Chapter 4, Part 2: Cover up

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(Dipper's POV:)

I was laying on my bed and just scrolling through my Instagram and then I looked at the time. It was 5:30 p.m.

"Oh God. I have to get ready now or I'm never going to be ready in time." I said to myself quietly. I threw on a pair of khakis and a decent green collard shirt. I knew I couldn't wear my hat on a date, that would be really awkward. I walked to Mabel's room because I knew that she would know how to help. I knocked on her door.

"Come in!"

"Mabel, I need your help right now."

"With? And if it's for your stupid date I'm not helping."

"Mabel, please!"

"Ugh. What is it."

"So, I obviously can't wear my hat on the date, but if I don't my birthmark will show. What do I do to make it not show? My hair is a bit below it but it still pops out."

"Dipper, you shouldn't even be going on a date with her if you think shes going to judge you for having that. That little birthmark is what makes you, you. She should love every part of your body.

"Okay, thanks mom. But really help!!" She rolled her eyes at me and got off her bed.

"Where are you going!?"

"You wan't me to help right?"


"Well, hold on!" She walked out of her room and about 30 seconds later she was back with her zebra print makeup bag.

"Woah, hold up there. What are you doing with that? You're not going to make me your little doll."

"I thought you said you wanted my help."

"I do."

"Okay, well then hold still and stop being a grump." I was sittng in the middle of her bed and she crawled on with me then sat on my lap, I knew what she was doing, she was trying to tease me so I wouldn't go with Makayla. She then searched through her bag and then pulled out a small bottle.

"What is that?"

"Concealer." she lifted up my hair and I looked into her eyes, she looked so concentrated. She clipped my hair back.


"Beauty is pain, Dip." She then grabbed the concealer and opened it within a second there was a blob of it on the outside of her hand. She grabbed a make-up brush and but it in the blob then started to spread it out on my forehead, it was cold. I looked up at her deep brown eyes, she still looked so concentrated, it was adorable.

"There, all done." She handed me a little mirror. It was like magic, you couldn't see it all all.

"Good thing we're the same skin color, huh Bro-bro?"

"Thanks, Mabel Syrup. It worked really good, you're so smart." I grabbed her chin and gave her a big quick smooch. I tried to run off the bed but she grabbed my shirt and pulled me back for more. She looked at me and I was on top of her. She was doing it again, trying to make me not go, and it was working. She must be a wizard or something. Her kiss was like a love spell. I heard a beep and I woke up from that amazing spell. She was here.

"Dipper, please. Don't go."

"I have to Mabel, it's the right thing. I love you but, we both know this is wrong and we have to get out of it. I love you so much, and I admit, I'm addicted to you, you're my drug, like my own personal brand of heroine, this isn't good. You're like... like my guilty pleasure. I have to go." It looked like it she was going to cry, I held back my tears, and got up without saying any last words then slammed the door behind me, headed downstairs, and walked out the door.

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