Chapter 22

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I held the note in my hand. Lightly. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Scared of the outcomes. But I pushed myself forwards. Into the dining room. Everyone stared at me while I walked slowly towards my father. I stood beside him. Head held down.

"Child. What wrong? What do you have in your hands?" My father said.

I gave him the note. And he read it. He got up slamming his hands down on the table. Causing me to jump. His tentacles sprung out making me to jump even more. He picked me up and placed me on his chair. I brung my knees up. I was scared.

"What's the matter?" My mom said a little nervous.

My father past the note to my mom. She read it and anger and fear covered her face. I pulled my hood on and held on my knees tighter.

"How dare they!" My mom almost yelled.

I felt my fathers anger force or whatever around him. He gripped the chair and pulled it back. With me still on it. Then he started walking around me. I buried my face into my knees.

"Eternity look at me. Now!"
I slowly raised my head to find him infront of me. He was angry.

"When and where did you find this?"

"I...I found it on my bed...when I went...into my room."

He sighed and calmed down abit. But he didn't calm down as much as I hoped.

"Your not safe alone."

I just kept looking at him. Fear in my eyes.

"You are sleeping in our room. Your mother will watch you. I'll keep watch. When you are alone my proxies including your...uncles and tribetwelve will watch over you...i have no choice to tell them."

He stood up and it sounded like that last part wasn't his favourite part.

"Uncles? Tribetwelve?"

"You'll find out later. Now go on into the living room. Relax. We will handle it."

I stood up slowly and walked into the living room. I walked into the living room. I heard them talking. They had a huge ass tv. And video game councils around it. Different games and controllers. They even have mics.

"Game freak much?" I whispered.

I went to the couch. And sat down. I turned on the tv and watched some MTV. It was my favourite channel. It use to be Disney or family, but it isn't the same anymore. All those new shows. I loved the old ones.

I wanted to play online. Xbox 360 style!! I hooked up the xbox and played Titanfall. I plugged in the mic and choose an online account. As I was looking through each one. I found one with my name. I clicked it and the avatar looked similar to me.

"They must have made one for me.." I again whispered.

I smiled abit and started playing. I get really into my games. And get really competitive.

-after 20 minutes of hardcore gaming-

"THREE SIX ZERO NO SCO-PY!!!!" I screamed into the mic while jumping of a building and doing a 360 shooting and hitting two enemies. I bursted out laughing.

"So, I see you found out about your online account." Said a voice behind me.

I turned around to see the little dude in green. I slowly took of the mic and smiled a little.

"...Uh yea..." I said shyly.

"Haha. Don't be shy."


'Ok? Is that all you got Eternity? Damn! Ask a question!'

"Oh, uhh....ben is it?"

He nodded and sat beside me.

" you with me?"

"Sure. What do you wanna play love?"

I looked at him. love? Really?!?!

"Don't call me that. And it doesn't matter."

"Ok princess. We will play a round or two of COD."

"Don't call me that either and sure. I don't really play 'cod'."

"What? Noob!"

"Damn proud of it!"

"Haha. What ever let's start!"

After hours of playing. I got bored and tired. Wow. Gaming tires me out. Noob. I got up and left BEN to play alone. He's really good. I'm surprised. Also what a perv! He gave me pervy grins. He would check me out a lot. And call me nicknames. Like earlier.

I walked into the dining room. No one. Walked into the kitchen. No one. Good. I was thirsty. So I went to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. As soon as I was going to leave. Something caught my eye. I looked out the window nothing. I got carious. So I quietly walked out the Back door and looked around.

"Nice back yard. The deck is nice." I walked alittle bit towards the stairs. Leading to the ground. I took a quick glance around and a black and white clown caught my eye.

"Laughing...jack?..." I was shocked.
I heard him chuckle. We were quite a distance from each other. But I could hear him clearly.

"So, you know my name. Well that's good. Now you got a name and face. Go ahead and try to kill me."

He snickered after saying that. I was comfused.

"...What are you doing here..." I was now scared.

"Zalgo, he wanted me to 'check up' on you. And it seems like your alone."

I stayed silent. He again chuckled.

"I'm right aren't I?"

I didn't respond. He started walking towards me. Slowly. My breathing became heavier. I couldn't make a noise. I couldn't move.

"Here's a riddle eternity. Zalgo and Zoara wanted me to say to you personally.
When I drink, I will die. When I eat, I am fine. what am I?"

I heard this riddle before. But so long

"Fuck you jack!" I screamed. My eyes getting blurry a little.

I didn't mention this earlier but when I was younger. I had this teddy bear. I loved that teddy bear. It was a gift from my father my mom told me. This was at our old, old house. The white one. I took that bear everywhere. It meant so much to me. I couldn't let it go. And I still can't. I miss it. I loved it. I need it. One day. When I accidentally left it at home while going to the store to pick up some stuff. When my mom was loading the car up. Firetrucks and police were racing towards our block.

"Oh my honey. I wonder what happened."

I just shrugged and worried about my bear. After getting to our block my mother gasped. And started saying no over and over. She parked and jumped out the car. I looked over to see what happened. And our house. My home. Was on fire. I unbuckled the seatbelt and jumped out. Running towards the house. Tears in my eyes. I got stopped and picked up. By a strange fireman. He looks like jack. Then he carries me back to my moms car and sits me down. Then he said something that will and now haunt me.

"Eternity doll, here's a riddle.
When I drink, I will die. when I eat, I am fine. What am I?"
Extra long chapter and a picture for y'all. I'm so sorry its been forever that I updated. I felt bad for the past few days. So here ya go. Hope you like it!
Also can anyone figure out this riddle????
Also. Again. The next chapter it will be back into reality with the older and creepier laughing jack and the older eternity. It's going to be action. I hope.
And as always. Hope you enjoyed! :D

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