Six- quiddich match and an unexpected kiss

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After classes on my way to the dungeons I stopped at the library to get some books we might need for our DADA assignment.
The library was huge, I've never seen anything like it.
It was definitely bigger than the Great Hall, shelves filled with different colored books were reaching the ceiling.
It smelled like books and gingerbread in here.
I didn't see the librarian anywhere.

How am I supposed to find something in here?
I started walking down a long aisle in the middle and felt a strange feeling.
I've felt this way before but can't quite explain it.
I felt like I was being called somewhere.
I followed my intuition taking a turn to the left and went to the very end of the aisle.
This was it, the book I was looking for.
I stood on my tiptoes trying to grab it, but it was just out of my reach.

I felt a body press up against mine a the  sweet scent of honey.
A tall boy grabbed the book I needed and handed it to me.
I turned around and my eyes met Cedric's hazel ones.
"Thank you." I smiled at him and he did as well.
"No problem. Here, take this to the game, it'll be easier for me to recognize you in the crowd." He took off his yellow and black scarf and entangled it around my neck, letting it hand loosely.
He kissed my cheek and was gone in a blink of an eye, as if he were never here.
I shrugged it off and headed to the dungeons, where I was supposed to be 15 minutes ago.

Before I even knocked on the Riddles' door it opened and I was pulled inside by my wrist.
" You're late." Theo seemed annoyed.
"I needed to get a book about horcruxes."
Ironic how that was the topic of our paper considering who I was writing it with.

I took a seat at their big desk next to Tom.
"What's on your neck?" He asked.
"A scarf..?" I answered getting out my quill and pulling out some paper from their drawer.
"These are not our house's colors." Theo took a seat on the opposite side of the table.
"Obviously." They we're both looking at me suspiciously, awaiting an explanation.
"It's Cedric's. Can we get to work now? I have to finish this before 6pm."
"What were you doing with Cedric?" Theo questioned. This whole thing was starting to feel like an interrogation.
"None of your business. Here." I put the book on the table. " I'll write about how horcruxes anchor one's soul to life or death and you can cover the rest."
Although they shouldn't need it considering who their father is, but it's better to be prepared.

I started writing on my parchment and noticed them staring at me.
"What are y'all waiting for?"
"Aren't you going to use the book?" Tom gave me a confused look.
"No, I already know everything about them." I got back to writing to get this done as soon as possible.
"Are you trying to impress us, love?"
Take a deep breath.
" Oh wow. Can you guys get over yourselves? I know you're used to girls throwing themselves at you but I don't need to 'prove my worth' to you. I just want to get this done so please get to work."
They looked kind of shocked but did as I asked.

After about ten minutes we heard a girly scream from someone running out the boys' dormitories. We didn't think much of it, just laughed it off and continued with our work.

If i'm being honest their presence was making me kind of nervous.
I still didn't know where we stood after..last night.
I mindlessly started to fidget with the yellow scarf on my neck.
Tom took my hand in his to stop me. "You're nervous. What's going on?"
"Um nothing, I just.. what are we? Like we're not dating, right?" I blurted out not making eye contact.

Theo made his way around the desk and sat down on the other side of me.
"Oh, darling."
"You're mine now." They both whispered at the same time.
Leaving a single hickey on the other sides of my neck, making me blush like crazy.
"Leave them on, love."
"But how can I be with both of you?"
"We agreed to share.." Tom said. "..but you will have to choose eventually." Theo finished his sentence.
And we got back to work.

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