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Nia's pov:

"Nia.....the manager is searching for you"liz came towards me when as soon as I returned taking the order from the guests

"You are going to pay for what you did today"she smirked...God why is she so irritating and annoying....and why she hates me so much....yeah yeah I know I too don't like her much....but I don't hate her...but she definitely hate me to the core..Why?....I don't know ...Kate says that I m more beautiful than her...which I always deny ..Liz is more beautiful hot than she is slutty too...why that Kartik Malhotra asked her in place of job would be safe then and they were enjoying in some room....yuck that's so disgusting.

Anyways now it is too late to think any more...I slapped him and as a result I m going to lose my job....That must be the reason why manager is looking for me.

"Thanks for the info hoe"I said with a tight lipped smile she rolled her eyes and so do i

"If this is the last day of my job...I wish I never see your disgusting face again"I said sarcastically and walked away.


"Sir you called me ?"I asked the manager who was talking to some guests.

"Nia....i heard you slapped KARTIK MALHOTRA"he exclaimed horror in his voice and on his face...why everyone is so much afraid of him.

"Can we know the reason miss"we turned to see a man standing....he is old and handsome both at the same time....mmm till I remember he is the new owner of the hotel Samuel ....and beside him is one girl which is wearing a black dress...which shows all her assets...ahem what is the use to wear a dress...I mentally rolled my eyes....and some bodyguards behind them.Are they going to kill me?

They walked towards me ...making me a bit nervous...oh come on matter how much brave you are will get nervous when the great Mafia boss is standing infront of you.

"Why did you slapped kartik?"he asked in a stern voice...and here his name again...I so hate his name now ...from morning I m listeing the same Oh my god you slapped kartik malhotra....i heard you slapped kartik slapped kartik malhotra!!!!......kartik malhotra this....kartik malhotra that....urgghhhhhh!!!!!.

"Sir he tried to misbehave with me so I slapped him"I said confidentally as a matter-of-fact

"You bloody bitch!!!!!"miss short dress walked towards me dangerously ...and before it could reach my neck...I hold it.

"You are not allowed to hit me ....Madam"I gritted at her who was trying to free her hand

And left it with jerk.

"I will kill you"she shouted

"Sofia"Samuel said sternly


" quiet"he scolded she looked away angrily

"So Ms Nia know who Kartik Malhotra is....."

"The Mafia Boss...who can kill anyone in a blink....but sir I really don't give a damn ...he misbehaved with me so I slapped him...and if you wanna fire me from the job for this mistake...then I have no problem ....SIR"I said politely yet sternly

"Who said we are going to fire you....."A voice came from behind...I turned to see him standing.....KARTIK MALHOTRA....with an evil smirk on his face.

He walked towards us with the same smirk on his face ...with his one hand in his pocket and other which was free...which travelled near his lip.

"Who told you that we are going to fir you....."he smirked at me ...behind him walked another man ....I don't know exactly who is ...but he is their friend....he gave me a pity look standing beside something bad going to happen with me?

"Answer me......NAIRA"I looked at him shock and bewildered how he knows my name one in this hotel knows my real name but he does how?

"What happened...shocked that how I know your name?"he asked walking more closer to me

I nodded

"Oh baby I m a mafia boss..."he said with sarcasm in his tone

"The same mafia boss whom you slapped"and his tone changed into a dangerous one sending shiver down my spine...'Nia be calm don't get afraid' my inner subsconsious said

I took a deep breath and chuckled "Yeah I know you are a mafia boss ...the same mafia boss whom I slapped"I gritted in last and smirked making him anger ...but soon his anger disappeared and a smirk formed on his face

"And you will be punished for it"he said dangerously

"In your dreams"I scowled at him and turned to leave but he hold my hand and pulled me towards him.And I collided with his hard muscular chest inhaling his perfume smell..i glared at him trying to free my hand which is in his grip.

He smirked at me and cocked his head "Come"and he dragged me ....And I was trying to free my hand from his grip but he is too strong for a monster.


He pushed me into the owner's office and closed the door...What is he upto?

"What the hell ?"I shouted at him who walked towards the table ignoring me.

"Here sign it..."he passed me a document I frowned at him who stood with a neutral face.

I sighed and picked up the paper What the fuck!!!

I looked towards him who was looking outside window ....Urgghhh I wish I could push him from that window. Jerk!!!!

"I m not going to sign this "I said throwing the papers and on the table

"Keep dreaming"I said with a tight lipped smile and turn to leave

"KIARA"my feet stopped at it's place..hearing my sister name from his mouth.

So guys this was the update... Do vote and comments if u liked it


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