Chapter 4, Part 3: Mixed Emotions

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A/N: Haii guysss. I'm sorry I haven't wrote since Thursday, but you know, it was Easter weekend and stuff, so I was super busy! You guys know how it is. Anyways I hope you guys are like it! Lots more to go tho! Heheh. SOCIAL MEDIA:Instagram-haley_damico / Kik-agg_sparkle

(Mabel's POV:)

As my room shook and my head pounded from Dipper slamming the door and leaving me, I sat and pondered upon my thoughts. I don't understand him at all, one minute hes into me, the next hes not. My mind was trembling with questions, fears, and worries. As my mind slipped away in the the darkness I lied back and a tear fell out of my eye, quiet and softly, like a water droplet falling off of a flower pedal. I turned over facing the wall and cuddled my blanket. I started drifting off to sleep but my phone buzzed. I rolled my eyes and sighed then looked at my phone, it was Harmoney.

(Dipper's POV:)

We pulled into the movie theater's parking lot and parked kinda far away from the entrance. She was looking at me with her deep eyes like she wanted something.

"What?" I said confusingly.

"You're just really handsome, that's all. I'm glad to be here with you." I started to blush a bit

"You're to sweet, but I'm really nothing special, trust me." She rolled her eyes playfully at me denying her complement and walked out of the car and I followed. We are going to see a movie called 'Blue Lights', it's a chick flick about like love in the country or something like that.

"I'll buy tickets and you can buy the popcorn and drinks or what ever." I said walking towards the stand to buy the tickets.

"Okay cool, I'll go buy the snacks now." She kept walking to the snack stand and I stayed at this stand waiting behind an old couple.

"Two tickets to Blue Lights please." I looked up at all the other movies playing and I saw one that caught my eye. Why is that so familiar? Wait.. That's the movie that Mabel wanted to see so bad. Dipper, now is not the time to think about Mabel. I looked away quickly.

"That's 20 dollars, kid."

"Yeah, sure." I gave him a 20 dollar bill and he handed me the tickets and I walked away.

"Don't call me kid." I mumbled under my breath. I saw Makayla waiting by the stand with a Large popcorn, peanut M&M's and one large drink with two straws."

"I got a Sprite, I hope that's okay. I got one because it's cheaper, ya know?"

"Yeah, that's cool, I get cha."

"I hope you like peanut M&M's by the way. I'm sorry, I forgot to ask. Gah, I'm so stupid!"

"Peanut M&M's are my favorite! Don't worry, I would of done the same thing to be honest." I laughed and she blushed. We walked into the theater and sat down. I grabbed the popcorn from her.

"You shouldn't have to have this on your lap, it will get all gross on your jeans. Let me hold it." She smiled

"It's fine, I don't mind."

"I'll just hold it because I'm a Gent."

"You're too cute." She poked my cheek and it made my head turn the other way. I laughed at her then kissed he cheek. I don't know why I did.. But I just felt like it was the thing to do. She smiled at me.

"What was that for."

"I really don't know. I just felt like it was right."

"I know how you feel." She looked at me with the same deep look like before and I looked back. I wanted to kiss her, I really did, but Mabel was still on my mind. Before I could get out of Makayla's trance her lips were pressed against mine. I cupped my hands around her chin and kissed her deeply. It felt like it was long, but I knew it wasn't. She smiled at me. I felt like things were going too fast.

"Something like that?"

"Yeah.. Something like that..."

(Mabel's POV:)

I woke up from about a 30 minute nap after I decided to ignore Harmoney's text message. I rolled over and reached for my phone and unplugged it from the charger.

-Text Messages-

H; Hey Mabe! How are you Gurl?

M; I'm okay haha. Hbu?

H; I'm great! So is it true that you're single?

M; Uhh, yeah. I'm single. Why you ask?

H; Because, prom is this year, Mabel. Plus, One of my friends is single and he is looking for a girl.

M; I'm not really looking for some one right now tho.

H; Give it a chance Mabel! You're brother and Makayla are prob going to be a thing soon.

She was right.. If Dipper gets to have someone, why can't I? It's about time I get a guy too, I'm tired of being alone. This isn't fair.

H; Mabel, you're a really great girl. You deserve a guy. Plus you guys have a lot in common. He likes stickers! Hahaha!

M; You're right. And thank you by the way. Ooh stickers, he sounds perfect already! When do I meet him?

H; He's actually in your grade. He just moved here from Cali. He'll be in school on Monday.

M; Sounds good. I'll see you on Monday. I plan on spending this wonderful Saturday night alone. Thank you again.

H; Sure thing, Buttercup. And Mabel, are you okay?

M; I'm Dandy.

I was obviously lying. I'm still kinda upset about Dipper.

H; You sure?

M; Positive.

H; Okay, just making sure, Girly. I'll talk to you soon, Baii.

-End of Texts-

I put my phone beside me and rolled back over and went back to sleep.

(1 and a half hours later)

(Dipper's POV:)

The movie ended and the lights turned on.

"That was sooo cute! Lexi and Corey are so perfect, they're relationship goals completely. What a good movie."

"It was okay."

"Well, yeah you're a guy."

"You're right," I shrugged and got up.

"Hey, Dipper? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just dandy." We threw out our stuff and walked out of the building into the car.

"I bet we could pull off a better relationship then them though."

"Listen, we need to talk about this."

"Okay? What is it?"

"Okay look, I like you a lot, you're fucking perfect, lets be honest here, you're a real beauty. I'm just not ready, things are going too fast between us, Makayla. I wanna take things slow. I'm still kind of getting over someone too. Please don't take this personal, I like you so much, trust me. We sure do have a thing here." I did an awkward laugh and blushed.

"It's okay. I wish you would of told me sooner. Now I screwed things up, I'm so awkward. I'm Sorry!" She looked out the window and put her arm on the car door. I grabbed her hand.

"Hey, look at me. you're okay. You did nothing wrong, trust me. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, it's my fault." She smiled at me and nodded.

"How about I buy you some icecream? Would you like that? I know how much girls like icecream." She laughed a smiled showing her pearly white teeth.

"I would like that a lot."

"Good, lets go then." I smiled at her and we drove off.

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