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"Hello where are you"the girl called someone standing outside the hotel....seems like she is waiting for someone desperately


"1 hour ....are you fucking serious mother is in hospital and u r saying me to wait ...i ordered for the cab urgently"she said angrily


"What do you mean you can't come before 1 hour?"


"Fine don't come i can go myself"she cut the call angrily cursing him...and wiped off the tears flowing down her eyes

"CAN I HELP"she turned to see Kartik standing who himself don't know why is he there and why he is wanting to help her....some connection he felt seeing her tears...some pain...but why?

"No thanks i can go by myslef"she said slowly not matching his eyes ....scared of him.Which he noticed

"Please dont be scared"he said walking closer to he rwho stepped back in fear

"Listen....i heard your conversation accidentaly....and i don't think uh will get a taxi right now lemme help you..."he said making her think for a while

"I m doing this for ur mother"he said making her look at him

"Please"he said she nodded hesitatingly "ok"


On otherside

Adriano rushed inside the room....there was about 30 girls present there.....Whose hands were tied behind them and mouth taped

"mmmm"one called seeing him

He rushed towards her and removed her tape...."please help us"she said breathing heavily while he was utieing her ropes..."don't worry i will"he said

"untie everyone else too"he said she nodded

"Where is Kate"adriano whispered to himself seeing her not present among the girls

"There is one more girl ...but she is that room"one irl said to him pointing towards a room

"Kate?"he whispered and walked there

He opened the door....his eyes widened seeing her in pool of blood

"Kate!!!"he rushed towards her who was in semiconsious state.

"Kate!!"he said kneeling beside her...she was shot on leg

"How this happened?"he asked worried and angry

"She was trying to help us..but they came"one of them said.while he took out his hankerchief and tied around her leg where it was bleeding.

"Come"he said picking her up in his arms who was looking at him with hevy eyes trying her best not to faint.

He walked outside the room ..but stopped as soon as he stepped out.


"Your name?"Kartik asked the girl...driving the car

She looked at him dumbfoulded who raised his brows

"MI.SHA"she stammered...Kartik sighed

"Myself Kar...."

"I know"she said making him stop

"Kartik Malhotra....the ruthless mafia"she said looking down he nodded.

"But why they call you ruthless.?"she asked

"Coz i am"he said shrugging

"no uh r not"she shook her head

Kaira:Devil's choice(18+)✅Where stories live. Discover now