Chapter 3, Part 1: Insecurities

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(Time skip to Friday Night)

(Dipper's POV:)

Well, school this pass week was okay, nothing exciting, but I still haven't found out the name of that girl in my biology class, she was out for most of the days anyways for some reason, I think because her dog died, I really don't know. Anyways, I over heard Mabel and my parents talking about her having a sleep over tonight with a few girls, which is strange because I didn't think she had anymore friends besides Candy and Grenda. I wonder who they are? Probably like some nerdy girls, even though Grenda and Candy are pretty well known around school. I hope they won't be up all night, that would be kayos. Plus, my mom and dad aren't going to be home tonight because they're going to my Gram's house on Long Island. This should be a very interesting night.

(Mabel's POV:)

 Okay Mabel, don't screw anything up tonight. I was looking at myself in the bathroom mirror and sighing at the way I looked.

"I'm never gonna be as pretty as them." I whispered to myself. I looked at the toilet paper and grabbed two big pieces in shame. I locked the door just in case and I stuffed them inside of my bra. I looked at myself again and started to tear up about how stupid I looked. I ripped them right out from my chest and threw them onto the cold tile floor. My bra size was about a 24C, but I still felt really insecure because I thought I was "small" and Makayla, Grenda, Harmoney, and Candy had bigger boobs than me. Candy just barley passed me though.

"You know what? I'm going to give my self a make-over before they get here." I said in a low voice, but full of confidence. I grabbed my curling iron and plugged it in. I took out all of my silly little hair clips then brushed my hair which was pretty long. I parted my hair so that I could curl it properly and then I did.

(20 minutes later)

It is now 5:00, they are all coming at 6:00. I was in love with the way my hair looked, now time for my makeup. I knew how to do makeup from Youtube videos but I never bothered to wear any, Dipper used to tell me I was too good for that garbage, but not anymore. I grabbed my BB Cream then applied to my face and neck, then I did the same with some face powder. After that I applied some eyeliner to my water-line and my tide-line. Next I put on mascara and that followed with a red lipstick. I was finshed. I looked in the mirror at my completed face, I had to blink a couple times to realize that was me.

I ran to my room then looked outside, my parents have already of left and it was just Dip that was here. I put on a pair of yogas, which was a surprise because I always wear skirts but I still had a couple pairs of yogas. I then put on a floral crop top that my mom bought me to 'come out of my childhood style', which hurt a lot. I shrugged and put it on. It wasn't me, but I looked good for once. I wasn't used to wearing these types of shirts. I had a little belly, but I wasn't fat, even thought I felt it. I left my room and headed down stairs, the time was now 5:50.

(Dipper's POV)

I was watching investigation shows and then I heard Mabel walking down the stairs. I turned around to see and then looked back at the t.v. Wait.. Was that Mabel? I turned back around as fast as I could and my mouth dropped. She looked.. She looked stunning, but it wasn't the Mabel I loved.

"Mabel.. What are you wearing?"

"Oh hey bro-bro." She sat on the couch and took a sip of my drink.

"Clothes." She said like nothing was different about her. Was she okay? What has gotten into her?

All of the sudden I heard a knock on the door. She sprinted up and opened the door. My jaw dropped even more from who I saw walk in the door.

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