Chapter 6 Part 1: You'll Be Okay

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(Dipper's POV:)

"Dipper. Dipper, Hunny." I felt shaking on my arm and woke up with a startle.

"Huh?" I groaned. It was just my mom.

"Its Monday. It's 8 o'clock in the morning! You slept for like 20 hours! Why are you in your sisters bed?"

"I uh, I don't know?"

"We're going to the hospital to see Mabel. They made us leave yesterday. We're going to see what happened and if shes okay. You're coming with us."

"Okay.." I got up and went to the bathroom. I stood in the in the mirror looking at myself. I look a mess. I had no time to shower. I went pee, washed my hands, then brushed my teeth. I went to my room and put on gray sweats, and a football T-shirt my dad gave me. I slipped on my hat and ran downstairs. My parents were waiting in the car. I slid on my shoes and rushed out the door.

-30 minutes later-

We pulled up to the hospital and parked the closest to the building as we could. I got out of the car and we all hurried inside.

"Mabel Pines." My dad said in a very firm voice."

"Room 331."

"Thank you." We walked our ways to get to that room. Each step I walked my heart sunk more and more. We reached the room and as we walked in a doctor was walking out.

"Hello. Are you the parents of Mabel Pines?" I peeked in the window and saw Mabel sleeping.

"Yes. We are."

"Okay. And are you here brother?"

"Yep." I said without even looking at him, my eyes were still attached to Mabel.

"Alrighty then. Well, I have some good news, and then some bad news." Once I heard 'bad news' My eyes and ears all went to the doctor.

"Well. Mabel hit her head pretty hard. When she fell down I'm guessing she did pass out for a little then, am I right?

"Yes." I said in a stern voice.

"Well, the impact didn't fully kick in yet. She must of been 'fine' you could say for probably about 10 hours maybe? Anyways, her brain and stimuli wasn't fully aware of what was going on. She must of had a lot of stress going on then had a finally situation that finally made her react."

"Okay. So what's going on?" My mom said sounding worried.


"Well what!?" I said and my mom gave me a look.

"Shes in a coma.." I felt my whole world crashing down. Like i just got my heart ripped out. The room was spinning. I dropped to my knees. My mom gasped and started to cry in my dads arms.

"That's the bad news. The good news is that she should be awake with in a week or so. She should be okay by then. Another kinda bad thing is that she probably won't remember the past 5 days or so. She won't remember the past month, but she will remember past then. Another good news is that her memories might regain from that month. It all depends on how she heals. Also try showing things to her about the pass month maybe. Or even talking about things." Hearing that she wouldn't remember anything made me fucking lose it. I wanted her to remember the memories we just shared. We finally got to talk about our feelings, we had our first kiss. She even made new friends.This is all my fault. I want to die.

"You're daughter will be okay." My mom smiled a little and wiped her tears up.

"It's okay Mrs. I'm going you and Mr.Pines to sign some papers." My mom and dad followed him down the hallway. I looked in the window again and sighed. I opened the door open slowly then it shut behind me. I walked over to her and started tearing up again.

"Mabel..." I kissed her cheek as tears got on her. I cried silently so people wouldn't hear me.

"Mabel.. You're going to be okay. I promise you. When you wake up I'm going to give you the biggest Bro-bro hug you've ever got. Listen to me, I know you can hear me deep down. I'm going to fix things between us. I guess this is a kind of good thing, you know? You won't remember these feelings for me, even though that hurts me so much. Mabel I love you so much. I don't know if you'll ever feel like that towards me again but I'll always have feelings for you no matter how messed up this is. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm not giving up on you. I'm going to be by your side until you're okay. I'm not leaving you. I'm not gonna hurt you anymore. Stay strong, Mabe." I grabbed her hand and held it. I kissed her head one more time and then I felt a squeeze on my hand. I smiled a little and another tear fell on her.

"I'm sorry." I chuckled a little.

"I know you're going to be okay, you're a strong girl." My parents walked in and I let go of her hand then sat down on the chair next to her.

"Oh, Mabel. You silly, clumsy, little girl." My mom said as she was pushing back her hair and holding her hand. My dad was even crying, he never cries. I wish I was as strong as him. My whole body was shaking. It felt like I was having an anxiety attack.

"Mom, I'm going to go home for a bit."

"How are you going to get home?"

"I have friend who takes home classes on Mondays."

"Okay, be careful." I walked out of the room and called Makayla.

-Phone call-

M; Hello?

D; Uh hey.

My voice was still raspy from crying

M; Are you okay? Why are you calling me so early? Is everything all right.

D; I'm not okay. I'm not alright. Please come pick me up from the hospital.

M; Why? Oh my God? Are you hurt?

D; No, no. I'm not hurt, well. I'm not physically hurt. Please come get me Makayla. You're the only friend I can talk to right now, I trust you.

M; Yeah, of course, Dipper. I have your back, always. I should be there in like 15. Stay strong, I'll be there soon. I'll text you when I get there."

D; Okay. Thank you so much,"

M; Don't worry about it. See you soon.

D; Bye.

-Call ends-

I walked outside and just waited there. Hoping time would go by. Hoping the world would just end or speed up.

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