Chapter 2, Part 3: Time and Mind Reliever

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-Time skip to 3:00-

(Mabel's POV:)

I walked into the house and Dipper followed behind, which was really awkward.

"Hey kids, how was school?" Asked my dad with a huge grin on his face.


"Terrible." Dipper and I said in unison.

"I'm glad you had a good day, Dipper, but what happened Mabel?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." I ran to my room, and for some reason I felt like crying.

(Dippers POV:)

"What happened to her, Dipper? Do you know anything about this?" I shrugged. I obviously knew it was me, that I was the problem, but I think something else was bothering her too.

"Hmm. I have to get back to work though, I'm sorry. Your mother should be home soon. Tell Mabel I said goodbye and that I love her." He gave me a hug, and left in a rush it seemed like.

(Mabel's POV:)

I threw myself hopelessly on my bed and took a giant sigh. All of the sudden I heard my phone go off.

-Text messages; from Grenda-

G; Hey mabe

M; Hey Grenda

G; What you doing , Candy and I are going to the mall and we where wondering if you wanted to come.

M; Sure.

G; Okay cool, we'll be there in 15.

M; Bye see you soon.

I really didn't wanna go, I was too broken to even stand up. I only did this to get my mind off things. I texted my mom to tell her that I was leaving. It's a good thing Grenda is a year older than me because she can drive.

-Time skip to 15 minutes later-

-Honk honk- 

They were here. I quickly ran down stairs and Dipper was on the couch watching t.v and stuffing his face with chips. He looked like a slob, but he was still cute.

"Where are you going?"

"Out." I replied with a sassy tone then slammed the door behind me. Grenda was on the wealthier side and she was driving a Cadillac. I ran to the car and I had a smirk on face because I just kept thinking about the way Dipper's face looked after the way I said "out."

"Hey gurl" Said Grenda with her slightly man voice.

"Hay." I said back and we drove off to the mall.

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