Four- Astronomy tower ⚠️

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⚠️ there's going to be sex in this chapter ⚠️

The cold wind hit my bare legs making me slightly shiver. Luckily alcohol has a way of warming you up. I looked around to see Mattheo's standing by the railing, smoking.
I came closer and stood next to him, close enough to feel the heat radiating off his body. The scent of his cologne mixed with weed was was intense it could knock me out. I'm not sure what time it was but definitely past 2am, it was so peaceful and quiet setting an intimate atmosphere.

Mattheo glanced at me without moving his head.
"So..what was up with the kiss?" I enjoyed every second of it but still, it did take me by surprise. I thought the incident in DADA was just to mess with me, did he actually have an interest in me?
         no answer
"You pulled me in so quick as if your life depended on it" I pushed further smirking slightly.
          still no answer

A moment of silence past.

"How did you get your scars ?" I asked taking the blunt from his lips and bringing it to my own.
This grasped his attention, his eyes followed my movement.
"Why do you want to know?" He turned his head my way, making eye contact.
"Maybe i care."
"How did you get yours?" He questioned looking at the exposed part of my back.
"I asked first."
He paused for a while, probably debating if he could trust me.

"My father mostly." He looked at me expectedly.
I didn't like to talk about my past, but since he shared with me it seemed right.
"I used to be in a muggle orphanage, they thought I was cursed." I answered handing him back the joint.
I've only told about this to my parents and my best friend from my old school.
For moment we were just standing there in silence, staring into each other's eyes. I felt a warm feeling in my chest.

Wondering what was going on inside his head I tried to read him but he blocked me.
"My mind is a dark place. You don't want to be there, love."
Love..I liked him calling me pet names. It is so easy for the Riddle brothers to make me melt, it was hard to keep my face straight.

"Did you follow me here?"
"No, I just didn't feel like partying anymore and Pansy's fucking Blaise in our dorm."
I was starting to get cold, he  noticed.
"Come with me." He said and went towards the exit.
I did as I was asked.

I followed him to his dorm that he shared with his brother. Dorms are meant for three or more people but everyone was too scared to join them.

He opened the door, letting me come in first.
Their room was exactly what you could expect. Very large with two bathrooms. Mainly emerald green and black with silver elements. Tom probably just came back too, he was sitting on his bed, writing in his journal. Their double beds had black silk sheets, oh god how I would love to wake up in those sheets after...okay pull yourself together, this is not the time..or is it?

I was pulled out from my thoughts by Mattheo.
"You can sleep here tonight."
"Thanks. I have to take a shower real quick, do you mind if i use one of your towels? And maybe a shirt?"
"Sure." He said pulling out a black tee from his drawer and handing it to me.

I took a shower and once I turned the water off I could hear them whispering behind the door.
I heard my name a couple times but I couldn't exactly make sense from the whole conversation. Without thinking much of it I dried myself and put on Theo's shirt.
Fuck it smells amazing. It was so long it reached me mid thigh.

I have to admit I was kind of nervous staying here. I'm not the one to get flustered because of a boy but those two?
I came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but Theo's shirt. The boys were now both dressed in only gray sweatpants.
Not gray sweatpants.
And those abs.
I was now internally screaming and I felt my cheeks heat up.

Breath in, breath out, maybe they haven't noticed me staring. I looked at their faces, they were both smirking widely. They have noticed.
"Like what you see?" Tom said chuckling and come over to me.
"I-I-" Did I just stutter ? I never stutter.
Tom grabbed my chin making me look up at him. He was so tall, they both were.

I felt someone behind me. Theo pressed his front against my back and whispered in my ear in his low voice.
"Answer, love" My heart was beating rapidly.
"Y-Yes" I was barely able to form words. I felt myself getting wet.
Tom leaned in and kissed me as Theo began to kiss my neck surely leaving marks.
They started leading me somewhere without breaking contact until I was pushed on a bed.

They were both standing there watching me with desire in they're eyes.
"Are you sure?" Theo asked.
I nodded my head and pulled the shirt off, leaving me bare naked laid on their bed. I've never felt more exposed. I got a little self-conscious.
They both got on top of me.
"You're so beautiful" Tom whispered .
"So beautiful" the other boy repeated.
Theo was biting my neck, licking where he left marks while Tom was working on my collar bone.
It felt so good, I wanted more.
"We need verbal consent, darling" Tom murmured against my skin.
"I want you, now"

After those words left my mouth Theo moved his focus to my boobs while Tom was going down my body. I could feel his hot breath between my legs. He traced his tongue down the inside of my thigh and I heard Theo speak.
"Close your eyes love, you're not watching, you're feeling" He began sucking my nipple and I closed my eyes in pleasure.
As soon as I followed his order Tom pushed a finger inside me and was licking my clit.
A loud moan escaped my mouth.
He added another finger and started curling them inside me.
His cold rings sending me insane.
I had to resist the urge shoot my eyes open.
I didn't know what would be the punishment but I didn't want this to end.
Tom was going faster and added a third finger. My legs were slightly shaking at the feeling.
A symphony of my moans were filling the room.
My back arched as I was reaching my climax.
"Cum for me, darling." Tom spoke.
And I released, shocks of pleasure rushing through my body.
"Good girl. You can open your eyes now, love."

They took their pants and boxers off.
They are big. How is that going to fit inside me.
I was flipped on my stomach.
Tom was now kneeling before me and Theo brought my hips up and pressed himself against me.
"Open your mouth for me." I swirled my tongue around his tip and started sucking on his dick.
Tom took my hair in his hand and pulled me forward, making me take all of him. He let out a moan.
I lightly gagged which seemed to give him even more satisfaction.
Suddenly I felt Theo thrust himself deep inside me.
In the mix of pain and pleasure I moaned against Toms dick and began sucking harder, his head dropped back at the feeling.
"Fuck, you feel amazing" I heard a moan from behind me.
Tears began to form in my eyes and after a while I felt a sweet, warm liquid fill my mouth. Tom pulled out and ordered me to swallow.
I did as he wished.
The knot inside my stomach was building up again.
"Theo I'm g-gonna-"
"Hold it." He commanded. I could feel he was close too.
I was at my breaking point when he spoke again.
We came together. A short scream left my mouth and my legs were shaking ever more. There's no way I'm going to walk straight tomorrow.

I put Theo's shirt back on and laid down on the bed. Boys were already back in their pjs and laid next to me. Tom put his arm around my waist as Theo's head rested in the crook of my neck.
"You did great, darling." was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.

That's when it started again. Another night terror...

             I've never written a story before, let alone smut so idk if it's any good 🤪
            Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Good night loves!

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