Chapter 9, Part 2: Hold On

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A/N: Ayeee Guysss. I'm sorry that I've been slacking on writing and such but I've been really busy. I do year book, and I had a prom type thing on the 21, so I was busy with that and all, but I'll be back to my normal writing soon. Happy Memorial Day!


-Time Skip to 3:00 p.m-

(Mabel's POV:)

My mind is racing with thoughts and problems. What is going on? I walked home with my head down low, no one will ever love me. What did I ever do so wrong? I felt my eyes start to drip, I started running home, I didn't want people to see me cry that were driving by or even Dipper. I listened to my feet slamming down on the pavement, I focused my body on just getting home. My backpack was slamming on my back thighs and the wind blowing my hair around, I felt free.

"Mabel, stop running! You're going to fall!" I ignored Dipper and sped up my long legs. I started to hear other foot steps copping mine. I knew that I was never capable of running as fast as Dipper, even if he was a little far behind me. I stopped running as I leaped onto my porch steps. I forcefully opened the door and just fell on to my wooden floor. Dipper ran in and slid down next to me the floor. Streams running down my face and a beating heart.

"Mabel.. What in the world is going on? Why are you crying.." He grabbed my hands away from my face and just held them, waiting for me to respond.

"Why..? Why did he tell me that he likes me but then leave me stranded?"

"Oh, Mabel. That's just how people are. Hes afraid, or hes just being an ass."

"It's not fair!"

"Love isn't fair. I know how you feel, I've felt the same pain." He let out a huge sigh.

"What are you talking about? Makayla is still with you, right?"

"Yes, we're still together, but I lost some one a while ago." He said, talking like he had a lump in his throat.

"What are you talking about..? Makayla is your first.." I said, as he let out a bigger sigh and put his head down.

"Well, yes, and no. During that month you don't remember... I had a fling with this girl.. This amazing girl. This wasn't just any normal girl, this was a girl that had hair of gold and eyes full of dreams. A simple little smile that could take you to Heaven and back.. Her head in the clouds, hoping that we would work out. Then I did something, I did the wrong thing, I wasn't good enough, I wasn't there, I was a fool with a short temper, and I lost her forever. I'll never get her back." I saw a tear fall from his eye.

"W-Who?" I said focusing on him, even though he is avoiding eye contact with me. He did a little angry, sarcastic chuckle.

"Doesn't matter anymore. I lost her, and she found some one else."

"D-Dipper. I'm sorry.." He looked at me, weary eyed and confused.


"I don't know, but for some reason I have a feeling of guilt in my body." I said, shaking. He grabbed my hands and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Mabel, listen to me. Follow your dreams, follow the person you love the most, never let them go, don't let them escape because you might never get them back. You'll end up like me, regretting every decision you make since the moment you left the person. It's... It's like having lungs but not being able to breathe. I can't see you like that, your my sister. You mean a lot to me, no matter how weird that sounds." My heart skipped a beat, my chest got heavy and I felt a rush of pain in my head.

"No... It's not weird at all.." I leaped on top of him and hugged him oh so tight and he squeezed back.


"Oh, um. I'm sorry... You just looked like you needed a hug." I said, getting off of him and awkwardly itching my head.

"I did. It helped. Thank you."

"You're welcome... Anyways, you're right. I need to go get him. I need to chase after him. I can't let him go." Dipper stood up and held out his hand to help me up.

"I'm going to go after him, I have to." I grabbed my satchel off the coffee table.

"How are you getting there?"

"Walking. He doesn't live that far, it will take like 25 minutes." I wrapped my satchel's strap around my shoulder and made my way to the door. I turned the silver door knob and opened the door.

"Mabel, wait!" I turned around and gave Dipper a sad look from over my shoulder. I turn my head back around and I feel a forceful pull on my shoulder, telling me to stay. As the hand was gripping me with a powerful force a pair of lips grasped onto mine.

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