15-what she doesn't know can't hurt her

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I felt a tall, strong press up against me, his breath tickling the back if my neck.
Before i reacted he whispered in my ear hotly
"Hello, love.-" I let out a shaky breath relieved.
"-Missed me?"
"Theo, you dumb ass."
His cold fingers traveled up my leg, pushing my skirt up a little as his other hand held my waist.

He nuzzled his head in my hair, taking in the sweet scent of my shampoo before continuing.
"You know it's unwise for a defenceless little girl to walk alone in the dark." His tone so deep and low it made my knees feel weak.
"Excuse you, i am not defenceless.-" I played offended. "-You know i could squish you like a bug, wand or not."

His hand slid from my waist to my throat.
His fingers wrapped around it, pressing his cold rings into my skin as he hummed in my neck in response.

"Volliov if you don't get your ass here right now, we're leaving you behind!" Draco interrupted us.
I groaned and we went his way as Theo laughed at me.

~~time skip.  two weeks later

I've been ignoring Tom as much as i could.
I haven't been hanging out at Theo's dorm, that would have been way too awkward for me to handle.
Theo took a seat between me and him in class or in the common room.
At dinner we both joined in conversations but pretended we didn't see each other.

I know he's been observing me, i've caught him multiple times staring.
I miss him.
A lot.
But i won't be that pathetic to come to him and make up.
I could forgive him if he apologised first.
We wouldn't be dating of course.
Now that i i think of it- can we even be friends?
I value trust more than anything and he ruined it for us.
This whole thing is a mess.

I still don't know where the mysterious gift was from, or more importantly who.
I tested it with what we call a poison detector.
Cool thing, you put one drop of any potion on a piece of paper and it turns green if it's poisonous and red if it's not.
It's not allowed in potions tho, why would they make our lives easier?

Since it wasn't poison i decided to drink it.
I know- dumb move, but i was getting desperate.
To my surprise it actually worked.
That was one problem less on my list, as long as i get my precious sleep i can bare with the rest.

I've been working on my powers alone, in the room of requirements or the Forbidden forest, depending on how dangerous the things i tried were.
I think i'm getting it under control.
I haven't figured them out yet tho, i don't know how far they can go.

Salazar was..useless when it came to it.
He did help me tame my wand but besides that it's like he doesn't want me to get better, more powerful.
He hasn't even mentioned me bringing him back since our first talk.
I can't tell him much either, he could use anything i told him against me.

He's been more of my personal adviser, like a therapist that i've told none of my past about and is trying to help me with current problems with no contest.
I'm starting to question if he's Salazar at all or just some random guy's memory that wanted someone to talk to after spending years forgotten.
I will have to test him later.

On a higher note Daphne transferred dorms and she's now with Pansy and I.
She always knows how to brighten up everyone's mood.

Hogwarts is pretty much what i imagined it to be.
Surprisingly as my expectations were ridiculous.
It was very different to Durmstrang and i was still getting used to it.
Durmstrang's dynamic was more vivid, people were divided in groups but everyone was equal.
Classes were more practical and we were more social.
People were much competitive there, knowledge and physical strength were very important.
Our headmaster literally created a class that was just martial arts.
Great idea.
But every school has their thing i guess.

I was now with Daphne in the library, we've been trying to trying to tutor Enzo and Blaise for thé past two and a half hours.
"Come on guys it's not that hard. At least try to focus. McGonagall is going to fail you if you keep this up." Daphne pleaded.

"We're taking a different approach. We quiz you, you give a wrong answer you get a slap." I watched they're faces turn to terror, it was quite hilarious.
"No, Iz please" Enzo gave puppy dog eyes, eyeing the door to sprint out at the first opportunity.
I grabbed his forearm making sure he stays in place.

Daphne's watch rang meaning it was time for dinner.
"FOOD!" Blaise jumped up packing up his books.
"Fucking finally!" Enzo did the same.
"You got lucky, but we're still going to quiz you, we'll just do it tomorrow." I said.
"Booo" They both yelled running out of the library laughing.

"Did they just fucking boo me?"
"What did you expect, they're like 6 year olds. It's one of the reasons you love them, remember?" Daphne smiled widely.
"Yeah. I'll put this back, you go ahead, i'll meet you there." I took the books we used as she left.

Everyone has already left for dinner so it was just me and the librarian that was sleeping at her desk.
I went deep into an aisle to put the books away when someone grabbed me and pulled me out of her possible sight range, making the books fall out of my hands.

I turned around to see Tom.
I would rather deal with Draco right now.
"You people seriously need to stop grabbing me." I said shaking his hands of my body.
"What do you want." He leaned for the books on the floor and put them back on their place.
"I miss you, darling." I crossed my arms on my chest giving him a dirty look.

"I want you back." He continued.
"You know what i want Tom. You fucked up, own up to it."
He just stared at me with a blank expression.
I turned around and started walking away when he grabbed my arm spinning me back to him.
My chest was pressed up against his, his arms around me.
"I'm sorry." He whispered quietly.

"Apology accepted." I said pushing us away.
"I know you don't want to be together now, but i'll do everything to change your mind." His voice was deep and smooth, i could listen to him all day.
"Tom i forgive you, but we can't be friends." Those words coming out of my mouth hurt my own feelings.
"Just tell me what can i do to fix this. I'll do anything to get your trust back." He pleaded.
"Fine we can be friends, but you're on line. It's not about getting trust Tom, it's about earning it. It's much harder. Now let's go eat i'm starving." I wanted us to be okay, the negative energy between us was driving me crazy.

"Ladies first." He smiled extending his arm.
"Dicks just before." I winked at him and we both headed to the Great Hall.

~~~~~Tom's Pov
I need to earn her trust back.
I have to do something big.
I need her back before Theo and her get too close and it gets even harder.
I need something game changing.

I'm going to find her biological father.
She doesn't like to talk about her biological family, all i really know is that her mother died in labour.
I asked her once if she tried to find them but she just got angry and changed the topic.
But if i look for her father in secret and only tell her once i find him she won't be upset.
What she doesn't know can't hurt her.

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