Chapter 6, Part 3: Lost

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(Dipper's POV:)

-Time skip to Thursday afternoon-

I walked in the cafeteria and for some reason all eyes were on me. Everyone would stare at me now, and not like how they used to. People used to look at me like I was the 'cool guy'. Ever since the Mabel thing happened people are acting weird around me and it pisses me off to be quite honest. I walked causally and pretended that I didn't notice the people were looking at me. It feels so empty at school with out Mabel.

I felt a sudden pull on my shoulders. I jumped back and turned around in shock.

"Makayla, you just scared the crap out of me." She did a sleek grin and laughed, then we both started to walk together.

"How are you doing, Dipper?"

"I'm doing okay. It's lonely though. I can hardly sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night panicking from dreams that makes me think shes dead." She grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes and gave a big hug in the middle of the cafeteria. I could feel even more people's eyes on us.

"Thank you." I said as I let go softly and avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room.

"I'm sorry I haven't sorry texted or called you a lot lately, I've been super busy. I feel so bad. I haven't been the right Girl- Err- friend I should be." She blushed a bit.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Don't even worry about me."

"Dipper. Don't even say that. How can I not? I hate knowing my best friend is broken and going through a junk load of stuff. It hurts me, you know. You're important to me."

"You're important to me as well." We both smiled and she playfully punched my arm, which made me think of Mabel.

"Hey. Let's hang out tomorrow? I feel like I haven't been a good enough friend, even though I've been busy, but anyway, lets hang out."

"Okay, sure. That sounds cool." I smiled a little and shrugged.

"Good. Well, um, I'll see you around, Dipper. Talk to you later."

"Bye." We went our separate ways.

-Time Skip to 4:00 p.m.-

I heard a honk and ran down stairs to the front door. My mom is here, shes bringing me to the hospital to see Mabel. I haven't seen her since Monday. I know I told her I wasn't going to leave her side, but I did to see if it would maybe help, but it kinda made things worse. I was wearing the outfit Mabel loved on me, my green flannel, white T-shirt, and jeans. I felt stupid wearing it because she can't even see me.

I sat in silence the whole way of the 15 minutes to the hospital, I wasn't in the mood for talking. My mom pulled up to the front and dropped me off. I opened the door to get out and she grabbed my hand before any parts of my body where outside of the car.

"I love you, Dipper."

"I love you too, mom."

"I'll be here in 30 minutes to pick you up." I got out of the car and shut the door behind me and she drove off. I walked inside of the hospital and breathed in. I hate the way the hospital smells. I made my way to the front desk and the woman looked at me like she hated her job.

"Mabel Pines."


"Room 331, got it." I cut her off before she could say the room number because I memorized it from Monday. I hurried to her room and dodged every doctor and person in the hospital. I reached her room and looked in the window. I sighed then opened the door with courage. I walked over to her little, precious body.

"Hello, Mabel." I grabbed her hand and kissed it. I felt really awkward because it seemed like I was talking to myself, but I knew deep down she could here me.

"I miss you a lot. Things have been really hard on me lately." I pushed her hair back and a tear fell out of my eye. I hate seeing her like this.

"School and home is really lonely with out your bright smile and energizing motions. Everything is lonely actually. I can never sleep anymore. My mind wonders of to you, you're all I ever think about right now. I spend most nights in your room, though. That kinda helps but at the same time and makes me feel even worse because you're not there." I continued paying with her hair. I felt like the more I talked the more it helped her, but the more I talked the more broken down it made me feel, but I did enjoy getting to see her face and 'talk' to her.

"I hope you're doing okay in that little noggin of yours. Please, please, pleaseee wake up soon. I miss you. Mom misses you. Dad misses you. Every one misses you, Mabel. I just need to have your warmth in my arms again. I need to feel your bright pink, soft, warm, cozy cheeks against mine. I have faith in you, Mabel. I'm sorry I haven't seen you in a bit, I felt like it was the best thing for me to do, and I know you would want me to do what ever I thought was the best. That's why I love you so much." I kissed her little head and I could of swear I saw her twitch a bit.

"Mabel, I need to tell you something. I'm thinking about making Makayla and I official. I really like her, she makes me so happy, she makes me forget about the bad things as long as she can. She helps me with you, and I know shes a good girl. She won't hurt me. Plus, if I'm going to do this I have to do it while you don't remember. Please don't forget that I love you so much. I always will." A couple more tears fell out and I wiped them off right away. I kissed her lips lightly. My phone buzzed, which made me let go of her soft, calm lips in a startle . I looked down and it was my mom, she was here.

I looked at Mabel, kissed her forehead and then left quickly.

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