Chapter 1, Part 3: Decisions

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(Dippers POV:)

Why am I just sitting here.. I have to go talk to Mabel, its not fair to her, I put this pressure on her, I can't just let her emotions over flow. No matter how embarrassing this is, I have to go talk to her about it, plus if I don't, it will just eat me alive. Well, here goes nothing.

I slide off the couch and I take a deep breath in, then I slowly breathe out. I slowly walk up the stairs and each step I take my heart beat grows more and more, faster and faster. I make my way down the up stairs hall. I stop at her door, and take another deep breath, and knock.

"Mabel, can I come in?" I say as my voice trembles. There is no response, so I just open the door slowly, peek in, and then I go fully inside of Mabel's pink and vibrant room. Mabel's face is buried in her pillow and her belly is on her bed.

"Ma-Mabel, can we talk.. Please?" I say, as I sit on the edge of her bed.

"Go away, this is too awkward."

"Mabel please... Let's talk about this.." Mabel rushes up from her pillow.


"Ma-Mab-" Mabel cuts me off as tears start coming out of her eyes.

"DIPPER, THIS SUCKS. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE. YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE I HAVE, AND I CAN'T LOSE YOU." She burst into tears and let out a loud scream as her anxiety acts up. I look at Mabel and I pull her to my shoulder.

"Shhh everything is going to be okay, Mabe. I'm not going anywhere I promise." I carefully rest my hand on Mabel's back then rub it slowly to bring her a little bit of comfort.

"Maybe its for the best though, let forget about this whole thing, like nothing ever happened. This is for our own good." I kiss her head and then I leave her room then shut the door behind me.

(Mabel's POV:)

 Why....? Why me..? Why in the world do I have to be in-love MY own twin brother. This is not okay, this is not right. Out of every set of twins in the WHOLE world I get chosen for this to happen to. This is not fair at all. Why do things always have to be so complicated for me? I grabbed my green fuzzy pillow and muffled my angry cries.

(Dippers POV:)

 I regret calling things off, but I know its the right thing. Nothing bad can happen now. I just want her to be happy, even if it hurts me. Just be happy because you have her in your life, Dipper. You're so foolish for thinking things in the first place, this never would of happen. I could of just saved a whole mess. Now I basically just lost my sister, she'll never even love me like that. I guess I'll just sleep this off. I grabbed my blue flannel comforter and wrapped myself up like a sardine in a can, then shut my eyes tightly and drifted off to dream land.

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