32- fuck Tom...and fuck Theo

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I put on a half elegant red dress and hopped down the stairs for dinner.

When Vic and i sat down everyone was already there and the table was full of deliciously smelling food.

I didn't realise until now how long it's been since i've eaten last.

I put some *every country has it's own traditional food* on my plate and started shoving food down my throat.

The others smiled warmly at Vic, they were so used to his presence they weren't even surprised he joined us.

I was glad i asked him to stay or this would be twice as awkward.
I admire the kind of passionate love Tina and Newt share, as much as Queenie and Peter's, but it's painful to be around them when they're all lovey dovey.

Especially Queenie, who was now having her fingers sucked clean by Peter, he looked at her like he wanted to eat her whole.

Vic and i shared the look and cleared our throats as the couple broke apart.

"So anyway...I love your necklace, Iz. Where did you get it?" Tina smiled but her eyes were suspicious.

"Selling drugs." i mirrored her fake smile "It was a gift from a friend, relax" i rolled my eyes at her.
tho she didn't have to know i got high as a kite with that friend right after he gave it to me

"Alright, alright. How's school, Viktor?" she gave up

"Dull without this short little shit to annoy me-" he shoved me lightly as i shot him a glare. i'm ONE cm shorter than him, one. " but i've been really busy preparing for the Triwizarding Tournament."

fuck i forgot about that

"I thought the Tournament was permanently shut down since...what happened last time?!" Tina's mom side was ablaze now. The others gave Vic concerned looks as well.

"They came up with a truly genius idea- this year each contestant will have an assistant to help them through the tasks. But it will also be a student so they're just sending more people to get hurt really." he shrugged.

It bothered me how he didn't seem to care. If he gets hurt i swear i'll beat the fuck out of whoever in the ministry allowed this.

Everyone started talking angrily, but made sure to keep their voices fairly down.

I put my hand on Vic'a knee, he turned his head to me "you're not seriously thinking of competing, are you ?"

"Haven't you heard? It's not a choice, this year anyone who meets the age requirements is automatically singed in."

um what now?

we finished dinner early as the atmosphere got quite tense, Vic and i came back to my room after Tina told us we're going to go on a night ice skate in two hours, our tradition.

I laid on my bed and huffed, feeling full.

"How's your girlfriend ?" i messed with the boy knowing damn well he's single as fuck because of his crazy crush on Mione
"How's your boyfriend?" he shot back

i was about to say 'which one' when i remembered there was only two of us now. fuck you tom

"Amazing. Back to you- now that you'll be coming to our school for the tournament what's your plan to get Mione?"

Victor slumped on the bed beside me "i'll sit next to her, like this. then i'll ask her 'wanna count shoulders?'" he smirked
"Wanna what?" i scrunched my eyebrows cringing

"One-" he said touching his left shoulder "two" touching his right one "three" touching my left one "and four" putting his hand over my shoulders
he was smirking wider than Astoria after banging Draco on a party before Pansy could

"You're an idiot, i'm not even saying that in a playful way, you Viktor Krum, are gonna die a virgin."

"Well it's part of my charm" he grinned as someone apparated into my room.

someone should invent knocking for portals seriously

"What the fuck is this?!!" Theo growled furious, clenching his fists

"Theo, please listen before you start throwing hands!" i swear i could hear his teeth grind, but he waited "This is Viktor Krum, my bitch from Durmstrang"

"You know i'd really appreciate if you stopped introducing me to people as 'your bitch', Izzy" he narrowed his eyes at me.

"It's true.." i challenged him with my eyes
he rolled his eyes but didn't object. my bicth.

"Krym if you don't get the fuck out of my girl's bedroom i'll turn every bone in your body to sand."

"It's Krum"he corrected

oh he really is an idiot, but to be fair i forgot to mention my boyfriend was Voldemort's son

I could see in Theo's eyes the way he was picking to kill him

"Okay! Vic is gonna go now, he has to prepare for the tournament." i pushed Vic lightly off the bed motioning for him to go

"I'm not leaving you with that crazy dude" he argued

"You wanna see fucking crazy?!" Theo grabbed him by the collar

"Theo let him go or no sex for two weeks" i threatened crossing my arms on my chest.

golden method, always works

He let go of Vic immediately and straightened his shirt.

They death stared each other, their faces only inches apart.

After 15 seconds of tension and them heavy breathing, fuming i started feeling awkward

"Unless you're gonna kiss- Vic it's time for you to leave" i almost snorted at the looks on their faces

"I already told you i'm not-"
"Thanks for coming, see you soon!" i cut him off, sending him home through a portal

Now i finally felt i could breathe

I smiled at Theo innocently, but it faded when i heard a deep growl come from his chest.

Looks like someone's gonna skip the ice skating...

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