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I am driving the car in fury I have to reach there as soon as possible ..i want to see her save in my arms I am dying to see her.

Just 10 mins more and I will be at the address that Martin told... fuck!!! I don't know why the fuck he is being so good to me and helping me but right now all I want is my Naira same from that psycho bitch. If somethings happens to her I wouldn't be able to forgive me it is me who brought that bitch in her life she was living her life happily but it's me who ruined her life completely no I can't let this happen I have to save her.I accerelated the car.

I m standing infront of a farm house which looks like is closed since years....all I can see is two car outside....i walked towards the door ...it is locked from inside my brain snapped.

I peeped into the house through the window ....Nairay heart sighed in relief seeing sight of her who was trying to knock the window when her hands were tied and mouth too...SHE NEVER LOSE HOPE!!!!!...i smiled like a fool in excitement and called for her name "Naira" btu she can't hear me due to the glass

"Naira"I called and banged the glass....but what I saw next was enough to change my relief in horror and fury...she fucking pushed my Naira on the floor ...

"Naira"I called banging the glass window...my mind not working unknown what to do next she is crying in pain infront of me and I can't help her I m getting hyper....I heard a car sound and turned to see one of the car was not there...no other house on buiding in locality that means whoever the guys was ...was present in this house I wander around in search of a way to get in just....fuck why didn't I brought someone with me....one fault and Naira....finally I found a door open which I think is of kitchen I ran in and ran towards the hall I could hear her voice which was in pain

"I love Kartik and will love Kartik for my whole life if i die"she said I cried smiling seeing her love for me which I never deserve.

"Good bye"she said her fingers on the trigger I pulled out the gun too but before I could shoot.

"BANG"I looked at Naira in horror. Sofia fell on ground with a thud sound...I look towards the door where there stood Samuel with the gun....HE SHOT HER?

Without giving a second thought about it I ran towards Naira who smiled at me as soon as I hugged her in relief "Kartik"she hugged me back calling out my name fuck my name from her mouth is so relieving I was dying to take her in my arms but soon my all relief got disappeared when I felt all her weight on me.


He broke the hug and looked at Naira whose eyes were closed "Naira"he called out tapping her cheeks

"Shit"he picked her up in bridal style and ran outside followed by Adriano and Natasha while Samuel fell on his knees near his daughter crying and domenico behind him standing sad

"I am sorry love"he cried

"But there was no other option to stop you"he said keeping her head on his lap

"You team up with the enemy gang that's why I have to kill you"he cupped her cheeks.

"You choose the wrong way ....like your mother did"he gritted.

"hope you will be in a better place...dad loves you"he said hugging her.

"Clean the mess Domenico"he said standing up and handing him over the keys for the farm house...yes it was their farm house.

On otherside:

Kartik was pacing to and fro outside the OT worried he was unknown what happened ..he is worried as hell ..don't know why he was feeling something is going to happen a strange feeling of sadness running through his veins.

Kaira:Devil's choice(18+)✅Where stories live. Discover now