Chapter 11, Part 1: Fruit Punch

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(Dipper's POV:)

I picked up the phone and went to my contact list. I scrolled until I found 'Makayla' with 2 purple heart emojis and an angel emoji. I took a deep sigh, looked at the time, 5:13, and clicked the call button.

-Phone Call-

D; Hey..

M; Haiii-

D; What re you doing right now? Are you busy?

M; No, not at all! Hey, are you okay? You sound really down.

D; I-I'm fine... But, um... Will you come by? I need to talk to you about things.

M; Okay, sure, Handsome! I miss you tons!!! I need to tell you something too!

D; I-I miss you too...

M; I'll be over in like 20! See you soon, Cute-face!

-End of Phone call-

I hung up quickly from a swarm of regret and nervousness. I stared down at the phone for a couple of seconds and then looked at Mabel.

"What is it...? What did she say?" Mabel said shaking me rapidly.

"She is really happy that I invited her over.." I stopped for a few seconds.

"Come on, Dip! What is it??"

"Sh-She said she needs to tell me something too..."

"What do you think it is?"

"I don't know../ But for some reason I'm nervous about what it is."

"Awh, don't be, Bro-bro. Things will be okay." Mabel picked up my hands and wrapped them around her sides so that I would pull her closer, so I did. She into my arms and just held me close. I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

"Mabel look at me" She removed her arms that were linked around my shoulders and moved her beautiful body so that she could make complete contact with me.

"Listen, things are going to work out. We will be together. We will have the happiness we wanted for so long, I promise you. I will never give up on you." Mabel revealed the biggest smile I've seen on her face in a while, teeth and all. I reached closer to her face and gave her a quick, but meaningful kiss on the lips.

"I love you, Dipper."

"I love you too, Beautiful."

-Knock Knock-

"Shes here..." Mabel whispered as her head lifted up from my chest. I let out another sigh and kissed Mabel's cheek. She moved out of the way for me and I scooted off my bed and worked my way down stairs, with Mable following behind me. We both walked through the living room to the front door. Mabel walked into the kitchen,while I stayed I opened the door, Makayla smiled and ran into my arms, hugging me so tight with her head buried into my chest. She looked up at me and her smiled turned into a frown.

"Dipper Pines!! What happened to you!? How did you get that black eye!?" She let go and I just stared at her. 

"I-I, uh, was playing catch with Sebastian and the baseball hit my eye..."

"You hate sports though..."

"And now you know why I do." She chuckled at my response and walked to the couch. She sat down and I shut the door. Mabel was peeking out of the kitchen and living room archway.I glanced over at her and she watched us like a hawk. I sat down on the couch next to Makayla and did a awkward smile.

"How was your day at school?" She said scooting over closer to me.

"It was okay, boring like always. How about yours?"

"It was good, but drama filled like always." She held my hands and kissed my cheek.

"What was that for?" I said getting a pit in my stomach.

"I just missed you a lot... That's all..."

"Oh.. So what did you need to tell me?" I looked over a Mable, she was still there, but holding a drink.

"You can go first if you want, Baby." I looked at Mabel again and she nudged her head, telling me to go first, but of course I ignored her. Makayla turned her body so that she could sit on the couch criss-cross facing me. She gripped my hands tighter and she looked at me with sparkly blue sky eyes. She took a deep breath and smiled with her pearly white teeth. She did a little giggle, like she was nervous about telling me what ever she's going to say.

"Dipper.. I-I'm in-love with you.. I love you" My heart dropped.


I jumped 5 feet in the air and looked over at the archway because that's where the noise came from.There was glass shattered and fruit punch everywhere, but most importantly, Mabel was standing there looking down at the mess with her mouth dropped open.

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