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Author's pov

Without glancing at him who was looking at her only....she rushed towards the washroom and slammed the door before letting him speak further....adriano sighed looking at the direction when he felt a hand on shoulder he turned to see Kartik standing

"Naira"he raised his brows ....adriano pointed towards the washroom...he nodded looking down sadly...he is still confused what to to make her normal...he is scared can he do it? He has no experience in all this making someone's life hell is easy for him...but changing someone's hell life is not as easy and for the person who loves her respect and dignity more than money...the person whose life he destroyed he the only reason of all this...he is the one who changed that brave girl so much by his tortures that she is now nothing but just a broken soul!!!

"Kartik"Adriano shooked him bringing out of his thoughts

"Huh?"he asked coming out of the trance

"Don't be sad....i know you can do it"he motivated him.....confidence was clear in his eyes as if he knows him more than himself....Kartik just nodded still doubting that he can do it...Adriano sighed..."Kartik....."

He couldn't complete when they heard a glass breaking sound from the washroom which gained their attention....

"Shit"Kartik cursed and rushed towards the door ....

"Naira....Naira u ok?"he asked banging the door from outside...but got no response

"Naira.."he shouted once again trying to open the door which was locked from inside.

"Naira...."he called in frustration continuously trying to open the door....he was scared negative feelings were coming in his mind...he was craving for her voice..craving to her 'I m ok' from her mouth but their was no response.....he moved back asking Adriano who was calling her name too to shift back ...and pushed the door with his shoulder trying to break it........adriano too joined him and after about five-six attempts the latch broke from inside and the door opened widely revealing her...

"Naira"he shouted seeing her who was standing with her clothes on under the shower leaning against the wall.....and the thing which gained their attention was the blood flowing down her wrist...SHE HAS CUT HER VEINS!!!!!!

"Naira"he ran towards her....he immediately hold her hand up ...

"shit" he cursed seeing the deep cut from where thevlood was continuously for the first time ever blood was scaring him.....he closed the shower which was making the blood flow down her vein more faster and looked at Naira whose eyes were opened lightly trying to remain conscious but finally she closed it

"No-no Naira"he tapped her cheeks....he picked her up immediately in his arms and rushed outside

"call the doctor"he shouted

"On his way"Adriano answered keeping his phone....Kartik nodded tying his handkerchief on her wrist tightly....which was all red by now.


Naira slowly opened her eyes after about 8 hours ...8 hours since Kartik was sitting beside her holding her hand while the other one was covered with bandage

Adriano....Natasha were also present they don't think leaving Kartik alone at this time is not right he is in anger can do anything.....

"Nia"Natasha called Kartik looked at her who was looking towards Naira ...closing his eyes tightly he faced Naira and opened it after a few seconds finding he who was looking at him.

She withdraw her hand from his without saying one said anything there was silence all around but is this the silence before the storm?....

Kaira:Devil's choice(18+)✅Where stories live. Discover now