16- it's killed meh

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~~~~~Izzy's Pov
A pillow thrown in my face woke me up from a deep sleep.
I groaned and looked up to see who attacked me so ruthlessly depriving me of my lovely sleep.
I was surprised to see Pansy in our room for once.
Her mouth slightly agape as she shifted in her bed.

"Get up, we'll be late to class." Daphne said already dressed packing her books.
"That's why you woke me up? No thanks, i'd rather sleep in." I responded burying my face in the pillow i caught, groaning.
"No, you already were late yesterday. Get your ass up before i wake up Pansy to get you out of bed." She put up a finger warningly.
"Fine, mom." I said sliding off my bed, loosing the warmth from my covers.
"I prefer mommy, thanks."She winked searching for her wand.
I laughed at her shaking my head and getting dressed quickly.

We walked together, arms locked, skipping through the long halls.
We got to Potions just in time, coming in at the same time as Snape did.
Daphne went over to her seat and i- to mine.
I took my seat in the middle, beside Theo disappointed to see Tom's seat empty.
I flashed Theo a charming smile to hide my frustration.

Snape's lecture started as my minded drifted off to Tom.
It's been two weeks since we decided to be friends and i haven't seen him since.
He hasn't shown up to classes, meals or his dorm.
I sent him a letter worried but the only response i got was 'don't worry, i'll be back soon.".
One sentence.
No explanation.
His brother didn't know anything either.
What could he be possibly doing?
If it was for his father Theo would know all about it.

Speaking of the devil. Theo's deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts "Hey, you okay, love?" He took my hand in his.
"I'm fine." I gave him a half hearted smile just as Snape dismissed us.

We got up and went to Hagrid's class.
We were studying Hipogryphhs.
It's a bit odd to me that not everyone is familiar with them yet, it's like being a muggle and not knowing what an elephant is at the age of seventeen.

I stood with Theo watching as Draco and Harry bickered together before Mione pulled him towards us.
"Yeah, run away little mudblood." Draco and his two minions laughed as if he told a hilarious joke.
"Oh, piss off, platinum pubes." I hissed, my comment shut them up.

"Riddle." Mione nodded once towards Theo.
"Granger." He nodded back in acknowledgment.
They weren't fond of each other but they weren't fighting either, it was a mutual respect and distaste kind of relation.

We all talked about unimportant things quietly before we heard a melodramatic whine.
All our heads snapped to Malfoy on the ground squealing, holding his arm.
"Well that's embarrassing." Ginny laughed behind us.
Most of the students joined in including us three.

"It's killed meh!!" He almost cried, his voice breaking.
Hagrid wasn't sure how to react, neither did Buckbeak while we're at it.
"MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!" He yelled now held in Hagrid's arms like a little baby.
"Ah, oh, it hurts so bad." He made everyone laugh even harder.
Hagrid didn't have a choice but to dismiss the class.

"Hey, Izzy. Blaise, Enzo and I are going to hangout, just us. It looks like Draco won't be able to join tho. See you tonight?" Theo said beside me as we walked back to the castle.
"We're stealing her today anyway." Mione said pulling me to Ron and Harry.
"Bye, love." He gave me a small peck on the lips.
"Bye, Theo."

~~~ gryffindor common room
Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and I all sit in a circle on the floor by the fireplace.
"So, what's up with Tom lately?" Ron asked stuffing his mouth with chocolate frogs.
Both him and Mione looked at me expectedly but for different reasons.
Mione wanted to know if he was scheming something for the Dark Lord and if they should be alarmed, when Ron was more invested in our relationship.

"I don't know. He hasn't told me, i only know that 'he'll be back soon', but i don't think it's deatheater stuff." I answered honestly giving Mione a look.
They both hummed and dropped the topic.

We gossiped for long hours, eating a load of candy.
We decided to skip dinner too occupied with our conversation, causing us to eat even more sweets.
Ginny was always the one to have all the gossip, she was the ears of Gryffindor.
At some point however she was less and less involved in our interactions and more into Harry.
They were getting touchy and full on making out at this point, making awful sucking noises with their tongues deep in each other's throats.
And he was supposed to be the socially awkward one.

"All right, I think it's time for me to go. Theo is expecting me." I said getting up, patting my skirt in the back.
They all said they're goodbyes and i went to Theo's dorm.
It was already dark outside, i walked quickly to be unnoticed.

I went inside and looked around his room, no sine of Tom.
Theo was laying on his bed with his hands behind his head, wearing only his gray sweatpants.
My heart immediately sped up at his sight.
"Hello, love."
I walked over to him and straddled his lap.
"Hi." I mumbled into his lips as he pulled me closer by the back of my neck.
His other hand travelled to my ass underneath my skirt, giving it a strong squeeze.
"What if your brother comes back?" I broke of our kiss, catching my breath.
"Let him watch." He said moving his hands to the bottoms of my blouse.

~~~~~Tom's Pov
I've been looking for two weeks now.
She sure made sure all the information about her past was hidden well, even I had trouble finding any trace of evidence.
Finally i found a single file at her old school stating that she used to be in an orphanage in Russia at the age of 9 for a year before she was adopted.
There wasn't much information besides that and the name of the institution.
But that was enough.

I used some deatheaters to find out where it was and went there myself.
It was pitch black outside, i was hoping to be unnoticed under the cover of the night.
I aparated inside the building.
It was dark and gloomy.
A long empty hall, only a line of dim, blue lights making it visible.
The building was very old, at least a hundred years old.
It was so quiet i could hear a faint ringing in my ears.
A place so eerie it send a chill even down my spine.

I walked through the long hall, checking the labels on each door, careful not to make the wooden floor squeak under my feet.
All of the metal signs were saying 'Pokój 1', 'Pokój 2', 'Pokój 3" and so on.
I figured they were all just kids' and staff' rooms.
I walked to the top floor and grew more and more frustrated until i reached the very end of the hall.

There was a massive metal door with dozens of crosses on it saying 'Volliov'.

Smut's in the next chapter for my horny fuckers out there.❤️‍🔥
What will Tom find in Izabelle's old room?
Why was she considered cursed?

Crazy stuff is coming soon
Good 48 hrs loves! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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