23- Open you're eyes! It's time to wake up!

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"Who's Kai?"

Fuck.                                 Fuck.                                 Fuck.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, moving my cereal around the bowl.

"Um, I don't know. Who is he?" My attempt to turn the question around was more than pathetic.

I cringed at myself.

Theo looked between us three confused as Tom bore his eyes into mine, challenging me.

"Izabelle." Theo warned, he probably thought i was cheating.

I'm not fucking shy, thank you very much.

I realised there was no getting out of this.
I had to give them something to feed their curiosity.

"Kai is my twin brother." It was a half-truth so i wasn't all the way bad.

I searched they're faces.
That seemed to be good enough for them.

Tom opened his mouth to say something but decided against it.
The others didn't know about his little trip to the orphanage and we weren't on good terms.
He wouldn't risk it like that.

"Why have you never told us about him? Is he still at Durmstrang?" Pansy exclaimed excited.
"Not exactly." My voice sounded sad even to me.

Suddenly Draco dumped himself next to me.

Thank fuck.
I've never been so excited to see him.

His arm was wrapped in a bandage, i imagine from the 'NDE' Buckbeak gave him.

It made my blood boil how he downgraded it.
Spoiled brat.

"Have you heard what the nurse said? I could have lost my arm.-" Pansy clasped his mouth closed.

"Yes, i've heard it four times today already, and it's not even 8am yet."

She put her hand down, allowing him to speak again.
"I told my father about it.-"     Oh, Merlin. It might be the boys asking about Kai that's making me irritated, but it also just may be Malfoy's "charm".

"-They're going to have that filthy creature's head." He smirked, proud of himself.


"When?!" i shot, panicked.
Nobody else at the table seemed to care, only Pansy was looking a little sad.

"Later today."

I run out of the Great Hall and to my dorm.

Frantically searching for a blank parchment and a quill i spilled some ink on my desk.

I didn't have the time to care.

I wrote a messy letter to Newt to come to Hogwarts and rescue Buckbeak.

I mean if someone can help him- it's Newt.

Carmi took the letter and took off, but that didn't calm me.

I was annoyed all the time, like i was itching inside.
Constantly frustrated.

I brushed it off, blaming it on the stress that i've been through lately.

I was going to head back to the others when i bumped into a tall figure.

I looked up to see Theo.

"Are you alright, love?"
He pulled me into his chest, seeing the worry on my face.

I nuzzled into him.
He was always so warm and comfortable.
Like a big teddy bear.

"Can we just go somewhere, anywhere?"

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