Chapter 2, Part 2: Get me out of here

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(Time Skip to last class)

(Dipper POV:)

This day is going pretty good, it is now last class then I'm all done with this for the day and I get to go home. I made a couple of new friends, which is strange because it's sophomore year, but anyways I made new friends. There was this girl who kept staring it me in biology. She was tall but about 3 inches shorter than me, so about 5'7", like Mabel's height. I think transferred here this year. Anyways, she has deep brown eyes and blonde hair, which was curly, but curling iron curls, which fell down to a little bit above the center of her back. She wasn't skinny, but she wasn't plump, she had curves, she was perfect. If I only knew her name. I walked last block, history. Ew.

"Shit." I whispered to myself under my breath. There was only one seat left, which was next to Mabel.

(Mabel's POV:)

"Poop." I whispered to myself. There was only one seat left, and that happens to be next to me. I looked at him and then at the seat. He did the same. He slowly walked up to the desk and sat down. I sighed and he looked at me.

"Hi.." He said with an uneasy voice.

"Hey.." i said back. It was worse than an awkward text message, worse than getting eaten alive, I dunno what to do anymore. These thoughts just stuck in my head. My day was already horrible. I don't need this too. I'm a awkward person, my mind is so uneasy and I have wicked bad anxiety as it is. My only friends are Candy and Grenda, and the sad thing is I have NO classes with them what so ever. This day can't get any worse than it already is.I haven't been paying attention this whole time of class and its already been 20 minutes. Get me out of here. I wonder what Dipper is thinking right now.

(Dipper's POV:)

This class is going by so slow. At the corner of my eye I keep staring at Mabel, I hope she doesn't notice me. I try to get Mabel's image out of my head and try to distract myself by doing something else. I know. My mind sunk back into biology. Her curls, her eyes, her curves, that smile. I didn't want to think of that nameless girl, but I did anyway to keep my mind off of Mabel, and it worked. My mind stayed in that thought, and before I knew it, the bell rang.

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