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I walked into the room after another boring day the last two weeks it was the worst day...A day without my babygirl just because she has to go to meet her stupid sister..i think I should have accompanied her.....I whined .. 'What'my subsconsious snapped 'I guess you are The Kartik Malhotra a mafia don..not a roadside lover boy'it said making me pout..... 'should accompany her'he repeated my words making faces ...I scowled at him who lay on bed comfortably closing his eyes...I rolled my eyes and pushed the room door was the same dark..i switched on the light and my eyes wander around the room searching for eyes and heart craving for her one glimpse...but where is she?

"Babygirl"I called for her looking into the washroom she is not there!!!where is she?Hasen't she returned yet?But it's 11.p.m.

I sighed and took my phone out "Tyler"I called the security chief

"Where is Nia?"I asked him

"Give her the phone"I added...he didn't spoke anything just stood in silence making me anger more and more.

"Tyler....uh have to tell me something?"I asked him ..i could feel his breathing increase....what's wrong...he is giving me more and more stress

"Tyler"I gritted

"''am"he stammered

"Tyler say it clear and fast"I said sternly

"Sir she is not in her house"he said making me frown

"The driver and bodyguards asked her sister she said she left long back"my heart sinked ..she is not in the house..nor here then where is she?....An unknown feeling ran through my veins.... Is she ok? Kartik stop thinking all this...she is ok.She has to be ok!!



I am driving around on the streets ...searching for her...looking for heart is in my mouth..."If something happens to her?" the only thing running in my mind ....In the last 20 years of my life I never cared for anyone nor for me ..but the thought if something happens to killing me.

I checked the G.P.S once again...she is here nearby...the red dot shows she is here only juts one turn more.....i turned the steering wheel to the left and.......

I stopped the car immediately seeing her and stepped out of the car..god I felt so relief seeing her finally she is here...a blissful smile formed on my face seeing her ..finally!!!!!!

I ran towards her and wrapped my arms around myself peace...asking my heart to be calm she is here only!!!...but my heart is not ready to I hugged her more tight

"I was so worried for you"I breathed amd kissed her hairs.But where was she...when I asked her to come directly to BELMOND GRAND....why was she wandering around all alone.....and where was she since so long.

I broke the hug and shouted "Where were you?" voice held anger pain love and worry .She stared me for few seconds...her eyes had some pain...some misery...which I never ever saw..not even in the last 2 weeks.

She stepped back freeing her arms gripped by my palms making me frown

"Stay away from me.......KARTIK"she said

Honestly when she said my name I felt so good name from her mouth is so melodious ....i felt so happy but what she said was enogh to broke me 'Stay away from her'

"Naira" whispered unknown what was running in her mind....she was breathing heavily

"Naira what happened?"I step closer to she stepped back

"Stay away from me Kartik....please"she cried

"Naira but what happened why are uh saying this?"I asked

"Kartik please don't ask me this please stay away from me.......just go"she gritted

"I can't"I ican't stay away from her...I can't she is my life now if I will stay away from her..i will die..i can't even live without her...not now!!!....i can't

"Why?"she shouted back

"Coz I love you dammit"I shouted back at her who stood numb...I love her?...i love her!!!..yes I do ...and right now I don't want her away from me.

"You can't"she whispered making me confuse

"You can't love me Kartik"she said looking in my eyes

"No Kartik you can't love can't"she collapsed on the ground crying broken...I rush towards her cupping her face...who was crying bitterly

"STAY AWAY FROM ME KARTIK"she jerked my hands

"Why Naira...why are you saying this"I cupped her face again

"Coz I don't want to lose you"she said looking in my eyes

"Lose me?....what are you saying"I asked all confused head is spinning with confusion craving for the answer why she want me to stay away from her..when she don't wanna lose me?

"I am cursed Kartik ...why aren't uh understanding"she gritted crying

"Everybody who loves me die...and I don't want to lose you"she cried more and more...looking down at the ground.

"Who said you are cursed Naira..."I asked cupping her face making her look at me again...I will kill the one for sure..who made my Naira cry

"I am a curse Kartik"she whispered again my jaw clenched why is she saying this again and again...I closed my eyes trying to calm my anger

"you are not a are a blessing....a blessing for this cursed devil ....a blessing for me"I said softly she looked in my eyes..her eyes filled with tears making my heart clench.

"You are my peace Naira...I can't stay away from you now"I whispered stroking her cheek with my thumb..she was looking at me all lost...without giving a moment I pulled her in my embrace..hugging er tight..trying to calm her down

"I love you"I whispered....a lone tear fell down my eyes I closed my eyes feeling the weird thing called LOVE....i opened my eyes when I felt all her weight on myself.

I broke the hug to find her unconscious

"Shit"I cursed

So guys this was the update do vote and comment if you liked it



Kaira:Devil's choice(18+)✅Where stories live. Discover now