Chapter 5, Part 4: Weary Eyes

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(Mabel's POV:)

I heard the door open and I turned over to see who it was.

"Hey, Hun! What are you doing sleeping down here?" My mom said walking in the door. I itched my head and yawned.

"Oh, um, I feel asleep down here last night watching a movie."

"Oooh. Where's your brother?" Dipper popped into my head immediately. I don't wanna think or talk about him.

"Probably in his room or something.What time is it?"

"It's 12:30. Will you go get him for me? I have something for him." Oh no, he's going to be so mad. What do I say? Do I say no or yes. But If I say no she'll know something is up.

"Uhhh, sure?" I rubbed my eyes and got up slowly.

"WOAH. Mabel, come here for a second." I walked over to her and shrugged.

"Hunny, what happened to your head."

"Oh, umm, I-ah, tripped over the couch and slammed my head off the ground."

"Why didn't you call me or your dad!?"

"I'm fine mom! I got it. I'm okay. We're all good. Chill."

"If you say so, now go get your brother, please." I rolled my eyes and walked up to Dipper's room. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so I just went ahead in. He was still asleep, I figured he would of sleep off all that anger, he always does that with his problems. I walked over to his bed and tapped on his shoulder.

"Dipper wake up." He groaned and turned to the wall.

"Dipper, wake up!"

"Go away!"

"Mom wants you, Mr.Grump." He groaned even louder and turned back over facing me. His face was all red and he looked like he wanted to say something to me. He got up, put on his hat, and started to walk away. I grabbed his hand and he turned around and looked me dead in the eye.

"Dipper, I'm sorry. Please believed me." He did a sarcastic chuckle and ripped away from my hand then walked out of the room. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I felt so worthless. I stood there for a few seconds. I felt really dizzy, and I fell to the ground.

(Dipper's POV:)

My mom gave me a hug as soon as I walked down stairs.

"How was you're weekend, Hunny?"

"It was fine."

"That's good."

"What do you have for me?"

"You're grandmother wanted me to give this to you, it was your grandfathers." She handed it to me and it was a book.

"A book?"

"Flip it over." I turned it around a smiled. It was a book about the studies of demons.

"She knew that you're interested into things like that. You're grandfather loves all that crazy junk." I laughed and smiled.

"Thanks mom." I gave her a hug and went back up stairs. I opened the door and I was still looking at the book, I opened it and started skimming the pages. I kept walking and reading and bam, I tripped and I fell. I rubbed my head in confusion to what I tripped over. I pick up my hat then placed it on my head. I turned around while I was still laying on the ground. I choked on my spit as I saw Mabel's body lying helplessly on my floor. I crawled over to her and shook her.

"MABEL!" I shook her faster.

"MOM, DAD!!" I yelled as loud as ever.

"Mabel... please.. I need you.. I'm so sorry." I whispered under by breath. My parents came dashing up the stairs and down the hall.

"What's going on!?" My dad said running in the door, with my mom following behind him. I had tears running down my face, I tried to keep them back as much as I could. They both ran over to her.

"I don't know! I came up here and I was reading then I tripped over something, I turned around to see what it was and it was her! She is passed out. It must be from when she fell!"

"Mike, call 911!" My dad ran down stairs to get his phone and I heard him talking to the operator on the phone. My mom picked her up a little in set Mabel on her lap.

"Mom.. Shes bleeding even more." My mom started to panic.

"Dipper, go get a towel or something!" I sprinted up and I started running to the up stairs bathroom. I tripped over my feet and fell.

"Shit." I whispered to myself. I hopped back up and got the towel and ran back.

"Here." I gave my mom the towel and she just told me to wipe it up.

"Dipper, take of your shirt."

"What? Um why?"

"I forgot to tell you to grab another one to apply pressure to her head." Even though she was passed out I felt really awkward taking my shirt off with Mabel there because we are with my mom. I took off my shirt then gave it to my mom. I quickly got another one which was Rolling Stones T-Shirt. My dad opened the door and the medics came rushing up. I sat on my bed with my hands in my face. I couldn't see my sister like this. I hurt to much. I started to cry hard, I'm scared for her. My mom came up to me and hugged me then kissed my forehead.

"You don't have to come to the hospital. It's alright."

"Thank you." I said in a raspy voice wiping my tears as more flew out. My mom walked out the room following the medics as she was bawling. I waited until they left so I could go into her room. As I heard the ambulance drive away I got up and walked to her room. I shut the door carefully behind me and crawled into her bed. I wrapped myself in her pink soft glittery blankets. I started to cry really loud and roll around like a little baby about everything that has happened the past couple of days. It feels really good to get it all out. Mabel, please be okay, please stay strong. You can't leave me. I'm so sorry for the shit we just went through. I would take every thing all back if I could, but that can never happen. I love you so fucking much, and I'm sorry if I don't show it enough. I'm just a fuck up. This is all my fault. I can't ever do anything right.

Once I finally had a pounding headache, stomachache, try tears, weary eyes, and soar throat, I fell asleep and just hoped that this was all a nightmare.

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