Chapter 3, Part 3: Deep Slumber

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A/N Hey, guys!! I'm sorry I didn't write yesterday! My mom's friend died, so ya know. I was helping her and stuff. Hope you guys are liking so far! This one is going to be a little longer. Enjoy! Also feel free to message me!

(Mabel's POV:)

"Took you long enough!" I said jokingly.

"I'm sorryyy, you're brother is so chill and funny. I honestly had no clue he was your brother though! He's a cutie." She said, chuckling and placing her stuff on the floor.

 What...? She thinks that Dipper is cute..? Dipper never gets girls. Mabel, stop. Act normal. Stop being a freak and getting jealous. Listen to yourself.

"Ew! Cute? Wait until you get to know him." I was obviously lying through my teeth, I thought Dipper was the best guy, but maybe that's because he was really the only guy I knew.

"I bet hes even better." Makayla said, laughing then taking a seat on the beanbag next to Harmoney. She just wont stop, I don't know what else to say.

"Oh come on, Mabel, he is kinda cute." Said Candy

"I agree." Said Harmoney

"Okay, lets be honest girls, hes hott." Harmoney said, laughing.

"GUYS. Can we stop? That's my brother you're talking about."

"Mabel, what is going on with you? Why are you acting over protective?" Grenda said, looking worried. I just didn't want to hear them talking like that, it is still making me jealous, I admit it.

"It's just gross hearing that, that's all. Anyways, lets do something." I said, quickly changing the topic.

(Dipper's POV:)

I jumped on my bed back first then sighed, She was sooo attractive in every way. Is is bad that I kinda felt guilty for liking her? Mabel was still in the back of my mind. It's still so clear that I liked Mabel more than a sister. I let out a big yell like noise.

(Mabel's POV:)

"What was that?" Grenda said, in her old manly voice then coughed.

"I think that was Dipper, I better go see what happened." The girls continued to talk and laugh and I got up to go to Dipper's room. I walked down the hallway slowly to the next room. I looked at the door and took a big breath.

"Knock Knock, Dippn'sause." I walked in before he could answer.

"What do you want, Mabel?" He sat up on his bed and I punched him so he could scoot over, and he did. I sat down right next to him.

"I was seeing if you were okay. I know things are kinda awk right now, Dip, but I still care about you." I poked his nose and he smiled.

"So whats wrong with you, Dipper?"

"I don't know. I have a lot of stuff on my mind right now. You get me? But thanks for being here." He smiled and then looked at me in a deep way. I needed to leave before stuff went down, even though I wanted to. I just couldn't knowing that the girls where right there.

"You're welcome Bro-bro." I said, acting like nothing ever happened. I got up and left and shut the door behind me.

(Hours after partying, its now 12 a.m.)

"I'm so tired right now, even though it's only 12." Makayla said, yawning and spreading out her blankets on her air mattress with Harmoney.

"Me too." Grenda replied.

"I have an idea, I'll throw on Endless Love and we can watch it, or sleep, or what ever."

"Sounds good to me." Said Candy. They all nodded with the plan so I threw in the disk into my DVD player and put it on. I laid back down and started to drift off.

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