Chapter 3, Part 4: The Ruined Perfect Morning

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(Dipper's POV:)

I opened my eyes slowly and smiled at the beautiful sight I saw and my heart raced from happiness. This was the best way to wake up. I saw Mabel cuddled up on my chest and her make up a mess, which made me chuckle a bit. She was drooling and snoring cutely. She was so adorable when she sleeps. Then suddenly I remembered that she had a party last night, I gasped.

"Mabel, wake up. Mabel." I shook her a bit.

"Dipper let me sleep, what do you want?"

"Mabel, you had girls sleep over last night. You can't have them wake up and you not be there." Her eyes opened right away and she yawned then turned to see the time.

"It's only 8 a.m, Dip. They don't get up until like 10 a.m." She smiled at me and then rubbed her eyes. I smiled back and kissed her cheek.

"How'd you sleep?" I said, while trying to pretend that I didn't have morning wood by hiding it with the blankets.

"Good from knowing that I was with you. We should do this more often." She pulled back my hair and I looked up at my forehead.

"Heh, you're little dipper birthmark is too cute." I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"No its not." She sighed and then kissed it.

"You're perfect in every way, Dipper. I mean that."

"Thank you, Mabel. It means a lot."

"I know it does." She snuggled up back into my chest and I felt complete again. She is the one, no matter how wrong this is. She is mine.


"Yeah, Mabe?"

"I love you so much.." She sounded worried, but maybe it's because she just woke up.

"I love you so much more.." She laughed in my face then licked my chin.

"You're funny, Bro-bro." She pulled off the blanket and sprinted up. I put my arms behind my head and laid back.

"Where you going?" She grabbed my forearm and pulled me up.

"Dance with me." I laughed and she pulled me close to her with a strong force. I spinned her around and she came back to my chest. She stopped dancing and buried her face in my chest and hugged me. It was kinda funny how tall I was compared to her.

"Woah, Dip. Did you grow over night?" It was funny she said that, my pants did look a little short.

" I think you grew like 2 inches!"

"That would mean I'm like 5'11"."

"You're too cute, you get so happy about how tall you are."

"Well, yeah. Remember when you were taller than me? Now I can rest my chin on your big fat head!" She laughed and punched my belly.

"You're still a dork though!" We both laughed.

"Come on, lets go make some pancakes before they get up and think anything. It will look normal if you cook food." I grabbed her hand and she chased after me down stairs. We ran to the kitchen and got the stuff to make chocolate chip pancakes. I picked her up and sat her on the counter.

"You're so beautiful, you know that, right?" She blushed and put her arms around my neck. She leaned in for a kiss and our lips touched, it felt so right. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist and she just laughed while our lips were together because it tickled her. I smiled while she was kissing me and I started to tickle her. She stopped kissing me and choked on her spit from laughing and I just kept ticking her. She leaned her head back and kept laughing. I started to kiss her neck and she just kept laughing, which I really needed to hear after what happened last night.

"DIPPERRRR. I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" She kept squirming and I chuckled.


"Oh no you won't, Madam." I stopped tickling her and she sighed in relief.

"You're a big bully. Will you let me cook for my friends now?"

"Fine, but you have to do one thing for me."

"What is that?"

"Kiss my birthmark and tell me how much you love it. It makes me feel good about myself." She smiled then pulled me closer to her and the counter. She wrapped her legs around my waist then pushed up my hair and kissed my birthmark about 6 times.

"Dipper, your birthmark is adorable. It brings out who you really are, mostly your name. You probably have that mark on your head because it represents how much of a star you are. You are so bright and shine out over everyone, even though you keep to yourself. You glow in the dark and can help anyone find their way. You're mark is perfect, just like everything else on your body and all your little tiny flaws. I love you and it very much." She kissed it one last time and I was on the verge of tears because no one has said such a nice thing to me before. It made me feel warm inside. She made me feel warm inside, she made me feel all fuzzy. Was that how true love felt?

"Mabel, that was beautiful, Did you really mean that?"

"Of course I did, every little word. Now, let me cook." I slid on to my waist off the counter, I gave her a little kiss then set her down to do her thing.

We cooked up about 15 pancakes and when we placed everything down the girls came piling down.

"Did you guys smell them or what?" Mabel said with the biggest smile on her face. They all laughed and took a seat at our kitchen table. There was a perfect amount of seats for all of us. We all grabbed 2 pancakes to start out with and everyone ate right away.

"That was really good guys!" Harmoney said

"Indeed it was." Said Candy. They all picked up their mess and put it in the sink and headed back upstairs to pack their stuff, except for Makayla, she stayed behind. Mabel started to the dishes and Makayla approached me and Mabel looked over at us.

"Morning Dip, thanks for the breakfast." I looked over at Mabel and she looked upset at the fact that Makayla called me 'Dip'.

"Any time." She smiled and then started to whisper in my ear;

"I was thinking about crawling into bed with you last night, but I thought that would of been weird." She said, loud enough just for Mabel to hear, like she was doing it on purpose. I started to blush.

"Really?" I had to act like I was interested. Okay, I was a bit.

"Yes, sir." She grabbed a pen that was on the counter then started to write on my arm, it was her number.

"I want you to text me when you can." She kissed me on the cheek then looked at Mabel then walked upstairs. It was like she knew something was going on, but I knew she didn't.

I looked over at Mabel and she looked so upset. I felt terrible.

"Does she know anything?" I said to Mabel in a serious voice.

"No, and that's not the thing. Dipper, this is hurting me." I walked over to her and hugged her from behind as she was still washing the dishes. She looked at me from the corner of her eye in anger.

"I know it is, Mabel. There's nothing I can do."

"Are you dumb? You obviously don't text her.

"Mabel, remember what I told you last night? I have to make it look like I like her, and I told you that I do a little bit."

"She was basically saying she wanted to.. You know..."

"Mabel, I know. I won't let it go that far, okay?" I turned her around and kissed her. She smiled and then frowned again.

"I love you, Dip."

"Love you too." This was honestly killing me. I loved her so much and we felt so right, but deep down inside it was wrong to be doing this. Plus I really did like Makayla. I just was so confused. I heard two honks and I immediately let go of Mabel and turned to the other counter. I heard a bunch of girls running down the stairs.

"Bye Mabel, thank you" They all said

"Dipper don't forget!" Makayla looked at me and winked then they all went out the door.

"So what do you wanna do today, Dip?"

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