievous smile formed on his face and he drapes his arm around her waist making her gasp she looked at him shocked who smirked..."i can't wait anymore"he whispered in her ear making her blush......

They stayed in the lobby waiting for the elevator silently forgetting and ignoring everyone present in the lobby....he kept on staring at her whereas she was constantly looking down her cheeks turning red every minute under his constant gaze

"Ting" the elevator door opens with a ting sound gaining their attention ...and two people walked out of it...the old lady among them gave him a warm smile which he returned with same favour.. If it was the old Kartik he would ignore it rolling his eyes at her...but he not the same ruthless,merciless and mannerless Kartik anymore.... He is really changed her love has changed him!!!

They both step in....feeling they are alone there and their proximity in such and enclosed space made her breathing heavy...her heart racing...he turns his head fractionally towards her...his eyes dark and wanting....She bit her lip

"Fuck!!! I can't wait anymore" he growled and pushed her against the wall of elevator... Before she know and realise he got both her hand in his one grip above her head and he is pinning her against the wall using his hips.....she gasped....his other hand grabs her hair and yanks it doen ...bringing her face up and his lips on her .......she moaned in his mouth giving his tongue an opening....he takes full advantage and his tongue entered in her mouth exploring her mouth...whereas she stayed helpless trying to match is speed but failed!!!


He shut the door with his leg... Whereas his hands were busy travelling down her body kissing her deeply and passionately....

He pinned her on the nearby wall with her back facing him and gently slid down her shrug revealing her shoulders due to the sleeveless frock.....his hand travelled above her which were on the wall and his expert mouth travelled to her neck down her shoulder biting sucking and kissing there.....he turned her suddenly facing himself making her gasp....his lips smashed on her sucking and biting it whereas his professional hands were doing their works i.e. undoing her dress....he unzipped her dress and opened the hook of her bra and slid the straps of the dress plus her bra in on go making them fall on the ground .....after about 1 min he broke the kiss and moved back watching her standing before him only in her panties....he says nothing just gazes at her breathing heavily ...the only thing she could see is his desire....his adoration and something else....the depth of his need the depth of his love for her....

He reaches down and lifts the hem of his black body hugging t-shirt revealing his chest... Never taking his eyes off her....and he moves towards her pulling her into his arms kissing her.....twisting his hands into her hair ...their tongues entwined ....his hand travelled down her waist and he slipped her panties off making them dall to her ankles, he walks her backward and gently lowers her onto it following her down so that he's lying by her side.

He runs his nose along her jawline whereas her hands move to his hair

"You don't have any idea how exquisite ur scent is!!!" He whispered

His mouth travelled down her her neck to her breasts ...

"You are so beautiful" he murmers as he takes one if her nipple un his mouth and softly suckles...she moaned ....

His hand trails down to her waist ...and she glory in the feel of his touch ,skin to skin- his hungry mouth over her breasts and his skilled long fingers caressing and stroking her...cherishing her....moving over her hips over her behind and down her legs to her knee, and all this time he is kissing and sucking her breasts.

He stood up and undoes his zipper gazing at her his eyes dark and wanting.....she closed her eyes breathing heavily waiting for him to mark her his once again.

"Open ur legs baby" he whispered hovering over her ...she comply as he said looking into his dark eyes which had love for her!!!

"I love you so much" he whispered hiding his face in her neck.

Gazing into her eyes grabbing her hips...he eases out then slams into her.

"Ah!" She cried out...without taking his eyes off her...he continued sinking into her at a a slow pace...she closed her eyes.....her fingers find their way to his soft hairs grabbing it tightly....

"Ah" she moaned when his rhythm fasten ... He gazed down at her and kisses her hard...thrusting into her hard.

"Come for me baby" he pant breaking the kiss....his words were her undoing and she explode ...magnificently..mind-numbingly...into millions of pieces around him....and he follows calling out her name

"Oh fuck Naira" he collapses on top of her....his head buried in her neck.

Panting heavily she opened her eyed and gaze up into the face of the man she love....Kartik's expression were soft and tender....he strokes his nose against her...and he plants a gentle kiss on her lips as he eases himself out of her....

"I love you" he breathes

"I love you too" she whispered

He takes a hold of her chin and kisses her hard a passionate kiss.

"Never ever leave me" He murmeres looking deep into her eyes his face serious

"Never" she whispered and smiled at him ...he smiled back. ..his smile was dazzling ..and boyish combined into one that it could melt the coldest of hearts.

He pecked her lips once agaim and rolls onto his side of bed and pulled her in his arms covering themselves with the duvet she kept her head on his chest and shift into deep slumber hearing his musical heart beat...a blissful smile on both's face!!!

But the question is will it be forever????

So guys this was the update 🙈...hope uh liked it do vote and comment


Kaira:Devil's choice(18+)✅Where stories live. Discover now