Chapter 1, Part 2: Realization

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-Time skip to 20 minutes later-

(Mabel's POV:)

I look down to my phone and see that my mom is calling me.

"Hell-hi-hi, Hunny?" She says in a worried voice.

"Um, is everything okay whats happening?" I say confusingly.

"Mabel, who is that?" Dipper says, as I shove my hand onto his mouth trying to shut him up.

"The school is on fire.." My mom says in a low voice.

"WHAT??!?" I said as I was jumping in the air.

"Mabel, what the fuck is going on?!"

"Shhhhhh," I move the phone away from him so my mom can't here him yell into the phone.

"School won't start until a couple of weeks now, your father and I still have to work though, so go home and do what ever, no friends today, Hun. Oh, and make sure to tell your brother. Bye now."

-Call ends-

"Can you tell me who that was now?"

"It was mom, the school caught on fire and now it doesn't start until a couple of weeks."

"Really? Woo-hoo!" He says giving me a high five.

We start to walk home from the bus stop and then we finally get home.

"Soooo, what do you wanna do today, Sis?" Dipper says as we both sit on the couch.

"I dunno, Bro-Bro. Wanna play some Smash Bros or something?"

"Sure, that sounds cool."

"Okay, you set it up, I'll go git some Pitt Cola and chips." I walk to the kitchen as Dipper starts to set the game up.

(Dipper's POV:)

 Okay, we know that I have some feelings for Mabel, which is completely not okay and awkward, and I know she'll never feel the same way for me. This is soo bad. Okay, just don't do anything stupid. But what if she does like me, she has been acting strange around me latley. Like when I was shirtless earlier, she just wouldn't stop staring. Who am I kidding? Im just a freak.

(Mabel's POV:)

 This is so awkward right now. I am obviously attracted to him, but hes obviously not into me. Who has a thing for their brother? Yuck. Hes just so hot, dreamy, smart, funny, and no one gets me like he does. Mabel, just stop thinking like this, its so not normal. What did I tell you earlier about not being yourself..? Well, I did say its okay to be me around Dipper, but now I can't cause I blew that chance. Screw you, Mabel. I sigh to myself and shake my head.

I walk back into the living room with the snacks and I sit down next to Dipper and then I place the food onto the table.

"You ready to get your butt kicked, Sis?" Dipper says as he laughs, then sticks out his tongue.

"Jokes on you brotha cause Imma beat you first!" I crack open a can of Pitt Cola and we start playing right away.

-10 minutes later-

"WHAT?" Dipper jumps up in anger and when he does my soda spills on me.

"DIPPER, MY FAVE SKIRT!" I say screeching.

"Mabel, I'm so sorry." Dipper runs to the kitchen then he comes back with one wet paper towel and a dry one.

"I'm so, so, so sorry, Sis. I didn't mean to." Dipper wipes off my legs and skirt.

"Its okay, Dipper, I know you didn't mean it." Dipper looks up at my eyes and I look back into his. I blink for a second and when I do I can all of the sudden feel Dipper's lips on mine, I don't hesitate to kiss back. Dipper grabs me closer and then he tries to slip his tongue inside of my mouth. I stop kissing him then I immediately run upstairs.

 I can't believe he just kissed me.. I guess he does like me back. It felt so good, but so wrong at the same time. I never thought this would be happening. That was the best feeling I ever had, besides of when I won Waddels, but that doesn't matter right now. Why did I run away..? Now he probably feels like poo...

(Dipper's POV:)

 I just kissed my sister.. and it meant more than a family kiss... What did I just do? I thought she liked me more than a brother, she was giving me dreamy eyes like how she did with her crushes ages ago. Maybe she was just nervous, she was kissing back for a bit until I decided to start frenching her... I just fucked up big time... I put my hands over my eyes and sigh.

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