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Author's pov:

Sitting beside Nia, Kartik was caressing her hairs who was still unconscious the doctor said she fainted coz of low BP...and she will be fine soon.

The only thing running in his mind was her words why she said those words...what happened that she calling herself a curse.

She can never be a curse no of course not..infact she is a blessing in devil's life...which enlighten his dark life.

He wiped lone tear off his cheek and pressed his lips against her forehead.

He looked infront trying to control his emotions when his eyes fell on the file which was kept on the table....he realised that it is the same file which Nia was carrying..hugging it near her heart...he stood up and walked near it.

Glancing at her ..he turned towards the file again and with shivering hands he picked up the file and opened it.

He closed the file with a jerk reading the last page where it was written

"I AM THE REASON OF MY PARENT'S DEATH"it was Nia who wrote this....a gulp formed in his throat and his expression changed into a painful one....he closed his eyes burying the pain in his heart..and opened it after a couple of seconds....a light smile formed on his face and he walked near her

"So this was the reason you were calling yourself a curse?"he whispered sitting beside her who was still unconscious.

Taking her hand in his he bought it near his lips and kissed it lightly

"You are not a curse are precious...."he whispered

"So precious that anyone can give their life for you happily....even me...I can also give my life only to see you happy"he said his voice held only one thing that is love....the devil which actually he was was not seen....he was not Kartik Malhotra tha mafia...but only Kartik...the Kartik who lost his childhood.


Nia slowly opened her eyes the next morning only to find Kartik sleeping sitting beside her hugging her hand near his heart.

She kept on staring at him with the same emotionless face

"I love you dammit"

"you are not a are a blessing....a blessing for this cursed devil ....a blessing for me"

His words running in her mind...echoing in her ears.....

"The one who loves you always dies"

She withdraw her hand with a jerk breaking his slumber ....he looked at her bewildered who sat on bed.

"Hey ....hey....u ok"he asked cupping her cheeks he felt hurt seeing her emotionless dull pale face...she nodded and removed his hands from making him more hurt....She looked towards the window hugging her knees staring at the rain...whereas Kartik was looking at her only her who was not even looking at him as if his presence doesn't matter her.

"Knock-Knock"a knock on the door gained both's attention

"I'll check"he said standing up she nodded and turned towards the window.

He opened the door to find Adriano and Natasha standing

"You guys?"he asked opening the door wide open for them so that they can walk inside

"Samuel was worried for you as you were not answering his phone since yesterday"Adriano said Kartik nodded looking down.

"You ok?"he asked he nodded

"Yes"but it was not convincing for them coz the Kartik they know was knowhere to be seen right now.

They nodded "See ya downstairs"he said turning

"mmmm........."they turned towards him

"I will be unable to come today"he said hesitatingly

"Why?"Adriano asked

He bit his lip and turned towards Naira who was looking outside the window all lost

"She is not well"he said staring at her...

"What happened to her?"he asked but no answer came from his side...he looked towards Adriano who kept his hand on his shoulders

"You can tell Kartik....hiding everything is not good"he said

"But if you don't want to ...then it's ok"he said and turned on getting no answer

"Wait"he said stopping both

And he narrated everything to them

"I don't know how to make her realise that she is not a curse........... my life is a mess I don't know what to do"he said palming his face

"Do you love her?"he looked at Natasha shocked

"Do you love her?"she asked again

He nodded"Yes ofcourse i love her "he said she smiled

"Then why are you so worried ....your love will help you in making her realise that she is not a curse"she said he nodded looking down

"I will try"he said

"come on yaar Kartik we know you can do this..."adriano said patting his shoulder who looked at him

"Thank you pal..."he said to him who pulled him a hug

"No need for thanks ...we only wanna see you guys happy"he said making him smile

"thank you "he said broking the hug and looked at Nia once again...he looked back when he felt Natasha walking out

"I will be back"he said walking behind her.


"u ok?"Kartik asked natasha who was standing in the corridor looking outside the window...she nodded without even glancing at him

"I m sorry.......i never know my life will take a turn like this........"he said

"You shouldn't be"she said he looked at her

"It was not a turn in your life but you destiny ..which planned you with her"she looked at him who was in shock

"And trust me i m not sad as you love her...i m not...The thing that was between us was nothing but just attraction and lust"she said

"Then why r u crying"he asked seeing her tearful eyes...She chuckled wiping off it.

"Coz someone was there in my life too who loved me the same way"she said her voice choked saying it

"Was?"he asked she nodded

"He is no more"


Nia stood up from her place and walked towards the washroom ...but she stumbled in between before she fall two hands hold her saving her from falling.

She looked up to find Adriano...who made her stand

"You ok?"he asked she nodded


Kaira:Devil's choice(18+)✅Where stories live. Discover now