20- don't die this time

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~~~~~ Portkey to Sirius's place
Daphne, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Enzo and I all gathered around a white covered book.
They all put their hands on top of it waiting for me to do the same.

I looked at Ron beside me "Just try not to puke at me this time, i like this sweater, Ron" and then joined the others.

Ron opened his mouth to object but let out a girly scream instead as we suddenly teleportated.
It felt like being on a rollercoaster but it dragged you in every possible direction.

We were standing in someone's living room- i would imagine Black's.
It looked old but you still could see the house belonged to a wealthy family.

"Harry, my boy!" A man came over to us, dressed in a robe and slippers.
He hugged Harry tightly and offered us to sit on the couch near the fireplace.

We all sat there, listening to Harry and Sirius talk.
It was rather uncomfortable, they were mostly talking about James, it's kinda sad that they both see him in the other.

As the hours passed Harry seemed to completely forget what we came here for, Hermione was trying to get him back on track but they kept talking over her.

Ron was counting starts on the carpet before us, grimacing every now and then when he lost count.

Daphne was studying Creature's face, trying to figure out his mental issues and how to show her support as he was starting her down.
Or more like trying, even when she was sitting, she was still taller than him.

It's a shame Luna couldn't come with us, it would be hilarious to watch them two try to give Creature a glow up.

Enzo and i just kept cracking jokes the whole time, but i was getting more frustrated with each passing minute.

It's part of the seer gift and legillimence ability as well that you're more sensitive to signals from others; they make you sort of an empath.
I could feel the vibrations of Mione's and Ron's frustration on my skin as they collided with my own.

"Harry we should really get to the point." I interrupted.
"What's stuck up your ass? We've got plenty of time." He said irritated.

Everyone besides Harry decided to go make dinner since it has been hours since we got here and it looks like we're going to be staying a few longer.
"I'm just gonna go wash my hands." I said leaving the kitchen.

I walked through the huge mansion but couldn't find a bathroom, i went up the stairs until i reached a black door.
It had 'R.A.B.' carved on it.
I opened the door and walked inside.

R.A.B...R.A.B...i knew it from somewhere.
The room looked like it was abandoned, not touched in years but everything was in it's place, even the messy shirts thrown on the chair by the desk.

I walked over to them, picking up a sleeve of one of them to read the letters sewed on it.  

R.A.B...like Regulus Arcturus Black.

The boy from the newspaper.
The boy that drowned trying to save us.
He was a known tragedy story the Wizarding world.
Not exactly known, we was sort of a taboo topic, mostly only people that went to Hogwarts at the same time as him knew.

He was the last person to have the horcrux, he attempted to destroy it.
"This is the master's room. You are not allowed in here." Creature spat from behind me, making me jump in fright.

"Where did Regulus loose the horcrux?" I ignored his request for me to leave.
"You must leave this room miss Volliov." I wish i had the empathy skills Daphne does.
I know what a person is feeling, just can't quite sympathise.

"Listen, i know you were with him that day. I know you have always been loyal to him. I want to complete the work he gave his life for but i can't do it alone." I tried to persuade him into helping me.

"Creature has been loyal." He agreed, feeling appreciated.
It was working.
"Do you know where the horcrux is?"
He shook his head violently.
"Do you have something that was important to Regulus? I'm going to perform a seeking spell but i'm going to need some strong anchor to his spirit." I said putting down the sleeve.

He was conflicted with himself.
Debating weather it was the right thing to do as a house Elf or the opposite.

"Will Master's vial of blood be enough?" He finally spoke.
"His blood? Yes that's perfect. Why do you even have it tho?" My excitement was shaded by concern.
"A sample of blood of all members of the house of Black is collected at their birth." He turned around and went to get it, i followed behind him.

That was more crazy that i imagined.
It shouldn't be a surprise to me that one of the richest bloodlines of pure-blooded wizards had their own cult-like ritual.
The chill it sent down my spine did not go away, it stayed there for minutes.

We got to a massive storage.
I took a look around and immediately regretted it.
I jumped with a scream as i saw a row of their previous house elfes' bodies.
The chill on my spine was no longer a chill, it was now a burning feeling going straight to what felt like the core of my soul.

He looked at me judging before handing me the small vial filled with blood that got darker from all the years that passed, it was now a shade of copper.
I gave him a half smile and left to the kitchen.

Dinner was ready, i haven't realised how much time had passed.
"Where have you been?" Mione asked.
I couldn't tell if her expression meant irritation or concern.
"I got lost, sorry."
She gave me a side eye before flicking her wand, making all the plates go to their places.

We sat down and ate, Harry and Sirius were still invested in their talk, now talking about professor Lupin.
Ron was practically inhaling the food, chewing was not going fast enough.
I told the others about my plan to use a tracking spell and we hurried up with eating to get to work as fast as possible.

We were now done, we decided to leave Harry behind and go on our own.
We performed the spell which was more of a ritual.
It was good that they were all skilled, it would have been much harder to do it by myself.

We turned the blood vial into a pendant that served as an anchor, it was linked to the Regulus was last.
I wrapped it around my hand, others linked theirs and Enzo and Daphne put their palms on my shoulders.
I focused on the energy from the pendant and appâtâtes us.

I could feel we weren't indoors but we've spent so many hours at Sirius' house it was pitch black outside now.

I took my hand out, muttering "Lumos" as a ball of light appeared above my palm.
I focused on it, making it shine brighter and grow.
It flew before us, enlightening the space we were in.

I gulped at the sight.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up straight.

I felt a freezing cold wave go through my muscles.

Adrenaline filled every cell in my body.

I've been here before...

we're right at the verge of the juicy part
also 1 300 reads? y'all are crazy 🔥
let me know what you think
have a good 48hrs loves ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥

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