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"Kartik what made you like this....a devil?she asked

As soon he heard her question his body became stiffen....he closed his eyes he was scared but of what?

Some flashes were coming infront of him.

"Dad please no"a man was dragging a little boy of about 5 years down the staircase towards a dark room whereas the kid was crying and pleading to not to do that......

He pushed him inside with such aggression that the poor kid got hit by the table kept there which gave a wound on his forehead but without caring about it the boy run towards the door but it was too late it was already closed...

"No dad please don't do that I will not repeat it again I will do as you say ...but please"he cried banging the door of the dark room where there is nothing but darkness...tired the boy leaned against the door crying hugging his knees hiding his face...

"Kartik say na"Naira shook him breaking his trance

"Huh?'he asked

"Say na"


"What made you like this?"she asked again

"There is nothing Naira"he answered without looking into her eyes

"I am born like this ....a devil"he said and looked at her who was looking at him only

"Whom you changed"he said cupping her face and joining their foreheads.

"No Kartik you are lying"she said turning her face and crossing her arms angrily

"no I m not....why do you think that?"he asked

"you are "she saidturning her face back towards him

"Adriano told me that you were not a born devil something happened in your life that changed you"she said stubbornly whereas his lips curled into a line.

"There is nothing Naira ...I told uh na"he said this time wit a stern and dominating tone.

"Fine you don't wanna tell don't"she said standing up angrily and walking away .

She was looking at the pond with crossed arms anger was clear at her face when someone backhugged her startling her......

"arle you angrly?"he asked in kiddish tone nuzzling his nose into her soft hairs making her smile a little bit she never saw this part of him which is sweet and cute...the way he said those lines ...her all anger flew away she kept her hands on his which was hugging her waist and lost herself in his touch. Whereas he continued his nuzzling making her go weak at her knees sending butterflies down her stomach....

" ka.rt..ikk"she said trying to stop him...but it came out as a moan

"Hmmm?"he just hummed

She removed his hand making him stop she turned.

"Why aren't uh telling me?"she asked

"coz there is nothing like that!"he chuckled

"you sure?"

"yess"he nodded

"swear on me"she said

"What?"he frowned

"If there is nothing then swear on me"she said

"Naira yaar all this is rubbis..."he couldn't complete when Naira shouted

"Swear on me"he rolled his eyes

"Fine"he muttered

"I swear on you there is nothing that changed me I m a born devil.."he said

"now happy?"he asked with a tight lipped smile she nodded but what go unnoticed by her is his fingers which were crossed!!!!!....

"Ok"she said he rolled his eyes ...she sighed and hugged him.

"Please don't be angry....i just wanna know what changed you so much...when it is nothing then it's ok"she said sadly he pecked her head

"I m not"he answered

"by the way"he said trying to change the topic

"I wanna ask you something"he said broking the hug she nodded asking


"I know I shouldn't ask but I can't stop myself"he said restlessly

"Kartik say na"she said....he nodded

"say"she said again when he kept on staring at her for seconds without saying anything ...he nodded and took a deep breath

"How you came across that file?"he asked making her turn pale.

"Wh...h...att file"she stammered

"You know which file.....the file that your parents were hiding from you since so long"he said

"tell me who gave it to you?"he added

"Kartik what are you saying who will give it to me ...I found it myself"she said not matching his eyes

"Stop lying Naira ...your parents were hiding it from you since so is impossible you can find it tell me who is it"he asked again

"Kartik really I found it myself"she said

"what do I look to you a kid?....don't fool me Naira I know you r lying so stop lying."

"Kartik really I m not"she said

"oh don't want to fine..i will find it myself"he gritted and turned taking out his phone

"Kartik"she came infront of him

"There is nothing like that really"she said

"We will find that... Naira"he said keeping his phone back into his packet.

"You know what was my state after seeing you like that"his voice choked and eyes brimmed with tears

"only I know how much pain and hurt I was feeling seeing you like this"he said

"I love you"she looked at him

"I really do" he said holding her hand

"you are my life Naira.....and I can't afford to lose you"he said pain in his voice and eyes...he was about to lose her today the thing only make him sared to hell...he can't lose her now when she is his life .

"Me neither"she said placing her hand in his cheek

"the time I saw you under the shower with ur wrist slit ...only I know how I felt"he cried

"I m sorry"he said

"I don't know what happened to me......"she tried to say

"I don't care."she looked at him

"I don't care what happened...let's forget it all"he said she nodded

"But uh promise me uh will never do such thing again"he said she shook head

"without you my life is nothing ...I will die...without you"he said making her shock she immediately placed her finger on his lips stopping him from speaking further

"don't say all this plzz...nor I will do anything like that...nor you will say such thing"she said he nodded.

"Promise me"she said forwarding her hand he smiled and kept his hand on her making her smile.

She hugged him making him startled a little but soon he hugged her back too

"I love you"she whispered broking the hug against his lips

So guys this was the update do vote and comment if you liked it.



Kaira:Devil's choice(18+)✅Where stories live. Discover now