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Nia's pov:

I walked into his room taking my was big and dark all black...not like other rooms that are of white and cream color...his room was all black and dark...just like his heart...which has only darkness mercy no emotion...A true devil he is...I was looking out of the huge window which was till floor....How in just 2 days my life changed the girl for whom her self respect matters the most is now a sex mean how this devil has changed my life...where I can never get the thing which I always fought for RESPECT....i can't never ever I will get it.!!!

My breath hitched when I felt a cold hand travelled from my waist to my stomach pulling me back into him..I know it is HIM...

"Thinking about me"he whispered near my ears ...sending shivers down my spine and butterflies in my belly due to his hot breath.

"Hmm?"he bit my earlobe making me body reacted to his touch head tilted to one side giving him full excess of my neck...why?...why it is happening..why can't I push him...that day also the same was very difficult to push him !!!...why is his closeness effects me so much after knowing that...that he is a devil a monster..a ruthless mafia ...who cares for no one...why my body is ready to surrender in front of him...why?

"You know I so wanted to rip your clothes off right now and throw you on the bed and fuck you so hard making you scream and moan for my name"he whispered and once again bit my ear lobe making me moan once again...why the fuck is my body reacting?

"but"he stepped back turning me that I can face him breathing is becoming faster and faster .... like my heart will pop out of my mouth anytime

"You are lucky enough...I have to go for dinner party thrown by Samuel"I could feel irritation in his voice mentioning the party....i looked up at him his chocolate brown orbs...sending shiver down my spine

"You know what I don't want to go...but I have to"he said and fused his lips with mine cupping my chin between his two fingers ...I closed my eyes...fisting my palms...trying to resist from responding the kiss....he broke the kiss I opened my eyes which was brimmed with tears by I am not crying coz he kissed me but I m crying coz my body is liking his touch.

"Enjoy your freedom till then"he smirked an left.

I collapsed on floor crying as soon as he left...crying at the thought I like his touch...I let him touch me...why my body haven't pushed him back when my mind was wanting to..Why?


I opened my eyes and closed it again feeling the sharp lights ....i hold my head..which is spinning like hell.....and blinked a couple of times trying to adjust the lights....And a beautiful man came into my view....and it took me a couple of seconds that this beautiful man is none other than the DEVIL ....whom I m hugging right now...I stood up immediately pushing his hand which was around me waking him awake...

"What the hell yaar"he groaned and sat on the bed angrily

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS HUH?"He shouted making me flinch

"How I came on the bed I to slept on the couch"I asked in a low tone

He chuckled "Do you seriously thing you are here in this room for sleeping on the couch.."he asked sarcastically

"Have you forgotten you are my slave and if I want you beside me you will be there"he said

I looked down sadly and then only I realise ...My top is missing ....

I looked at him who was laying down with his eyes closed

"What?"he asked with his eyes close

" t..topp"I stammered he opened his eyes and smirked at me looking down my body making me uncomfortable...I covered myself looking away

"I removed it"he said

"Why?"I asked

"Coz I want to"he smirked

I looked away nervously and stepped out of the bed but he pulled me back holding my hand and I fall back on upper body collided with his hot naked upper body sending chills

"You are a Aphrodite baby"he said removing the hairs falling on my face....i don't know when he said this to me I fell there is softness a kind of love in his eyes...for whom ?me? nahhh!!! Ofcourse not ..i m hallucinating for sure.

"Knock-knock"a knock on the door....makim him scowl looking towards the door..and saving me from him.

I freed myself from his grip and rushed towards the restroom

I heard the door opening sound....and a voice of a women I guess ..yess ..who is she..ofcourse...his some sex slave I m...this guy is a complete pervert.

I walked out of the washroom in towel after a shower hearing no sound from outside.

I looked towards the door instantly as soon as step out

"You are here"a voice came from behind making me jump at my place

I turned to see a blonde women in her mid 30's standing.

"You?"I asked

"Dr. Green"she said I nodded

"I m here for your test"she added

"TEST?"I frowned

"Test that you are not suffering from any sexual disease"I rolled my eyes at her

"Do you think I m a slut...who sleep around with guys....i m still a virgin"I said she looked at me for seconds

"I need your blood ma'am"she said coldy making me scowl at her

"Fine...but can I change first"I asked her with sarcasm she nodded


I m looking around the window sitting in his room getting bored no work this is how my life going to be?...either getting bored ..or getting fucked...I sighed sadly at my life ...and looked out of the window again when I heard the door clicking sound...I looked at him who walked in with a smirk on his face...oh god this mirk I so hate when he smirk...evil bastard...I scowl at him.

"Stop scowling ...I have a good news"he said walking towards

"What"I rolled my eyes

" You have no sexual disease"he said sitting beside me

"Happy realisation"I gave him a tight lipped smile and looked away

But my face was bought near him facing him again...his fingers around my jaw cupping it harshly...His eyes spitting fire

"Don't you dare to talk to me in that tone"he gritted ..pressing his long fingers against my skin..tighening the grip...tears brimmed in my eyes due to pain.

"He left it with a jerk "I am having a meeting right now...otherwise I would have showed you the result of talking to me like that"he said angrily and walked away....leaving me crying.

So guys this was the update.. Do vote and comment if u liked it


Kaira:Devil's choice(18+)✅Where stories live. Discover now