Chapter 33

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After a half an hour of non stop training. I felt tired. He's really pushing me. I think I did good.

"Ok. Ten minute break. You did good eternity." Sam smiled.

"Thanks. You to." I smiled back.

I took a drink of water. And sat on the grass. We both had cuts and bruises here and there.

"Eternity." my father called.

I turned around and my father stood with other tall beings. First thought I got was clones. Then I remembered, his brothers. My uncles.

I stood up fast and dusted myself off. Then looked back at my father. He gestured me to come.

"I'll be back."

"Ok. Take your time."

"Thanks Sam."

"Your welcome." (:3)

I walked towards my father. Still trying to get dead grass off my cloths. That's always a struggle.

I was standing infront of him now. Looking up at him.

"...Yes?" I said nervous.

"I would like you to meet your uncles. My brothers."

"Hello, I'm sexual offender man. Nice to meet you, eternity."


"Child, if he tries and gives you a rose. Don't."

I nod at my fathers advice.

"I'm splendor man. You are very beautiful! Your nothing like your father."

I giggled at that.

"Thank you."

"And I'm tender man. And that sweater on you fits you nice."

"Hi and thanks."

they were very different. My father means business, his suits all the time. but he has a soft side. Offender man is...very...sexual. Drench coat and a rose in his pocket. Splendor man is very kind. Kid friendly. With his colourful suit and big smile. And tender man. He has a different style. Brown sweater vest. And dress pants. Nice style. He seems sassy and looks likes he's into fashion.

"I'm technically slenders cousin. But I rather classify myself as his brother."

I nod at tenders side note.

"Well, I think I should introduce myself properly too."

They nod.

"I'm eternity. Nice to meet you all." I finished it off with a smile.

Sam came walking beside me.

"I think it's enough training for today. You should get to know your uncles. See you later."

Sam walked off in a hurry. Hmm.


"Who was that?" Tendy asked.

"A friend"

"Ok. Why don't we go back to the mansion?"


We started walking and I felt awkward. I was in the back while they talked. I looked up at them and they were all the same height.

They were different. But the same.

After awhile of walking we were only 10 minutes from the mansion.

I was tired. From running and training. And the heat isn't helping. I felt tentacles wrap around my waist and lift me up.

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