Chapter 10, Part 2: Deep Red

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(Mabel's POV:)

   My stomach tied into a knot. Issac.. School...

   "Oh no.. Oh no-no-no-no. This can't be happening right now. I-I forgot..." I rushed up off of the couch and tucked my hair behind my ear. I grabbed my satchel off the table again and paced back and forth.

   "Mabel.. What are you doing. You're not leaving, right? You can't go..." I started to pace faster and faster.

   "I-I made him a promise... I told him I'd never hurt him. I told him  I'm not like those other girls, like the ones who ripped out his heart.."  

   "You promised me you'd ne-"  

-Knock Knock Knock-

   I stopped pacing dead in my tracks. I turned over to Dipper and gulped, hoping no one heard our conversation. He widened his eyes, and nudged his head, telling me to open the door. I wiped my eyes and carefully walked over to the door. I slowly turned the door-nob.  I closed my eyes and swung the door open.

   "H-Hey.." I opened my eyes, then blinked. I turned around to look at Dipper on the couch, his mouth opened a bit, fist clenched and the death stare. I turned back around fast. 

   "I-Issac..." I said looking at his hands gripping onto a rose bouquet. I rushed my eyes back up to his face and our eyes met.

   "Mabel, I'm so sorry for leaving you stranded today. I feel like a complete fool, I just didn't know what to do. I saw the look of pain in your eyes when I walked away, and I regret it so much. I feel so freaking stupid for not trusting you. I can't believe how rude it was of me to compare you to those other girls, you're nothing like them, not even close. You're a million times more beautiful than them, more smart, more kindhearted. I could never ever compare you to some one else. You're a one of a kind girl, Mabel." I stood there speechless, not knowing what to say. I slowly start to turn my head from the sounds of foot steps, Issac softly pushes my chin back to him. I look up at him, glancing upon his ocean blue eyes. He stares back, looking at my eyes then my lips. He leans down, and kisses me. Our lips melted together like mountain snow under the summer sun as he pulled me closer with his soft sturdy hands. As his soft kiss was dragging me in more and more, I heard more footsteps. I started to count in my head... 


   At that second I was ripped away by A griping force on my shoulder, falling onto the cold hard-wooded floor. I couldn't focus, I was still under a hypnotizing spell. Everything was blurry and fuzzy. I opened my eyes to see Dipper, pushing Issac onto the porch. Dipper then punched Issac in the face twice. I jumped up, trying to stop the fight before it got worse. I ran over, but I was too late. Issac was on top of Dipper, punching him repeatedly. I ran over to Issac, ripping his shoulders trying to get him off of Dipper.

   "STOP IT!! GET OFF OF HIM!!" I was shaking him, ripping him, pulling with all of my force to get him off. 

   "ISSAC, PLEASE!" I said with tears in my eyes, scared for my life. I started to cry, looking at the crushed roses on the ground. I let go of him, and then he let go of Dipper. Both of them lied on the porch, covered in each others blood and their own.

   "What the hell is wrong with you two!? Hurting each other for no reason!" I said wiping my eyes.

   "Your freak brother started it! All I wanted to do is just tell you how much you fucking meant to me.. What the fuck is his issue.?" Issac said breathing heavily 

  "You fucking kissed my sister, you bastard!" Dipper started to crawl to go after him again but I ran over to him and pulled him back.

   "Dipper leave him alone! He did nothing wrong!" I said gripping onto his arm, holding him back.

   "Nothing wrong!? What is that supposed to mean!?" He shoved me away and then slowly stood up, as blood was pouring out of his nose. He took his sleeve and wiped his nose. He walked over to Issac, as he was laying on the porch wood, then spit on him and walked inside and slammed the door. I sat there, out of breath and torn even more. I took a couple of breaths then walked over to Issac. 

   "Let me help you up." I held out my hand and he took it then slowly got up.

   "I-I think he broke my nose.." He said breathing loudly.

   "It's okay.. If anything you did much more damage to him." I feel so bad for Dipper.. but I couldn't leave Issac lying there. Also, I have to make it look like I favor Issac over my own brother. I grabbed on to Issac, hugging his warm bloody body.. I obviously still have feelings for him too. I have no idea what to do anymore.


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