Seven- a lot

677 11 2

She kissed me.

Her lips were sweet and soft.

But this was wrong.

I pulled away.
Here cheeks were a shade of bright pink.
"I'm really sorry. You're lovely, but I'm taken." I said giving her a sympathetic look and smile.

"It's okay, I'm sorry."
I glanced down at her cup, the clear liquid was now turning into bright but soft pink.
"Looks like you figured it out." I motioned the cup.

Once she saw it she put it on the counter and jumped into my arms squeaking from excitement.
She was adorable.

"Ekhm." We heard someone clear their throat.

We turned to see professor Trelawney standing in the door probably coming back for her next lesson.
"I'm sure you know girls that kissing in a classroom is not appropriate behavior. I'm afraid I have no choice but to give you detention, turn to Hagrid at 7pm."
"Yes professor." We said and went towards the door to leave.
"Although your auras are glowing. You do make a very cute couple." Our auras? Okay i'm definitely going to have to learn how to read those.
"We're not together, professor." Daphne said and we left for our next class.

After I finished classes for today I decided to go to the library.
Last time I was there I was mesmerized by the impressive collection of books they have.
And all of them about magic.

I walked into the library and started walking down the long aisles.
I spotted maybe five students in there.
That's something I'll never understand, how can they have the opportunity to learn magic and decide to get drunk every night instead.

I noticed by the end of the long aisles there was the librarian's desk, but behind it there was a staircase hidden in a corner.
Like she was supposed to watch it.
I wonder what's in there.

Someone asked the woman for help with finding a book causing her to leave her post.
I took this chance and sneaked to the stairs.

I started walking up the countless steps.
They were different than the others in the castle, these ones were made of wood, meaning I had to be careful not to make any noise.

I was getting tired and my legs were about to give in when I finally reached the top.
There was a massive wooden door standing before me.

I tried to open it but it was locked.
I took out my wand and whispered.
I heard a click and the door opened.
Honestly? That's how you protect it?
By shielding it with a spell that can be broken by an eleven year old.
I didn't even expect it to work.
But it's better for me I guess.

I walked inside and saw what looked like another library but and abandoned one.
There was no one there.
All the lights were out.
There was a thick coat of dust covering the shelves.
This must be the forbidden section I've heard about.
There must be lots of interesting books in here.

I looked around for a bit and then I felt it again.
The strange feeling.
I decided to follow it again, what do I have to loose?

I walked past long bookcases until I reached the end of the corridor.
There was nothing here.
Hogwarts was famous for secret rooms and passages so maybe I'm not crazy.

I started to touch the bricks on the walls looking for something suspicious, out of place.
Suddenly my hand fell through the wall.

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