30- hypothetically...of course

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The second we went through the door the smell of cinnamon and apples hit me like a truck.

I went to the kitchen to greet the others.

Queenie was been going wild with all the cooking and Jacob racing after her, eating everything in his sight.

He would've been friends with Ron..

"Oh, i missed you so much, little one." Queenie said as she pulled me into a tight hug. "Tina's no fun" she whispered knowing damn well her sister was right around the corner.

"One of us has to be responsible!" she retorted.

"You know you might be serious but i wouldn't exactly call you responsible." i smirked at her "For instance remember that time when we snuck out the window with Newt's suitcase to see which dragon was fas-"

"Silencio." Tina casted as soon as she grabbed her wand.

"I'm offended." Newt dramatically gasped.
I went over to him to help, it was soon time to feed all his animals.

"You didn't invite me? To my own party?" he referred to the fact that the creatures were his.
" Besides i could've told you Zouwu is the fastest, he can get us to Paris from here in a few seconds, but he'll make your head spin."

"Why do i get the feeling you're speaking from experience?" i smirked cuffing my sleeves.

"I am." he responded proudly.

"I can handle this, you can go rest if you're tired from the travel." he grabbed two buckets of meat for Nundu's.

"No, no i want to help. I missed this. Plus i've been sleeping all the time lately." i grabbed two buckets as well and went with him.

"Alright then, our kids missed you as well, they might be clingy for a few days." he smiled.

He really did feel like the creatures were his kids, that's probably why he was so quick to adopt me, what's another one right ?

We came to a stop and put the buckets down as we heard a powerful roar.

"Do you think they'll crash me?" i asked as two huge Nundu's troated towards us and a little one behind them.

"..Possibly, just in case throw meat to distract them."

Luckily for me the big cats came to a sharp stop just inches from us.

We let them a few times, careful not to touch their spikes before feeding them.

"So...i have a few questions.." i tried to sound nonchalant "..let's say, hypothetically of course, that you catch an Inferi-" Newt's head snapped up and he watched me with worrying eyes. "-would it be possible to turn him-it human again..?"

"Izzy what did you do?" his tone was stern.

He rarely used it, maybe four times ever, only when i was in deep shit.

"Nothing, like i said- hypothetically." i kept my focus on the animals to not give away how nervous i was.

What will i do if i won't be able to turn Regulus back to his normal self?

I'll have an Inferi to somehow put back to that damned cave, without anyone seeing me.
And we will be nowhere near finding out about where the horecrux is.

There's one more thing, but i won't let myself dwell on that, not until i know there's hope.

"Hmm...i haven't heard of that ever happening, Inferi are very rare and not often spoken of, but i suppose you could cast some sort of counter curse."
He answered after a moment.

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