Two- first day of classes

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I forgot to mention, they are in year six.

I woke up at eight o' clock to have an hour to prepare before classes which is to to early in my opinion but I didn't want to be late. I noticed Pansy and Blaise already gone.
I am not a morning person but there's no time to complain- I'm at Hogwarts, let's see if this school is as great as they say.
I lazily got out of bed and went to the bathroom that I shared with Pansy. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I used a spell on my hair so that it always was silky and smooth.

Unfortunately we have to wear uniforms for classes so I put on a green and black plaid skirt with a white shirt and put my robes on top.
I put on a pair of emerald green earrings and about 15 rings. I like wearing a lot of rings, they make me feel powerful and i can fidget with them when i'm nervous. I placed my locket in a drawer in my desk, I didn't want it to get lost.
I grabbed my books and a vial with dragon saliva for the Weasley twins and headed for the Great Hall. I met the Weasleys a couple times, Newt often worked with their brother Charlie when they were studying a new Dragon breed they discovered in Russia. I'm honestly not sure if I want to know what the saliva is for.

As soon as i entered the Great Hall I felt all the incredible smells that filled the room. I saw Pansy motioning for me to come sit next to her and without thinking much- I did. Then I realized she was sitting with Draco and the others were nowhere to be seen.
"Blaise and Enzo have Herbology since 7am" Pansy said explaining.
So it can be worse. Now I'm kinda glad I start at 8:45. I didn't bother asking about the Riddles, they were probably busy torturing infants for fun or something. I started filling up my plate with random stuff.
"Pansy, why is there a mudblood sitting with us?" Draco's voice filled with venom.
British boys really are gentlemen, aren't they?
I'm not a mudblood but he doesn't need to know that.
"Why, am I making your racist ass uncomfortable with my presence, my lord?" I replied sarcastically.

I'm not having his attitude. I swear I saw something twitch in his eye. This was getting better and better.
Maintaining eye contact there was still silence between us, only Pansy's quiet chuckle and Draco's heavy breathing to be heard. I just ate my food before continuing.

"You know I always found it funny how people of your sort consider themselves superior. I mean I know you're rich, have good looks and probably have family issues but so do Pansy and I and you don't see us running around making it everybody else's problem." I must have hit  a soft spot cause Draco's face was now heating up to a scarlet shade and his fists were clenched so hard you could see them turning white.
By now Pansy was full on laughing.
"She got you there mate" She said in between chuckles.
"Shut the fuck up Pansy. And as for you Volliov, I may not want to hit a girl out of manners but don't test my limits..." Oh, now he has manners. I'm actually surprised he remembered my last name. "..and you know, as a prefect I can give you detention any time I want."
Wow, that's mature.
Although I can use that later, maybe I could convince him to get me out of detention some time.
I didn't even have time to respond before he left.

Pansy and I finished our plates and went to DADA which we had together.
When we got there everyone was standing up waiting for the professor to tell them what are their assigned seats.
Prof. Snape that could easily be mistaken as a Dementor read his list and I honestly didn't listen until I heard my name.
"Volliov and both Riddles in the 7th row on the right"
Both of them? There's no way they're just gonna ignore me and let me be, is there?
We went over to our table and they each took a seat on the side leaving me a spot in the middle. Guess that answers my question.
I felt a strong scent of smoke from Mattheo, that's what they were doing when we were at breakfast.

I stopped listening to the teacher that talked unnecessarily slow after hearing the topic was Vampires, I already know everything about most creatures that exist. I was adopted by Newt Scamander and his wife Tina when I was 11 meaning I had time to learn a lot from him. Newt was always a huge inspiration for me and an amazing dad.

Ignoring the presence of the boys besides me, I started drawing mindlessly in my notebook, I was often haunted by nightmares and drawing what I saw was helping me cool after them.

I got a bit hot so I took off my robe.
" I would advise you to keep your robes on Miss Volliov" I heard the teacher say.
"Thank you for your advice professor." I replied with a sarcastic smile and kept my robes off.
I have a feeling he might be picking on me from now on but i'm not gonna sit here boiling.
"Miss Volliov why don't you answer my question. Why can't we see Vampires in mirrors?"
"We can see them."
I felt many eyes on me now, staring as if I just challenged a wolf to a fist fight. Especially the boys sitting besides me, clearly amused by the situation.
I knew what I was doing, I wasn't going to make a fool out of myself.
"Miss Volliov if you paid attention to my class, you would know that it's one of the species magical abilities."
I'm not letting him humiliate me especially when I've spend years learning about various creatures and their powers.
"Actually professor, the reason we couldn't see them in the past was because mirrors then were made of silver.." suddenly I felt two hands, each on one thigh, distracting me.
"..silver is considered a 'pure' metal, hence why we couldn't see their reflections."
The cold metal of their rings giving me goosebumps. Their hands went up my thighs, almost reaching my skirt.
I put my hands on top of theirs to stop them from moving further and continued.
"However for a few decades now silver is no longer used in making mirrors, which means we could normally see them."
Snape just scoffed and moved on to the lesson bringing everyone's attention back to him.

I tried to take the boys' hands of my thighs
"What do you two think you're doing?"
I could feel their hot breath on my neck and suddenly started feeling my chest getting heavier. I was nervous but..good nervous.
They both squeezed my thighs and were about to speak when a flying bird made of paper landed on my desk.
I opened the note.

There's a party tonight at the quidditch pitch to celebrate the start of the year for 5th, 6th and 7th year's. You should come with us.
I smiled and nodded in reply.
Snape gave us an assignment before dismissing the class.
Seriously? On our first day? Let us live a little.
I quickly took my stuff and got up leaving to the Gryffindor tower.

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