Chapter 5, Part 3: Jealousy

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A/N: Hey guysss. Omff 600 Readsss. You guys make me so happy, heh. Soo, quick funny story. I was writing this part on Thursday and I was so proud I was like "Yaas" I had like 2,000 words and then I clicked something IDEK WHAT IT WAS AND THEN. BAM, IM STORY WAS GONE, UNSAVED. I was livid. Anyways, I probably Won't write on weekends! Hope you guys likeee.

(Dipper's POV)

I opened my eyes slowly from the sun beaming on my eye lids. I yawned and looked beside me and there was precious Mabel, all curled up right beside me. I did a little chuckle to myself over how cute and peaceful she looked. I tried to be as quiet as possible because Mabel was a very light sleeper and I didn't want to wake her. I got up gracefully and looked at her alarm clock, it was 9:53 a.m. I rolled my eyes about how early it was and tip-toed out of the room and slowly shut the door behind me. I went to the bathroom and headed down stairs.

I opened the fridge and I grabbed the gallon of milk as I was yawing and stretching. I walked over to the counter and grabbed some cereal and a bowl. I turned around to go sit at the kitchen table and I jumped a foot off the ground.

"Jesus Christ, Mabel! You scared me so bad."

"You're not afraid of monsters but you're afraid of me.? You're a dork."

"Well, your morning face is pretty scary." She punched me over the counter and I laughed then stuck my tongue out. I walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. She sat down next to me and slammed her head off the table.

"Mabel! Don't do that! You're head is already bad enough from yesterday!"

"Well, I'm tired!"

"Doesn't mean you bang you're head! Why did you get up in the first place then?"

"You were gone. I felt that you weren't there and it brought me discomfort. I felt alone and I really don't wanna feel like that right now." She put her arms on the table then lied on them.

"I'm sorry, Mabe. I tried to be silent. I didn't want you to feel discomfort."

"Its okay, Dip." She yawned and closed her eyes.

"Here, let me go get a new Elastic Bandage and I'll fix you up." I took one more bite of my cereal and walked to the down stairs bathroom and got a new one. I walked back to her and started to change it.

"Ow, ow, ow. Be careful!" She yelped.

"I'm sorry. There's a little dry blood, let me go get more peroxide." I went to go get it and I hurried back. I put it on a cotton ball and rubbed her upper forehead carefully."

"Owie, it stings!"

"I know, I'm sorry again." I put the cotton ball down and started to place the new Elastic Bandage over her head. I pinned it tight, but not too tight."

"All done!" I kissed her forehead and she smiled.

"Thank you, Bro-Bro."

"Any time." I picked up my bowl and put it in the sink. When I turned around to go clean up the other stuff, Mabel was asleep. I shook my head and laughed quietly. I went over to her and picked her lethargic body, then carried her over to the living room and set her on the couch. All of the sudden my phone rung.

Who would be calling me at 10:25? I looked down at the screen and it was Makayla.

-Phone call-

M;Good morning, Sunshine!"

D; Morning!

Mabel eyes opened up and I sighed and palmed my head.

M; I'm sorry that I'm calling you so early. I just wanted to say how much fun I had with you last night. I couldn't stop thinking about you since I dropped you off.

I started to blush and Mabel kept asking me who it was.

D; Yeah, me too. You're pretty great,

M; Awe. Nah, you're to nice.

I laughed and Mabel started to get mad.

D; Well, thank you for taking me out last night. I'm happy you asked.

Mabel's eyes widened and she rolled over to facing the couch pillows.

M; So, when do I get to see you again?

D; Well, you will tomorrow at school, but for dates I don't know. Hey, um can I text you or call you later? I have to go.

M; Yeah, that's fine!

D; Cool, great! Bye!

M; Talk to you later!

-Call Ends-

"Hey, Mabe." I sat down next to her on the edge of the couch and she groaned.

"Mabel, stop. You'll be okay." I rubbed her back and she elbowed me.

"Mabel, look at me." She turned around and gave me a dirty look.


"Hey, listen to me. You're going to be okay. Everything happens for a reason. You're a really strong girl, you don't need me, or anyone. Plus you'll have that guy tomorrow." Wow.. Thinking about that made me sick to my stomach. That's probably how she feels, though.

(Mabel's POV:)

"I do need you, and that's the thing. You don't understand me." He was looking at me with his puppy eyes. I felt bad for being grumpy pants to him, but he needs to know how I feel.

"Again, I said it so many times and I'll keep saying it, Mabel, I'm sorry. You know I don't wanna hurt you, but this-" I sat up.

"Yes, Dipper, I know 'This isn't okay blah, blah, blah.' You clearly don't know the pain I feel. I wouldn't call us off for our 'saftey' or what ever."

"Mabel, are you fucking blind? I do love you. I do know the pain. I do know the suffering. I just care about staying with you, not relationship wise, but like, I don't wanna get caught, and then have us get separated. You know? You mean the World, and the Universe to me. I can't lose you for good. I don't know how many times you're going to make me say that. But everything I'm saying to you is true. I'd never lie to you. I love you so much, too much. You're my smile when my heart is broken. My heart broken, but the little things you do, make me smile, you don't even know. So don't you dare tell me 'I don't feel the pain' cause that just pissed me the fuck off. Listen, I need some space right now. I'm going to my room, don't fucking follow me until you can change your fucking attitude because that fucking hurt me a lot." He was out of breath from speaking so fast and so much. He gave me a sad but angry look and went up stairs.

My heart is beating so fast. I screwed up bad. Geeze, Mabel. You're so stupid. I rolled back into the couch and drifted off into sleep.

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