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When I open my eyes, light is filling the room making me blink. My eyes wander around the room yawning when my eyes caught her who is sleeping hugging me keeping her head on my chest...oh girl she is an angel a pure angle ...she looks so beautiful while she is sleeping....i removed the hair strand falling on her face and looked at her intensely it's been 2 weeks ....2 weeks since she is mine ...I m with her since 2 weeks...the most beautiful days of my life ever...her presence give me me happiness...I don't know what is this happening to me but the pain that I wanted to give her..i can't ...everytime I see her in pain or crying it gives me pain..a lot of immense pain...I don't know what feeling is this all I can say this is Beautiful...I brush my fingers on her soft cheeks....slowly she opened her eyes and bink a couple of times to adjust the lights and gaze down at me for few seconds ...then suddenly she shift away from me..piercing my heart..but I managed myself and climb down from the bed and headed towards the restroom.

Nia's pov:

I am lying on the bed lifeless my life my world everything changed..i can't believe it's been 2 weeks the worst 2 weeks of my life that I m living with this Devil..I feel so sad and broken.not because he tortures me or force himself on me he never did that..but my body is accepting him...enjoying his touch...craving for his touch...why my bodyand heart is betraying my mind ....mind on one side says that he is a heartless devil ....but what is that in his eyes everytime he kissed me or touch me...The animal I saw in him in the starting days is nowhere to heart is falling for him..but my mind saying it's all my hallucination he is a devil..a chauvinist ..casonova..who will throw u out of his life one day ...this fight between these two within me is driving me crazy.I closed my eyes as soon as I heard the sound of the door is him back...I could feel him standing beside me ..i fisted my hand trying not to be nervous....i felt his lips againt my forehead and his footsteps...after few seconds I heard a sound of door shutting.

Kartik's pov:

I walked out of the restroom after freshening up...Today is another meeting I doubted the dealers created some have to find out about that....She is lying on the bed sleeping ....i stand beside staring at her pale yet angelic face..i leaned closer her and kissed her forehead...and walked outside.


I opened the door of my room craving to see her once again...the day was very exhausting...The problem is solved now ...and eight now all I want is her....i turned on the lights of the room which was all dark.

I gazed up at me for few seconds and again look down ..i walked towards her and sat beside her

"Had dinner?"I asked she nodded biting her lip..i smiled and leaned closer to her but she placed her hands in between making me confuse..she never stopped me from this then now?

"Please not today"she whispered and removed her hands

"Why?"I asked in soft voice trying not to scare her


Nia's pov:

I looked up at him who was silent his lips pressed into a thin line..i gulped is he angry?...he closed his eyes and running his fingers through his hairs

"Why haven't you told me before"he gritted

"Wait"he said and walked outside banging the door behind. I gaze back at the window watching the rain...he is angry for sure....i know....but what can I do..i can't it's paining like hell ..i hug my stomach which is paining due to cramps...a tear drop fell down my eyes due to unbearable pain...I looked back towards the door hearing the door clicking sound it was him who waked in ...with some stuffs in his hand...he came and sat beside me and pressed his lips against mine forehead I closed my eyes feeling his lips against my skin..this is so peaceful ..."You should have told me before na baby"he said softly cupping my face I looked at him shocked he is not angry?

"Here!"he handed me some chocolates and water bag..i looked at him who rubbed his nape nervously looking down

"I don't know much about all this...."a smile crept on my face seeing him like this ..the side which I never saw

He looked back at me ..i immediately looked away..shutting my eyes tightly biting my lips...and looked back at him ..hiding my smile.

"If you want anything you can tell me"he said and pressed his lips against mine..and stood up walking towards the restroom whereas I stare at his disappearing figure..IS HE THE SAME DEVIL...SAME MONSTER WHOM I MET FIRST?


I walked towards him fidgeting my fingers due to nervousness ho was walking on his should I initiate...I opened my mouth trying to talk but closed it again whaat if he got angry ...I think I should drop the plan I turned to leave

"What is it ?"he asked startling me..i turned towards him breathing heavily ..who was working on his laptop

"Mmmm...."I said who looked at me

I looked down immediately

"Say"he said in soft voice

"Wo I want to ask that can I visit my sister tomorrow ?"I asked nervously....and looked up at him to find him staring at me only...making me more and more nervous..

"Sure"he nodded and looked down back at his screen.

I sighed in relief and turned to leave

"WAIT"I stopped hearing his voice and turned to him who walked near me..he traced his cold hand on my cheek sending chills down my spine..i closed my eyes due to the strange feeling

"From next time you don't need to ask these things from me"I looked at him he the same who punished me for going out without his punishment

"You can go wherever you want don't need to ask"he murmered I nodded shockingly..he smiled and kissed my forehead.


I am waiting for Kia at our from so long where the hell is she ...I sighed in irritation and looked at the watch.

I looked towards the door hearing the click sound.


Kaira:Devil's choice(18+)✅Where stories live. Discover now