Chapter 1, Part 1: The Beginning

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(Mabel's POV:)


"Ughh," I said sighing.

I sat up, rubbed my eyes, and arose out of bed. As I was walking down the hall, to get to the bathroom to shower I peeked in Dipper's room;

"Knock knock, good morning Dippin'sauce, are you ready for the first day of Sophomore year?" When I walked in the room I noticed Dipper was shirtless. I started to blush a bit.

"OH MY, I'm sorry bro-bro." Dipper smirked a bit. 

"Knock next time, jeez." He put on his favorite orange T-shirt and turned to me then looked in my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Now, let me finish getting dressed." He says, as he playfully punches my arm.

I was still in shock from seeing him shirtless because I haven't seen him shirtless since the summer and he's built muscle since then.

"Uh-um yea, I have to go Shower anyways." I continued my way to the bathroom.

I quickly hurry out of the shower wrap a towel around my body.

(Dipper's POV:)

I look at the time and realize that it is time for breakfast. I grab my backpack and walk towards the stairs. As I am walking Mabel is walking out of the bathroom and she is holding her dirty clothes. My eyes start to widen.

Dipper stop, you know that's wrong, just stop.

Mabel drops her clothes on the ground and she bends over to grab them and when she is picking them up I notice a peek of cleavage showing.

She is just so- DIPPER, No.

I bite my lips and walk away without saying anything to her. I'm still trying not to look at her beautiful body. 

(Mabel's POV:)

I go into my room then I throw on my favorite outfit, my stripped sweater and blue skirt.

"Lets make this a good day. Meet new people. Don't be your weird self, that's only okay around Dipper." I say sighing to myself. I try to blow-dry my hair as fast as I can. I finished and I threw a pink bow clip in my hair. I finish getting ready and rush down stairs.

"Bye kids have a great day at school." My mom as she rushes into her car and leaves the house.

"Hey Dip, get me the Fruit Loops from the cabinet?"

"Oh, the ones I just finished?" Dipper laughs and takes a sip of his orange juice.

"You're such a jerk sometimes, you know that?" I punch Dipper's arm and his juice almost spills on him.

"You could of almost cost me a good shirt, you little fart." He punches me back and we both laugh together. I turn around and see the time on the oven.

"Oh my god, its 7:15a.m, we're going to miss the bus!" We both grabbed our stuff and rushed out the door.

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