Chapter 5, Part 1: Mistakes

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(Mabel's POV:)

It was now about 9:15 p.m and I heard the front door slam shut which startled me a bit because I was listening to music and not expecting it. I knew it was Dipper because my parents wouldn't be home until tomorrow. I jumped up from my bed and ran down stairs as fast as I could without tripping over my feet or just anything in general. I ran right into Dipper's arms and it made him go back a couple of feet because he didn't know it was coming.

"Woah, Mabel! What are you doing?" I stuffed my face in his chest and hugged him. I breathed in his smell because it still was a scent of comfort to me.

"I missed you, thats all." And then it hit me in the face like a brick. Our conversation from when he left sunk into my head. I let go right away and he looked at me with an irrelevant look.

"Oh. I missed you too." He did an awkward smirk and I backed up a bit.

"So um how was your date? Or what ever it was."

"It was good actually."

"I told her that I needed to wait before we went 'offical' or what ever you wanna call it."

"That's cool."

"Yeah, I guess." Okay.. This is getting really awkward. Should I tell him about the boy I'm going to be meeting on Monday? Yeah. I should, it's the right thing. Go for it, Mabel.

"Hey. I gotta tell you something, Dip."

"Yeah, go for it I guess."

"Well, um Harmoney texted me-" I was cut off

"Yeah, what she want?"

"Dipper let me tell you."

"Sorry, just doing what you did to me earlier." He laughed and I hit him.

"Can we sit on the couch?" I walked over and sat down and he followed.

"Anyways, as I was saying, Harmoney texted me and we were talking about how you and Makayla are probably going to be a thing soon and how Sophomore prom is this year, obviously, and that it was time for me to get a guy."

(Dipper's POV:)

And thats when I knew I fucked up. Shit, Dipper. Act like you don't care, make her jealous. Dipper, what are you saying? You can't hurt her. Stop being a puss.

"Oh, and?" I had a blank expression on my face, my heart sank from letting thoes words leave my mouth. I cared a lot.. Mabel is growing up, this can't be. I'm supposed to be her only guy her hero.

"You don't care? It doesn't bother you? You're not even happy at least?"

"I don't care." I looked away and itched my shoulder.

"Okay then, be like that, Negative Nancy."

"Don't call me that, Mabe." She stood up

"What has gotten into you? How can I not call you negative when you have no Emotion at all?"

"You. You have gotten into me."

"Me!? You're blaming your problems on me!?" I stood up and got in front of her.

"Maybe I am! You are though! You fucked me up! You're making me feel bad about liking a girl! What the hell is that!? A brother shouldn't feel that! But you had to lead me on!" Anger was raging through my body,and so many emotions.

"How do you think I feel!? It's not always all about you! Even though it always is! You're the smart one, the popular one, you have everyone! And all I am is just a freak and a inner five year old! I have barley anyone! I feel like my 'friends' are only my 'friends' because they feel bad for me! I thought you understood me! You were supposed to be a good brother, not a crush, not a enemy, just my brother. I needed you Dipper, but I can't find who you are anymore." I looked away because she started tearing up and I couldn't take it.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" I looked up at her and her face was bright red and tears were streaming down.

"One moment you act like your in love with me, and then the next you're telling me that you need space, that we shouldn't do this even though you love me! What the fluff is wrong with you, Dipper? Why are you doing this to me? WHY!? You're breaking me.." She now bursted into tears and cupped her face with her hands and started to run away but I grabbed her hand.

"Mabel! Wait! I'm Sorr-"

"NO. Don't tell me that you're sorry when you can't even tell me why you're acting like this." She ripped away with a powerful force and ran out the front door. I chased after her and she started to run into the woods behind our house. We had moved from New York to Montana because our parents wanted us to be closer to GrUncle Stan.

"Where are you going!? Mabel stop running!" She ran even faster and deeper into the woods and she was pretty far in front of me. It felt like some one was running after me, but I knew that was just my anxiety. I looked back just to make sure and then a heard a large thump and turned my head back around immediately.

"Mabel! Are you okay!?" She was face in the dirt with her head next to a rock. I ran over to her as fast as I could then crouched down to her. I flipped her over onto her back then shook her.

"Mabel, wake up! Mabel!?" I put my head on her chest, she was still breathing. I looked up at her head and she was bleeding.

"Oh my God. Dipper, why are you so stupid this, is all my fault. I'm so sorry Mabel." I ripped off my sleeve from my good green collard shirt, but that didn't matter any more and I put it around her head for now. I picked her up wedding style and stared my way back to the house being as careful and gentle as I could. I went through the back door this time and carried her into the kitchen. I put her helpless body on the counter and sighed.

I walked fast and opened the drawer to get a cold face cloth then I ran it under cold water. I took off the ripped shirt sleeve from her head then applied the cloth. I sprinted to my bathroom to get peroxide, a clip, and Elastic Bandages. I ran right back to her. I took off the cold cloth and then got a new, but dry one and put peroxide on it and rubbed it where her wound was. I wiped off all the blood and made sure the cut was fully clean, There was a bump on her head but I don't she has a concussion. Mabel was wicked easy to make pass out. I then wrapped the Elastic Bandage around her head but not too tight and the clipped in place.

I picked her back up and brought her upstairs to her room. I placed her smoothly on top of her bed then tucked her in. I lied down with her and put my head on her chest and started to cry. I fucked up so bad with everything. She was right about earlier. I realized that I was the center of attention, and that Mabel was going through so much and I was just an ass. How could I be so cruel to my own sister?

"I love you Mabel, but I'm really done with this. I can' keep hurting you. You mean to much, and after today, I will never forget all the damage I've done to your little Innocent soul." I kissed her forehead and then got up.

"D-Dipper. Wa-Wait." I turned around right away and tears were running down my face but I smiled a bit from her voice.

"Before we go back to normal, sleep with me one last time." I nodded at her and crawled back into her warm soft bed. I wrapped my arms around her and silently cried myself to sleep.

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