Chapter 10, Part 3: Home

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A/N omgomgomggo guys I'm sorry for not updatingggg,  I'm just having really bad writer's block! But you're all in luck because that means  A LONG chapter part thingyyyy. WOO. hope you guys are having a rad summer! Comment and favorite! ;D

(Mabel's POV:)

"Issac.. Should I call your mom..?" I said letting go of his waist.

"No. Shes not even home, plus I don't want her to see me like this, she'll freak." 

"Then what are you going to do? Y-You can't walk home all bloody and stuff. Plus you think your nose is broken!" He looked down at his clothes in disgust.

"I'm calling my mom!" I said grabbing my satchel off of the porch floor.

"Mabel, I'm good, my dad is home. I'll be okay."

"Promise you'll be okay?" I said looking back up at him.

"Yes, I promise." He looked down at me and then leaned in for another hypnotizing kiss, and once again our lips melted like mountain snow under the summer sun. I opened my eyes and backed away. I did a low smile and walked inside. I turned to shut the door, and I felt like I was closing the door to another world. A heavy sigh left my mouth as I worked my way upstairs, preparing for the worst. I walked past Dipper's room, entering the bathroom. As the cold tile touched my feet I searched around for a cloth. I crouched down opening the sink cabinets, and my eyes glanced upon a bright pink face cloth with stars sewed into it. I shrugged and grabbed it. I ran the cloth under the warm sink water, letting it soak for a bit. I turned off the sink and then rang out the pink cloth. I worked my way out of the bathroom and headed to Dipper's room. 

-Knock Knock-

I walked inside of his room, with my head down and shaking legs. Why am I shaking? Why am I scared? I tucked my hair behind my ear and then looked up to see Dipper sitting on the ground in front of his bed, his back against it, and head inside of his palms. I gulped, swallowing back my pain and worries. I noticed he was still in his bloody shirt so I walked over to his drawer and grabbed a plain old green T-shirt. I slowly walked back over to him, then sat down on my knees next to him.

"Hey.." I said in a low calm voice. He didn't move one bit. He was still sitting there, selfless, no emotions. I couldn't tell if he was crying or not, wondering that made me get a tight pit in my stomach, is this all my fault?

"D-Dipper... We need to change your T-shirt, its really Dirty." I slowly moved my hand over to his shoulder, then softly grabbed it. He forcefully pushed my hand away with shoulder, making me jump a bit. I knew he was just upset though, he wasn't trying to hurt me, right? I ignored my thoughts and went back to trying to get him to move. It was dead silent, you could hear a pin drop. I grabbed his hands, pulling them away from his eyes, surprisingly he went with it. I stopped for a minute, his hands still in mine resting on his lap. I looked up at him, and he was already looking at me. I slowly reached my hands at the bottom of his shirt, and carefully started taking it off. His eyes on me with every single move I make. He lifted up his arms so I could finish taking off his shirt. Once it was fully off our eyes met again. I looked back down quickly, try to escape the awkwardness. He place his hand under my chin and lifted it up. Out eyes met once more and I bit my lip. 

God, he looks so attractive all scratched up and tough looking. He brought my chin closer to him, and my whole body moved with the motion. Our lips collided, and that's when it hit me, I belonged with him. His kiss is softer than a feather but stronger than a guy jacked on steroids. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and shifted on top of his lap. His rough hands gripped around my waist and we just kept kissing like nothing ever happened, like every thing around us didn't exist. When I kiss him I feel.... I feel something.. Something that I can't describe, something that words can't ever describe, and never will be able too. All I know is that this is where I belong, this is my home. His arms are my home. He makes me happy, he makes me.. Me...

His lips departed from mine which felt like coming down from the highest high, the purest Ecstasy. I didn't want to stop. Ha, Drugs set off Dopamine? No, this boy made Dopamine flood through my brain just by being in the same room.  I was truly addicted to him, no one could ever understand.. Except for him.. 

"Mabel, I love you so much." I smile grew across my face, knowing he had the same exact thoughts.

"I love you too."

"I know you do." I wrapped my arms around him tighter and squeezed with all my might. He squeezed back and I did a little chuckle.


"Yeah, Mabes?"

"Whats going on through your mind right now?" I said picking up the now cold damp cloth and starting to wipe off the blood that is scattered among his face. 

"That I'm madly in love with you. That I can't even explain the feelings that you give me. Our relationship is like a roller-coaster, fun but terrifying at every drop. I think that's what it makes it so great, it would be boring with out all this extra stuff,  I just try to think positive about us. I love you so much, Mabel, and that's why I acted like a fool earlier, because love makes people do stupid things. I'm just deadly afraid of losing you to another man, I over reacted. Please forgive me."

"No, no, you didn't over react.. Well, I mean, you did hit him pretty bad butttttt, you were just protecting whats yours. You were scared, and fear takes over the body, and anyone will do anything to protect and keep the one they love. I know if I saw anyone kissing you I'd get pretty mad, and I did with the whole Makayla thing."

(Dipper's POV):

"Thank you for understanding, Love." Makayla.. Wait, wait, wait.. Shit shit shit...


"Yesssss?" She said as she was wiping the last drop of blood off my face.


"Oh no. What are we going to do now?"Mabel buried her head into my chest and I let out a deep sigh. I rubbed the back of her head, trying to comfort her.

"I-I have to break up with her.. It's so wrong to be with someone when your in love with some one else, you know? I made a mistake of ever leading her on. I'll admit, I did have feelings for her, but no where near the ones I have for you. I don't wanna break her heart, but its the right thing to do."

"Y-You don't have to leave her for me.. I don't wanna ruin a REAL relationship.."

"Are you saying ours isn't real..?"

"No, no! I meant like non brother and sister type thingy.."

"Mabel, don't you get that I'm madly in love with you and I'll do anything to be with you?  I'm doing this no matter what the price is. I'm inviting her over right now."

"You're not going to do it over text?"

"Are you serious? Mabel, I'm not a total ass hole. Its the least I can do." She chuckled a bit and slid off of my lap and then handed me the green T-shirt. I hopped up and placed the shirt onto my body. I grabbed my phone off my bed then sat down to make the call.  

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