Thirteen- what a fun night

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My body froze in shock as we stared into each other's eyes intensely.
Theo and Pansy went inside and Astoria left in a hurry.
We were alone.
My chest was getting heavier, the walls seemed to tighten around us.
I was hurt.
He looked hurt too. But he was to blame here, not me.
He caused this.

"Are you going to say anything or can i go?" I broke the silence, it was becoming unbearable.
"I- I..." He struggled.
"Seriously? You're so full of yourself your ego can't take saying 'sorry'." I scoffed enraged.
He couldn't do it.
Even now he couldn't swallow his pride.
Not that it would make everything okay but it would have been better than nothing.
Which is all he was giving me now-nothing, silence.

"Don't act all mighty, you were going out with my brother and me at the same time." He was too scared of his feelings, he got defensive.
"IT WAS YOUR IDEA. Your deal was us three. No one else. Until i choose one of you. Don't you dare blame me for your bad decisions." My blood was starting to boil.
Everything that was on my nerves today was now coming to the surface.

"Yeah, it was a bad idea. I shouldn't have made it exclusive, because guess what- You. weren't. enough." He spat, getting a satisfaction out of breaking me further.

"Wow. You can admit to a mistake when it hurts someone, but not when it is to apologize. I pity you Tom. Thank you for making the choice so easy for me." I pushed through him and started pulling the handle to Enzo's dorm when he grabbed my wrist tightly, causing a burning feeling on my skin.

His grip was firm enough to leave a bruise, his nails digging into my flesh. "You're not leaving me."
He has been possessive before but never..dangerous.
I didn't want us to end. Not like this.
But I had no choice.
"Watch me." I pushed him away and went inside.

Enzo, Theo, Pansy, Blaise, Draco and his sidekicks were all sitting in a circle on the floor, smoking.
They're eyes bloodshot, all of them laughing disoriented.
Draco was next to Theo, I passed him and sat next to Theo and Enzo.
He didn't bother to say a mean comment or even send me a dirty look. Maybe he really is not all bad when intoxicated.

"Do you want a hit?" Enzo asked preparing a one hitter as I nodded my head.
"You're not smoking." Theo argued.
"You didn't have anything against it at The Astronomy Tower two months ago." I shot back.
"I didn't love you two months ago!" Theo raised his voice. His face painted with concern.

"You-You love me?" It was all too much in one day.
"No. I meant i didn't care two months ago." He tried to cover up.
"Mhm." I hummed putting the cold aluminum between my lips but before I could inhale he snatched it.
"This shit's bad for your lungs." He explained.
"Whatever. I need air." I left the dorm.

Happy fucking birthday.
I already hated this day enough, i didn't need the mysterious gift stuff, my powers, Tom cheating and Theo getting controlling on top of that.
I thought this party would take my mind off things, i just wanted a fun night, is it too much to ask for?

I couldn't go to the Astronomy tower, it was too predictable.
I walked around the castle for some time until I found myself in the Owlery.
It was perfect, no one comes here, it's further away from the castle and it's quiet.

I sat down on a verge of a window except there was no glass.
The wind making my hair fall behind my shoulders, I shivered a little.
"There you are. I've been looking for you for half an hour." Enzo said sitting down next to me. "You're freezing." He wrapped his jacket around my shoulders.
"Thanks." I smiled at him warmly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked looking deep into my eyes with his hazel ones.
They were reflecting the moonlight so much it seemed as if they were emitting it.
"No. That's the last thing I want to do right now."

"I got you something." Enzo pulled out a necklace from his pocket.
"I thought i said no gifts." I tilted my head at him.
"It's not wrapped so it doesn't count." He smiled goofily, stealing a giggle from my lips.
I turned around and he pulled my hair over my right shoulder, clipped the necklace on.
It was a subtle ruby rock on a golden chain.
The metal felt cold on my skin.

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek.
"Red like your essence, so you never forget your worth."
He was so freaking adorable.
"Shut up, that's so cheesy and sweet." I laughed. "How did you know it was red?"
"I asked Pansy." He answered putting an arm around me, pulling me closer to him.
We stayed like that for some time.
Just enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence.

"I have something to take your mind off of Tom, if you want." Rumors spread like lightning in this bloody school.
He reached into his pocket retrieving a small container filled with a yellow, neon..substance.
"What is this?" I asked curious.
"Dragon's Breath. A wizard drug. It's hard to get but i found a guy. This thing has got power. It lasts about two hours but it'll take six for the effects to wear off."

Wizard drugs were way better than muggle ones.
You could take them with almost no consequence as they weren't addictive and didn't have comedowns.
That's why there were so rare.

"What's it like?"
"Kind of like LSD." He took out a syringe, filling it with thick liquid.
I haven't taken acid before but i've heard about it.
I didn't do drugs often and when I did it was always weed.
"I'm scared of needles." I said nervous.
"You swallow it, idiot." He chuckled.

"Open up." Enzo tapped my chin with his index finger.
I obeyed and he dropped three drops on my tongue, sending a tingling sensation through my whole body.
It felt hot but didn't taste like anything.
He dropped the same amount into his mouth and took out a marker.

"Call me clueless for asking all these questions, but what's this for?"
"This is so that we could trace back what happened. I told you it was strong." He chuckled writing
"3am owlery" on both mine and his wrists.

We just talked about random stuff until i started feeling hot and took off Enzo's jacket.
"Let the fun begin." He smirked excited.
The high must've triggered my powers, because i got a flash of The Forbidden Forest and two dozen centaurs aiming arrows at us.
"Oh we're going to something dumb." I laughed.

I saw a butterfly that seemed to emit black light and followed it.
Or tried, after two steps i fell down and melted into the floor.
Enzo laid down next to me and we started doing 'snow angels'

"Did you know that giraffes can't cough?" I randomly asked.
"Imagine if you were a giraffe and you had to throw up. Imagine." Enzo replied. "...if twin males marry twin females and both couples have a child..both children will look the same." he added
"holy shit.."

I felt hot and cold at the same time.
I could hear smells and taste sounds.
The walls were pulsating, changing colors like crazy.
All the owls in the Owlery started dancing and singing.
Next to us was laying a purple Dragon with a teacup..Ted, his name was Ted.
Teddy like Teddybear.

"Hey, Izzy. Mr Snowman says he wants to show us something, let's go." Enzo got up, pulling me with him down the stairs.
We lost our balances and fell down the stairs laughing.
It's a wonder how we didn't break our necks.
We got up and went to the Black lake.

I remember swimming with pink dolphins, the water was so hot it was almost boiling us alive.
Sirens singing, Enzo doing a solo performance.
Until i lost track of..everything

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