Before I start the story.

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Before I start the story I would like to say thanks for reading my lame ass story. I'm gonna update two chapters at a time. So yeah.

Also this is for my friend Sara. She loves the thought of slenderman having a daughter.

And if you want to share your ideas just comment or message me. I check the comments.

If you want a shoutout. I'm more than happy to do it.

But thanks.

Hope you enjoy.

Love sky.

(That's me)

******FUTURE ME********

Hello! I  am from the future. So a day ago i finished the book

October 15, 2016

Let me give you a heads up.

The first chapters are so cringy...but if you manage not to die from cringing so hard. The book gets decent. Longer chapters and more is packed in.

I learn how to write a book as I write this. Many people have told me that this book was good for my first time.

Sooo, I hope that encourages you to not give up.

Keep in mind I will update and edit this book. Well, the first half to make it less cringe worthy.

If you are rereading this book. Thank you. I hope the upgrades will make this book better.

Thank you for reading.

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